Priest arrested for smuggling "holy sand"


Staff member

"He refused to be searched saying that he was a religious person and it was not allowed," Van Aapel said.

"However, this is normal procedure so our officers insisted. They asked him again and after the second time they carried out the search and discovered the man had packs strapped to his legs below his priest's clothes. He told us they contained holy sand," he said.
Awesome idea. Especially the "not allowed" part. I can see it now...

"Sir, you'll have to pay for those waffles you ate."


Staff member
Hahaha, holy sand? He couldn't find anything better? "It's just some talc, I have a fragile skin you know!"
He should have just lined the bottom of some boots with them or just rolled around in it first with wet clothes so it all stuck to him. Sure it doesn't sound practical at all but he might have smuggled at least a dime bag after beating his seemingly just unsanitary garmets.

Griffith No More! said:
I need to start going to church.
you can go with me, it would be radical. We need to get radical.
I haven't gone in years nor wanted to though. But it was funny when all the lights went out the last time I did go during a storm and all the elderly gasped like satan had possessed the fixtures.
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