Guts Munch-O-Meter


Bettychu, I choose YOU!
"Let me teach you... HERE'S how to use your mouth in battle!!"

How DO you use your mouth, Guts? Let us count the ways...


Everybody knows this scene. Remember kids... pointy = delicious!


The area between the thumb and forefinger of an apostle is nice and meaty.


Guts is eating a raw snake to try and counteract Rosinne's poison. Apparently swallowing fresh blood helps, as seen in...


...THIS picture. This time it's the intestines of a fresh young child, coccooned for transformation. Yummy.


So much for our hero's cheeks. Not like he ever needs to smile, though. ^^ He doesn't care, as long as he's got something pointy to chew on! In this instance it's Rosinne's skewer-horn.


Pliers are a rare delicacy... but Guts doesn't know where those things have been! Mozgus' henchmen liked to pluck off body parts and stick metal objects where they don't belong when dealing with accused blasphemers and witches...

Munch-O-Meter total: 6

I could easily have missed a few spots, if anyone remembers more, speak up! And if anyone has a pic of Guts chomping on Caska's chest from episode 190 (don't remember if it was shown or not), post away. ^^


Bettychu, I choose YOU!
A few notes: I haven't counted any scene with Guts eating normal human food, nor have I counted pulling his arm-cannon's drawstring with his teeth. Mainly because they're not bloody or pointy enough.

The fith picture actually made my cheeks hurt.
Yeah... and you'd think that'd scar, too... *wince*


Staff member
How could you forget this one!?


Little children and their small intestines require a bit of emryotic fluid to be tasted with proper etiquette.


Bettychu, I choose YOU!
How could you forget this one!?

Picture number four is from the same delicious scene, and I was going with a theme of close-up pics. I admit I really really wanted to use that full pic too though, as you can see more of what's going on... ;D I ended up going with one pic per scene, though.

i always wonder how he keeps his teeth in this great shape...

I think he just gets plenty of zinc.


Bettychu, I choose YOU!
You forgot Casca's boob, for shame.

Not forgotten, notice my plea for boobage at the end of the original post.

Unless you're talking to Walter, then I'd have to agree, you forgot Casca's boob damnit! 8)

Don't forget some witty comment about it being tasty, too. ^^


rofl. I haven't gotten to chapter 190 yet.. only finished vol 22  :'(
Don't forget when Guts used his teeth to swing his sword to cut off the Count's head after his right hand was broken! (I dont have the pic tho.)


Bettychu, I choose YOU!
WAH, thanks for the reminder! I KNEW I forgot something semi-obvious. Here's an image:


Puck: "Hold still for a sec... and find something to bite onto, this may hurt. You need to be more careful about where you get hit with arrows."
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