Recent content by stifler

  1. S

    *NEW!*PS2 Game video 4 - Guts vs Gurunberd; Giant on the battlefield.

    Re: PS2 Game video - Guts vs Zodd; The battle damn this is way too good, i think i might just order the game and play it on my friend's PS2.....
  2. S

    Berserk websites.

    sure np man....
  3. S

    Where are you from?

    Re: Where are you from? well i came to the US 6 years ago, and i like it here, but my beliefs coming here were much different from what actually was. I was of coarse mystified by its grandeur, but the first thing i noticed was that there were open lawns, where i come from u always had a fence...
  4. S

    Where are you from?

    Re: Where are you from? Ты все еще в России жывешь? Кстати не знаешь каких нибудь хорошых русских сайтов с Berserk?
  5. S

    Berserk websites.

    how about
  6. S

    Mighty warrior Berserk

    HAHA! And I thought my English teacher hated me! No man its all good, negative feedback improves ones skills right? U never know maybe next time it'l get better, thanks for the feedback tho.
  7. S

    Your Avatar and You...

    if you take a knife and make an incision by the brestbone you will find my avatar......
  8. S

    Where are you from?

    Re: Where are you from? Интересно а сколько сдесь вобще русских? Moscow, Russia
  9. S

    Mighty warrior Berserk

    A Hero, born like all the rest His future prearranged, But fate's fine threads fell from the test Of swordsmanship........fate changed He stood among the finest crew And yet they could not fare Too well, against the evil few But struggle they did dare The bravery he's shown that day Ineffable...
  10. S

    Casca's attitude toward Griffith

    yeah i read, must have missed that....
  11. S

    Casca's attitude toward Griffith

    Ok, but how about this, is there any consciousness of the child left in the current Griffith? I personally think there isn't...
  12. S

    Idea's Downfall

    It's just that logically if there is no balance between two forces (of any kind) one always wins, so in order for there to be a balance there has to be 2 forces not 1. If there was only evil, everyone would be evil, however people have hope and that hope is what counters the evil. And that hope...
  13. S

    Idea's Downfall

    Did you actually read what I said? I never said there is a lump of flesh(entity) that is the Idea of Good, I said that there are common people in the Berserk world that believe that God will offer salvation, and that belief (not the Idea, but idea - lowercase i) is the counter to Idea of Evil...
  14. S

    Idea's Downfall

    Re: Ideas Downfall In one other post I already proposed that the Idea of Good exists, not as an entity, but as an actual idea, the fact that people actually believe in the goodness of God, that ideal, perfect, loving God IS the Idea of Good, but it is only an idea....hehe But the shape of Idea...
  15. S

    What did the Neo Band of the Hawk sacrifice to become Apostles?

    Here are all my thoughts: Griffith the Hawk of Darkness leads the black sheep, or the apostles, and he is the king of the white blind sheep, or the humans who think him to be good, when he is evil... As for the sacrifices it could be anything, however the reasons of the sacrifices is directly...
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