About the lost episode??? (Questions)


The Raging Demon
um what exactly is it i was lookin through your mechandise section and have only been following the american releases of berserk so nothing gets ruined for my why isnt it in the manga and more importantly what is it??

soory if this is asked alot!!

also the cover of volume 13 how do you think they will bring that to americans???
You didn't search before making this thread, did you?


Encyclopedia said:
In 1996, Young Animal released Episode 83 of Berserk. It contained the most controversial subject matter in the series, a conversation between Griffith and the god of Berserk, The Idea of Evil. It was removed from the collected manga (1997) by Miura upon his request. The reason he gave for its removal is that it said too much, too early in the series. You can find a text translation of the episode here.

To see it: http://skullknight.net/manga/83/01.jpg (change the URL accordingly to get the rest)

Translation: http://skullknight.net/idea/

About the cover of volume 13, I don't see why they wouldn't "bring it to Americans".
when do you recommend i read it i mean he said the episode said to much to early after what episode or volume do you think i should read it at!!??
Read it after volume 13, it's supposed to be taking place in the middle of the volume. You'll know when you read it.