Berserk music vid

Here's a berserk music vid I made a while ago.  I finally was able to host it.

Tell me what ya think.

If it doesn't work when you click it just copy and paste it into the address bar.

I also made a DMC one (if you haven't played any of these games you'll probably want to now)


Jesus cries when he looks at me.
One of the songs is drowning pool, "Step up" is the name i think... but dont know the name of the first song that starts it off.

Anyways, kickass video. I wish i knew how to put one togeather.
I've made one before. It had horrible quality and just about everything else was a problem.

I used Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio.
Were all of these from the anime?

Somehow some of it i had never seen before (I am wondering if my country actually censorsed it!!! >:()
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