Blade 2


The best defense is a good offence!
Have anyone watched it yet? I haven't yet but I heard some great critism about it. I probably go watch this easter weekend . Been busy lately.
Really? Everyone I know says it was the most horrible movie of the year. I didn't like Blade 1 (oh, come-on! The friggin story was predictable to the detail of their conversations! And the graphics are just cheesy trying to be gothic and dark). People says the plot is beyond inconvincing. The blood is fake, the moves are predictable, yadiyadiyada.

Of course, I'm pretty sure enough people went to see the movie to make their revenue back. :)
I'll probably watch it cos it looks near enough cool and Donnie Yen's in it i think he did some of the fight choreography as well
Well, I have to say I really like Blade 1. The action was awesome. When I watched it in the threates, people were cheering and shoutin whenever there was a cool action sequence.

I agree that Donnie Yen is cool. He wasn't supposed to be in the movie but the director and Wesley wanted him to be in it (which is great) and yeah, he did the fight choregrahpey.
I liked the soundtrack most and the graphics weren t that bad either at that time!
Blade 1 is definetely one of the better action movies although it is still just.... a action movie!
I must say, I liked the first... 50 minutes of Blade 1, but something about the ending put me off it. Hopefully Blade 2 will be even better, I will see it Friday I think with my mates, so I will post my valid opinion of it then :P
I must say, I liked the first... 50 minutes of Blade 1, but something about the ending put me off it. Hopefully Blade 2 will be even better, I will see it Friday I think with my mates, so I will post my valid opinion of it then :P
yep...thats right the ending was quite a bit strange but however it was better than the other end they could have used.(can see it on the dvd-specials) :P
I saw the first blade and thought it was way overated but not terrible, just mediocre. Im not terribly excited about Blade 2 and may catch it at the cinema when it opens here in the UK. Blade 3 is already been confirmed and I think some of you will find the plot rather interesting.

At the end of the first Blade I thought to myself, "well this is ok, but its no Vampire Hunter D". Now, the producer of the Blade movies said in an intervew that the next installment will be set thousands of years in the future where vampires have won the battle between them and humans and now rule earth in some kinda dark future where humans are the livestock and vampires have all the power. Now does this remind anyone else of a certain anime? ;)

Perhaps the producer was watching VHD when he was thinking of ideas for the next movie. ;D
Blade 2 was pretty good. The action is what it all about and it delivers in that respect. Anyone going into this thinking they are getting a deep detailed story is going to be dissapointed.

It's about some uber-vampires that can go out in the daylight and hunt other vampires...of course the vampire nation is freaked and inlists the help of their enemy Blade ( whom they have been building a task force called the Blood Pack to hunt and kill him for the last two years ) anyway, Blade joins them and action ensues.

If you like cool kung-fu fighting and lots of gore and detailed deaths this is the good stuff. It delivers were Resident Evil did not. If your going to make a horror the horror.
Just saw it and its a good movie but not memorable if you know what i mean and i was kinda dissapointed that donnie yen didnt do much
I saw it last night. The action was great and the effect were so much better than the first. Just lacked a plot really.. it was more an excuse for Blade just to blow more creatures of the night into flaming fragments of bone marrow. Still, I would recommend it to all you people over 16 and who saw the first one.
This movie is the shit!!! This is way better than the first one. Dispuite what other people think, I thought this movie had a good plot. Unlike other Vampire movies, this one was original. Instead of fightiing just regular vampires, there is new kind of vampires who kicks major ass. The maker was able to make it believabe for a returning character. The action doesn't disappoint. Theres some cg, extreme cameral angles, speed cutting and bullet time to create a more visual excitement.

This is probably the best action movie I seen this year!
Well i just saw it... and i liked it.  it had a good blend of horror and action elements.
With the action, i do like how they blended CG and live-action elements in the fight scenes.  Except in one instance (one of the first fights) where they looked like rubber dolls.  Also the incorporation of wrestling moves in the later fights i found comedic and stupid (my friends and i had a good laugh about that one).
While it isn't the best story i've ever seen, it had enough twists so that it wasn't predictable. Overall it was of the same quality as the first Blade.