silent hill 4 wallpaper

After listening to some of the songs from the Silent Hill 4 OST preview, I went to some SH forums and one of the members posted a Silent Hill 4 promotion t shirt. Well... I'm assuming it's a promo. ^^;;

Anyways I really liked the design that was on the shirt and decided to use it to make a SH 4 wallpaper.

I'll go ahead and add a spoiler warning just in case.

If you've played the previous Silent Hill games, you might recognize the character. Nobody really knows if this particular person is in SH 4 (or if this was his/her fate)... but I thought it was kind of neat that they used this character for the t-shirt design.

Once again please don't click on the link if you don't want anything spoiled for you.

Silent Hill 4 Wallpaper.

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