the final fantsasy session


"This is it. It's over."
ok folks, let's get it on.
how do you guys like final fantasy (the rpg, not the movie... ;))
what is the best ff in the series?
who's your favourite character?
what do you like about it in particular, what do you dislike?

some of you seem not to like it since ff7 appeared. please explain that to me for i cannot understand.

alright, let the talking begin!
first of all,i m addicted to ff!!
the movie was pretty shitty concerning everything but the animation!
i play ff since part 7 but today i try to grab one of these remakes of part 6;just to get to know some of the past of this game!
generally i really love the story and the characters that get really outstandingly powerful,strong and skilled through the game.
furthermore the graphics,especially the animations are really highest quality and sometimes just breathtaking!(as i saw for the first time the start of ff8!)
...... :-X
first of all,today i try to grab one of these remakes of part 6;just to get to know some of the past of this game!

really! i already got one. i'm currently playing it. des is des ärgste oida! played for 20 hours...
plus i played the ffx demo. (we europeans are so lucky, a year after the game is released in japan we get to see a DEMO of it first). however that's something we can happily look forward to! ;D
Shit, its a toss up between Final Fantasy VI(III in the US) and Final Fantasy Tactics!! I feel that these were the best, back in the day.

Man if Square ever does any sequels in my lifetime, I pray they make it for either of these rpg gems.
I lost my FF Virginity to FFVIII, therefore it will always be my first love. I played FFVII and the story gripped me. I think many of us fell in love with Tiffa, for her personality and characteristics. But there was more of a relevance with FFVIII, personally, than with FFVII. Still, those two will be compared until they make a FF to surpass them both... which may be awhile. My mates were supposed to buy me FFVI for my birthday.. I am still waiting :-X.
My favourite character of them all was Zell. He was not really regonised as a main part of the game, but he was so kick ass. Plus... that Tatoo is Damn niffty.
In the UK and Europe (I think) we are STILL waiting for FFX.. I am looking forward to it, as I played the demo. I was very impressed! Was it just me.. or were Ramstein in the game? The music sounds smiliar ???.
Enough of my babble, FFVIII was my favourite, and will be for a long time. As for FFIX... no comment.
where did u get it??and how much was it?
in graz. 14 euro.
Shit, its a toss up between Final Fantasy VI(III in the US) and Final Fantasy Tactics!! I feel that these were the best, back in the day.
i never played tactics. what is that one like?
I lost my FF Virginity to FFVIII, therefore it will always be my first love.
yeah, mine too. i fell in love with rinoa... :-[.
those two will be compared until they make a FF to surpass them both...
well that might probably be FFX. at least that is my expectation
Was it just me.. or were Ramstein in the game? The music sounds similar.
you mean that sound during the blitzball-game? yeah, that may be... bah deathmetal... that's all the same bullsh...
I lost my FF Virginity to FFVIII, therefore it will always be my first love.

Wow.  In my mind, that's like your first time is getting an ass-pounding in prison.

As for FFIX... no comment.

I guess going from 8 to 9 is quite the change, but goddamn.  The two games are almost completely different.

My personal favorite would still have to be Final Fantasy IV.  I played FF1 way back when it first came out, loved it, even though I beat Chaos in punch (thanks level 99 Black Belt!).  I just loved FFIV's characters more than any other game.  5 and 6 were good games, 6 was definitely one of the best.  

some of you seem not to like it since ff7 appeared. please explain that to me for i cannot understand.

7 was...ehhh, not good? The music wasn't good, the plot had a lot of holes....but it was in 3D!! 8 was leftover puke that Square flushed down the throats of gamers, and it's story was also inconsistent and lame(Notice Squall in discs 1 and 2 as a complete jackass...then in disc 3...."I LOVE YOU RINOA!!!") and 9 was a redemption, of sorts, but I think it was good to me because of the nostalgia. I did get pissed off hardcore after I beat Ozma...i went to go save it, and these little bastards for enemies killed me on the way. No shit. I haven't played it since :)  I haven't finished 10 yet, I've been putting it on hold for several months now...too busy.  But I do really like it so far.  Especially the 'Sprouting' song on disc 2 of the OST...I love that song!
So to sum up my babbaling crazziness:
what is the best ff in the series?

Final Fantasy IV.

who's your favourite character?

A toss up between Kain and Golbez, for me.
Wow.  In my mind, that's like your first time is getting an ass-pounding in prison.
oh come on, is it really that bad?

7 was...ehhh, not good?  The music wasn't good, the plot had a lot of holes....but it was in 3D!!
do you think so? i liked the some pieces (one winged angel, aeris...) where did the plot have holes?

8 was leftover puke that Square flushed down the throats of gamers, and it's story was also inconsistent and lame(Notice Squall in discs 1 and 2 as a complete jackass...then in disc 3...."I LOVE YOU RINOA!!!")
i don't know why everyone has a problem with FFVIII. the intro was the most awesome one i've ever seen. the characters were cool, the music was probably the best ever to appear in a ff-game so far. moreover did i like the junction-system of 8. why tha hell is squall a complete jackass in disc 1 & 2??
i don't know why everyone has a problem with FFVIII. the intro was the most awesome one i've ever seen. the characters were cool, the music was probably the best ever to appear in a ff-game so far. moreover did i like the junction-system of 8. why tha hell is squall a complete jackass in disc 1 & 2??

Dude.. he didn't speak to anyone, or show any emotion, he was a proper wanker. But he is still kewl.

Wow. In my mind, that's like your first time is getting an ass-pounding in prison.

How would you know what an ass-pounding is like? I'll put it down to one of your experiences of life.
Dude.. he didn't speak to anyone, or show any emotion, he was a proper wanker. But he is still kewl.

To each their own, I suppose.

How would you know what an ass-pounding is like? I'll put it down to one of your experiences of life.

We like to call them analogies(no pun intended). Don't be so hasty to attack, man.
The idea is, FF8 was the worst of them all, in my opinion.

why does this make him a jackass?
He was simply an uninteresting character, that's all. His character development was poorly done, and it was done in a huge rush at the end. FF4, 6, and 9 are far better in this respect.

oh come on, is it really that bad?
After I beat it, I was really really disappointed. I've never been that way about an FF game up to that point.

do you think so? i liked the some pieces (one winged angel, aeris...) where did the plot have holes?
The Cloud/Sephiroth thing got really convoluted and insane, and their relationships became foggy at best. That, and the game had no real closure...Aeris was pretty much useless...I guess it wasn't a very TIGHT story.
ff1 was pretty damn good it scared the hell out of me and i never got past the pirates but it was great.

ff2/ff4 was good you could beat people with a spoon

ff3/ff6 alot of people call the best along the lines of classic rpg but really wasnt all that great.

ff5 was pretty awesome with its little clases with the exception of plot and battle styles is ee no real difference between 1-6

then came mystic quest which made the movie look good if you ever get mystic quest burn it then kill yourself for looking at it.

then tactics which was absolutly amazing. i mean the translations were screwed up a little but alot of games end up like that, the plot was actually reasonable and almost play like and the characters were neat.

ff7 was good whateveryone else said yes the plot was not good the musics wasnt all that great the actually gameplay was alright but i've played it like seven times and won i mean unlike the others which i dont even finish ff7 is the only game ill return too and keep playing its nice like that.

ff8 the plot...was horrid i hated it so much the gameplay was not bad the graphics were good

ff9 ididnt even bother playing it.

ff10 ok plot shitty charcters horrible graphics good too bad the cutscenes are so many and so much that after the first 10 second as your pissed and hating the game. the voices....blessed sartan the voices are so fuckin shitty no sound for ff10 then.

ff11 multiplayer the people ugly the gameplay not all that better the plot what plot its multiplayer stupid square.
disclamer: i didn't own a super nintendo, so if you've got beef with that, eat a bag of diQ.

I've played VII and some of VIII (not IX or X), and I'll go out on a limb and say that VII was better (to me) than VIII. The plot was a bit more interesting, and I preferred the materia system to the junction system (draw, draw, draw, draw, ...).

As for characters, Red XIII.

i still like Phantasy Star IV.
We like to call them analogies(no pun intended). Don't be so hasty to attack, man.
The idea is, FF8 was the worst of them all, in my opinion.
Everyone is allowed them, so sorry for the out burst. I just thought your analysis of the game could of been more thorough, calling Squall un interesting. I just think it's a little harsh. Getting a character right can be a tricky task, I wouldn't want to attempt to make the perfect character.
Hmm, I've played FF 4-8 and 10.

Hmm, relative to the times they were made, I would have to say FF 6 was the best. It had great characters, story, and I liked the sheer amount of individual battle commands each character had.

After that, probably 10 becuz of the excellent battle system. It was the only FF where the battles didn't start becoming a chore after... 5 hours of playing. There were a lot of things in the plot that made no sense and simply insulted my intelligence, but then again the same's true with all the FFs.

My third favorite would have to be FF 7. The story was tite even though it made no sense at times, but what really got me was the cinematic presentation of the game. It was pretty damn amazing at its time.

I don't rank the rest in any particular order, but here's my opinion of the rest.

FF 8: Despite what other's said I thought the story was pretty damn good. The main character was annoying, but he was, along with the other characters, better developed than those in other FFs. I also liked how they got rid of that gay SD look. The main problem of this game was the gameplay. It really needed some polish and work.

FF 4: I didn't play when it came out. I just played it on an emulator like... 2 years ago. For its time it was good though. Story is quite good. One thing that annoyed the hell outta me was the huge frequency of random battles.

FF 5: I loved the job system in this game. Too bad the story was crap.

FF 9: Only played like the first 5 hours. The game just didn't interest me. It just seemed like a rehash of older FFs... actually that's exactly what it was. I was also really turned off by the SD chars.

Favorite char was probably Sephiroth cuz he looked cool... didn't have much personality though. I also liked Shadow from FF 6, and Auron and Lulu from 10.
umm eevryone jsut go get one or tactics youll be happy or you could egt msytic quest and every other final fantasy will be amazing comapared to it and i;bve enevr played a super intendo either
I'd have to say FF4 was the most fun...maybe because that was the first I played...but it really seemed to be an enormous world and had really unique bosses.

I tried getting into FF5 a long time ago, on several occasions, but it was just way too formulaic and boring. Didn't really like the job system, and the music wasn't all that great except for some boss themes.

FF6 had the best cinematic direction out of all the FF games, though, even if it was just with 2D , super deformed sprites. It also had the best soundtrack out of all the games, with great songs like "Devil's Workshop," "Aria de Mezzo Carattere," and most of the characters' theme songs.

I also liked the music in FF7, in particular Aerith's (or Aeris, whatever) theme, the main theme, and the boss battle song "still more fighting" among some others. I thought the music, if nothing else, was much better than in FF8 at least. I liked how the background of the characters unfolds, especially the "weak soldier rising from the ranks" sort of theme.

FF8 was way too boring and the battle system was just too retarded for me to get into. Constantly summoning creatures and pressing buttons over and over and over again for even the most menial battles was just plain dumb. My friend laid the plot down for me, after I said I wasn't going to bother with the game ever again, and it made me glad I didn't. It's so ridiculous, like it's out of a Thomas Hardy novel or something.

Haven't played 9 much yet (was too busy with other games) or 10, as i lack a ps2.
i almost forgot the first final fantasy movie which was pretty good the end had a spell that i think sent a couple thousand chocobos a thte big bad guy and wasted him you should see it.
anyone saw aeris final limit??
Yup its called Great Gospel and it heals all status ailments, fully replenishes hp/mp and temporarily makes the party invincible. A damn good spell!
i almost forgot the first final fantasy movie which was pretty good the end had a spell that i think sent a couple thousand chocobos a thte big bad guy and wasted him you should see it.

actully that was a 4 part oav[?].
on Apr 2nd, 2002, 10:50am, Cronus wrote:
My personal favorite would still have to be Final Fantasy IV. I played FF1 way back when it first came out, loved it, even though I beat Chaos in punch (thanks level 99 Black Belt!). I just loved FFIV's characters more than any other game. 5 and 6 were good games, 6 was definitely one of the best.

FFIV, V, and VI were great, yes. =)

I started with FFI also, as a widdle baby ten-year-old... or maybe younger. It kept me up WAY past my bedtime =D

Level 99 Black Belt? Not bad, considering the max level for anyone in FFI was 50. Did somebody have a Game Genie? =p~

And Kain is a fantastic bastard, yes he is. 'nuff said.