Anyone here fans of Guin Saga?

Ihave been recently introduced to a article about guin saga on wikipedia, it was informative, but lacked the explantion i sought, to what the series of novels was really about.I even checked out the 3 links that were provided, but still felt like, there has to be more info out there on the web. but i didn't want to begin a tedious project of searching the web for what would take many hours, and lead me to a thousand dead ends, partial summaries, and stolen wording. can you help a brotha out, with a link, or a web page thats worth lookin over.?
You could always order the English-translated books off, you know. I think they're up to book five now, though I could be wrong. While visiting Aaz, I read the second book (out of 100+). It was OK. Nothing to write home about in my opinion. He's more of an authority though, since he owns most of the books published in English.

There are low-fantasy elements in it, but it's mostly just generic fantasy to me. Drawing parallels to Berserk seems a bit of a stretch, though that's straight from Miura's testimony, so it can't really be disputed.
I can't say I'm a great "fan," but I know a bit about it yeah (probably more than most non-Japanese-reading people in fact). I just checked the Wikipedia stub and I can't say it's very informative considering how short it is. What do you want to know exactly?
I'm under the impression that only 5 volumes of the original novel have been translated and published in English, but I would be really interested in reading the whole thing.
Are there any rumours or something I'm not aware of about the rest of the 125 volumes' state ? Even after the author's death there seem to be interest in the series.
Sygorian said:
I'm under the impression that only 5 volumes of the original novel have been translated and published in English, but I would be really interested in reading the whole thing.
Are there any rumours or something I'm not aware of about the rest of the 125 volumes' state ? Even after the author's death there seem to be interest in the series.

Yep, just five volumes. Way back in 2007 I reached out to the publisher (via phone, lol) and was told there weren't plans to expand.11 years later, there've been no changes.
Oh well, that's sad. Probably not enough success with the ones already out. I remain hopeful for a different future publisher, otherwise its fan translations for me. At least the original books are easy to find.