Aazealh said:
Yeah I saw that the other day. I like Dororo, I have the four volumes, but I'm not that hot about this project. Dororo's an old series and it's unfinished, too. I guess I'm just not sure it lends itself well to an adaptation.
I would say the animation and the reimagined art style look promising, but I can see how, combined with the music and the whole modern dynamic, they might feel incongruous, it is indeed an old manga. However, keep in mind that so is Devilman for example, and its most recent adaptation was rather well received. Not to mention that one had a contemporary setting on top of all. Dororo has a historical setting, so I think it will prove less difficult for them to maintain fidelity, stylistically speaking.
Ilyas said:
I can't explain it but somehow the similarity with berserk is more apparent than with original manga. Probably because pacing in slower compared to Tezuka's stories.
That could also be because of the difference in tone that you noticed, it having a more sombre approach (at least from the little that I've seen). The original manga had a constant comical air to it, not only because of Dororo's character, but often times expressed through the artwork as well.
I'm actually curious to see how the whole thing will be paced and rounded up, because as Aazealh implied, the "ending" left many things incomplete. I can only hope it won't get some low-effort, made up ending as a consequence. I guess we'll see, no point in making too many comments about it right now.
Edit: I've just learned that the number of demons was changed from 48 to 12, which I think is not a bad decision considering what I've said about the ending and pacing.