Episodes 365 & 366

*Puts on full nerd costume* Well, ackchually he tried to prevent the incarnation by killing the beherit apostle before it could happen but didn't make an attempt on Griffith himself then, and didn't take a shot at Slan directly in the Qliphoth either.


Agreed, I have pondered before just how significant a small scar, even one easily hidden by his hair, could be for the people of Falconia. Could "break the spell" a little bit, especially for those who knew him when he was human.

Yeah, it would be so hilariously fitting that they begin turning on him, or at least become resistant enough to complicate things, over something so superficial. :ganishka:

BTW, Ganishka made mention of marking god; maybe even Apostles would look at him differently! Either you're perfect or you ain't, I'd already be the next shithead Apostle, about to get his head crushed by Zodd, whispering, "So, the boss turns into a fucking little boy?... Dude, my transformation is cooler than that and I look like a giant dog toy covered in dildos."

True, but I think that's where his goons could come into play. Whether hunted down by Irvine in some gigantic forest, pursued by Rakshas in damp tunnels or hounded by Locus' apostles corps in open terrain, I feel like there'd be no lack of challenge on their way. Not to mention, of course, Femto's amigos who slipped in when Fantasia was unleashed.:ubik:

But you're right, Miura would have no doubt gone above and beyond our expectations...

Well, now I certainly have specific expectations not likely to be met! We'll end up with the boss rush play mode version in Falconia. Guts and co will have to climb the giant Pandemonium Pagoda (pagodamonium) at the end to reach Griffith.

Yeah, based on what they've said, I don't expect much more than the bare minimum, and that's probably for the best. I'd be fine with them having clear time lapses where it's understood stuff happened and it's up to us to fill it in.

It's inevitable to some to degree, though I hope they're able to put the right spin on it so it feels cogent and cohesive. Their treatment of Guts vs. Griffith didn't show a lot of aptitude for clear, concise subtlety though.
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Yeah, it would be so hilariously fitting that they begin turning on him, or at least become resistant enough to complicate things, over something so superficial. :ganishka:

Haha, then that'd be end of his nice guy façade and the beginning of the underlings drawing straws to know who's going to be disturbing the emperor in his immense and perpetually darkened throne room (littered with splattered bodies). :femto:

We'll end up with the boss rush play mode version in Falconia. Guts and co will have to climb the giant Pandemonium Pagoda (pagodamonium) at the end to reach Griffith.


It's inevitable to some to degree, though I hope they're able to put the right spin on it so it feels cogent and cohesive. Their treatment of Guts vs. Griffith didn't show a lot of aptitude for clear, concise subtlety though.

Haha, then that'd be end of his nice guy façade and the beginning of the underlings drawing straws to know who's going to be disturbing the emperor in his immense and perpetually darkened throne room (littered with splattered bodies). :femto:


'97 anime vindication! #aheadoftheirtime

It would also be ironic to see him essentially become Ganishka 2.0 and for even Charlotte to see him for what he really is. Be careful what you wish for, Midland!
Why casca was thinking about the troll cave , sea god , conviction arc when they put her of fire and the eclipse ?
It does seem odd, because there was nothing personally traumatic about her encounter with the Sea God. But when Casca wakes up, she implies she has some memories, and others are locked away. I think it’s possible the negative ones are grouped together, and they are being unlocked piece by piece, triggered by the big bad one (Eclipse).
Likely just a case of the execution being underwhelming. The placement of the memories on the page doesn't convey well enough that they're all surfacing (or why these specific ones are), and the Eclipse should be emphasized more as being a big deal, even if it's supposed to be the oldest memory.
There is a panel in 366 where we can notice how Guts has sight issues, again (after the 364 training scenes). You can't completely say if it's due to the raw fury or anything else, but the image is there.
His total blindness isn't that far away, and that's imho when the "human" Guts will stop existing. I wonder what's the next step.
Likely just a case of the execution being underwhelming. The placement of the memories on the page doesn't convey well enough that they're all surfacing

Yeah that page really does not hit the eyes right. Casca's memories just look slapped all over the page. For that kind of page I expect the flow of the panels to be easy to follow.

Same with the page where guts is desperately trying to strike Griffith. The team really just slapped the panels all over the place instead of having something thought out to guide the readers eyes.
There is a panel in 366 where we can notice how Guts has sight issues, again (after the 364 training scenes). You can't completely say if it's due to the raw fury or anything else, but the image is there.
His total blindness isn't that far away, and that's imho when the "human" Guts will stop existing. I wonder what's the next step.

It's because he's been constantly wearing the armor. It's a product of its "numbing" effect, it's not related to his "fury" or anything like that (and doesn't signify that his mind is going to be destroyed). Basically, continuous exposure to the armor's Od has been damaging his senses over time. Not just his sight, but his hearing, sense of smell and taste, and even touch.

The Skull Knight had warned him of this on the beach, and we saw several instances of it over the course of the story. Now it's clearly progressed to an advanced stage.
It's because he's been constantly wearing the armor. It's a product of its "numbing" effect, it's not related to his "fury" or anything like that (and doesn't signify that his mind is going to be destroyed). Basically, continuous exposure to the armor's Od has been damaging his senses over time. Not just his sight, but his hearing, sense of smell and taste, and even touch.

The Skull Knight had warned him of this on the beach, and we saw several instances of it over the course of the story. Now it's clearly progressed to an advanced stage.
Holy shit, the Berserker Armor has been turning Guts into a Parkinson's patient... :magni:
That's strange. These episodes made me feel what was lost even more acutely. Or at least reignited my feelings of emptiness now that he's gone. Because you can clearly see that what made Berserk special was Miura's touch. "What would Berserk be without Miura?" is no longer rhetorical: We can see it on each page.
Of course Miura's absence is felt, and the continuation cannot change that. Miura was a completely singular talent. Nothing will undo that loss, and this isn't a replacement for what would have been.

But while the execution may not be his, these are his characters, his story beats, his staff that he trained in his art style. Part of him gets to live on, because of the strength of everything that came before it. I think it's a beautiful tribute to his body of work and I'm really, really grateful for it.
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Why casca was thinking about the troll cave , sea god , conviction arc when they put her of fire and the eclipse ?
It does seem odd, because there was nothing personally traumatic about her encounter with the Sea God. But when Casca wakes up, she implies she has some memories, and others are locked away. I think it’s possible the negative ones are grouped together, and they are being unlocked piece by piece, triggered by the big bad one (Eclipse).
I think that page show casca recollecting the times that her mark reacted to evil giving her most pain. From the last time to the first one...
I just don't understand why they didn't include her encounter with Griffith on the Hills of the swords
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I think that page show casca recollecting the times that her mark reacted to evil giving her most pain. From the last time to the first one...
I just don't understand why they didn't include her encounter with Griffith on the Hills of the swords

Even putting aside the Hill of Swords, that explanation doesn't fit the scenes being displayed. She didn't feel the strongest pain in her brand while in the midst of the crowd in the Condemnation arc, nor did she feel it while watching Isidro take on the troll chieftain. Those just aren't the right moments.
Even putting aside the Hill of Swords, that explanation doesn't fit the scenes being displayed. She didn't feel the strongest pain in her brand while in the midst of the crowd in the Condemnation arc, nor did she feel it while watching Isidro take on the troll chieftain. Those just aren't the right moments.
I knew you would have destroyed me and my theory :guts:

Personally I through that the Sea God, the"blob" in Albione and the Qliphoth would be immensely painful for a marked Person as the concentration of evil would be bigger then usual

But even if I'm wrong, It still could be a trip back on "memory lane" connected to her mark.
Like: "why I feel this pain... What Is this strange simbol on my chest...where It come from....oh... Aaarghhhh"

Still It could have being potrait better... But that Is another story.
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But It still could be a trip back on "memory lane" connected to her mark.
Like: "why I feel this pain... What Is this strange simbol on my chest...where It come from....oh... Aaarghhhh"

Still It could have being potrait better... But that Is another story.

I mean, it's clearly triggering bad memories and I think most people noticed it goes from the most recent to the most ancient. But that's not what's been bothering them as far as I can tell... Just the fact it's not depicted very well. That's the real issue from my perspective.
I'm happy for you guys, but I'm unfortunately experiencing the reverse.

For me the continuation only threw into higher relief how much we lost with Miura's passing, which has caused me to revert from acceptance to bitterness about what happened.

Hope this changes soon and I'm definitely grateful we will at least get to know what he had planned for the rest. I wish the team all the best in their endeavors.
I'm on the same boat. As the days have passed, I'm less and less interested in the continuation, it just feels wrong, but not for the wrong reasons, it's just... weird... Miura's not here anymore. To me, that translates directly as Berserk is finished... and that makes me sad of course, knowing that I don't want to support his team that are obviously fighting hard for his manga to continue even now... but without him, what else do we need? :sad:
Even putting aside the Hill of Swords, that explanation doesn't fit the scenes being displayed. She didn't feel the strongest pain in her brand while in the midst of the crowd in the Condemnation arc, nor did she feel it while watching Isidro take on the troll chieftain. Those just aren't the right moments.
It would’ve made way more sense if it was due to 2nd-hand trauma from seeing the women in the cave being raped in my opinion. Don’t wanna repeat what is being said too much, but I think they just slapped a bunch of memories together without thinking too much about it.

I'm on the same boat. As the days have passed, I'm less and less interested in the continuation, it just feels wrong, but not for the wrong reasons, it's just... weird... Miura's not here anymore. To me, that translates directly as Berserk is finished... and that makes me sad of course, knowing that I don't want to support his team that are obviously fighting hard for his manga to continue even now... but without him, what else do we need?
I’m waiting till I feel confidence in what they’re putting out to decide whether or I want to put money into it. I don’t want to preemptively pay for an inept continuation of a master work, so I’m playing the waiting game. I know that it will never compare to what Miura has done, but they could still release trash that is a bad interpretation of Miura’s intentions. This statement might sound a bit hypocritical of me considering that I bought and own The Flame Dragon Knight light novel, but at least Miura was alive when that was released.