I probably need glasses.


Cats are great
Re: I probably need glasses. / Burgers.

Walter said:
The king of fast-food burgers is Hardee's,

I've only been to one hardee's my entire life and on that note I was also there once and with that in mind it closed down a couple years ago. And before wild accusations about where my StarCraft loyalty falls... the Protoss > Zerg
I quite enjoy Krystal's or WhiteCastle or whatever, even if I have to take a ridiculous shit right after.
But I do that with a lot of food, especially if it involves a large quantity of cheese (Mexican Restaurants :judo:) and/or grease. It's not always painless, these movements, but I eat these dangerous substances all the time, despite my issues.

It keeps me regular. :beast:
That, and I can read for several minutes without someone bothering me.

Another interesting sidenote on the superiority of Parisian food. I ate cheese everyday in Paris, but I didn't doo-doo for the first two weeks of my trip. :griff:

I eventually got regular again while I was there, and the diarrhetic pain never existed. :carcus:


Staff member
SaiyajinNoOuji-Trading Cards said:
Chicken BBQ Ranch Pizza > Burgers
Chicken BBQ Ranch Burger > Chicken BBQ Ranch Pizza.

Pac-Man > Mrs. Pac-Man

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Thanks guys, most of the comments on page one were very helpful. I'm starting to understand why support groups might help.

I think I've made my decision though, I can't afford proper laser surgery but this I can buy at Aldi for a low $49.95!


In all seriousness though, money aside I'm not ready for laser surgery at least at it's current stage. What I've read so far on the matter freaks me out a bit. Soft contacts sounds good if they are in my price range, but who knows maybe I'll be one of those people that can pull glasses off.


Farnese is the bomb diggity
Sparnage said:
Thanks guys, most of the comments on page one were very helpful. I'm starting to understand why support groups might help.

I think I've made my decision though, I can't afford proper laser surgery but this I can buy at Aldi for a low $49.95!


In all seriousness though, money aside I'm not ready for laser surgery at least at it's current stage. What I've read so far on the matter freaks me out a bit. Soft contacts sounds good if they are in my price range, but who knows maybe I'll be one of those people that can pull glasses off.

hehe, great pic. I want to try that.

My advice is to go get some glasses for now. They can come off, it isn't a huge investment, and if you choose the right pair you might actually like them. They are not great for some sports but other than that it isn't a big deal. My brother got Lasik, he said it was pretty easy and his vision is really sharp now; that was over a year ago. I could pay for the wavefront lasik at this point but I kind of like my glasses and some girls prefer them; makes sense since I am into chicks that wear them myself. Anyway I am in no rush to get rid of them, and its sort of nice to be able to adjust your image with them. I have 3 or 4 pairs myself,


or I can wear no pairs. My biggest advice is not to stress about it, and 7 meters is not a big deal, you won't even have to wear them much. I can't see clearly for 7 feet, or even 7 inches (maybe 5). I had an eye exam lately and the doctor said my eyes are healthy though and my vision is correctable should I choose to do so.

Forest Wraith

Evil is born when we lose power over ourselves.
Walter said:
Ok, Ok! ENOUGH! I don't want to hear this shit!

Reminds of Thanksgiving Dinner conversations amongst my family . . . Anyway, I'm severely near-sighted, I wear glasses that are literally coke-bottle-bottom thickness. Without them, I can't make out any kind of surface detail unless what I'm looking at is 2 to 3 inches in front of my face. I'm no Mr. Magoo without them but everything just kind of turns into an indistinct smudged blur. I won't bump into anything but damned if I can tell what I'm looking at. Apparently my condition makes me a prime candidate for LASIKS surgery, I'd like to try contacts in the meantime.
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