Legend of Galactic Heroes (LoGH for short), has long been one of my favorite series. It is a space war/political drama that feels more unique than anything I have ever experienced on the wonderful machine known as Television. I am not exaggerating. However, I dread to claim its my favorite series, mostly because it would be ludicrous since I run a Berserk site. But seriously, if you have not seen this series, I beg you to. ( http://www.animemetropolis.com/kodocha ) That is, only if you are a fan of war drama. If your favorite aspects of berserk are the number of intestines that fly out of someones body when Guts smacks them, I severely advise you to stay away, from both me and the series.
To the point: Since 1996-1997, there have only been 42 out of ~100 eps fansubbed/translated. Adding to the frustration is the fact that Episode 42 leaves you on one of the largest cliffhangers of the series. This is an atrocity. I have searched for years, high and low hoping for more translations. What is even more frustrating is the fact that there is an extremely large fan base of the series, its just that 99/100 of them dont speak japanese, and those that do, arent willing to translate. It is truly a sad state of affairs.
Ultimately what Im asking is whether or not there are some LoGH fans out there, and are familiar with the above frustration. If so, leave a message! Id love to talk with fellow LoGH fans.