Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu)


Staff member

Legend of Galactic Heroes (LoGH for short), has long been one of my favorite series. It is a space war/political drama that feels more unique than anything I have ever experienced on the wonderful machine known as Television. I am not exaggerating. However, I dread to claim its my favorite series, mostly because it would be ludicrous since I run a Berserk site. But seriously, if you have not seen this series, I beg you to. ( http://www.animemetropolis.com/kodocha ) That is, only if you are a fan of war drama. If your favorite aspects of berserk are the number of intestines that fly out of someones body when Guts smacks them, I severely advise you to stay away, from both me and the series.

To the point: Since 1996-1997, there have only been 42 out of ~100 eps fansubbed/translated. Adding to the frustration is the fact that Episode 42 leaves you on one of the largest cliffhangers of the series. This is an atrocity. I have searched for years, high and low hoping for more translations. What is even more frustrating is the fact that there is an extremely large fan base of the series, its just that 99/100 of them dont speak japanese, and those that do, arent willing to translate. It is truly a sad state of affairs.

Ultimately what Im asking is whether or not there are some LoGH fans out there, and are familiar with the above frustration. If so, leave a message! Id love to talk with fellow LoGH fans.

Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

i have only seen the side story but it was one of the ebst animes ive seen and ive been searching since otakon 2001 for just the anime to buy and watch
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

i have only seen the side story but it was one of the ebst animes ive seen and ive been searching since otakon 2001 for just the anime to buy and watch
Youll only be able to find fansubs as far as anime goes. There is no domestic release of the series obviously. Are you referring to "Valley of White Silver" side story? I thought it was pretty bland compared to the actual series, thats just my opinion though.
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

It soumds like a cool anime and story. Im into that politial intrigue and backstabbing-type war dramas, like The Robotech novels and the Space Battleship Yamato anime. I like em cause they are heavy into character development.

How old is the series? Hopefully not too old that some distributer wont pick it up. I think I read somewhere that some of the execs of LotGH attended Katsucon 8. There is hope I guess.
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

Ive heard it compared to Gundam several times, but I personally see a huge gap between the parallel. Its much more like watching an A+E war drama documentary than Gundam. It discusses not only the formation and strategies of war, but the sociological impact of war and several philosophical references (lots of Machiavelli, hence why I love his stuff so much). And while it may just be my opinion, I think its much more of a "real-world" space drama, than a fantasy. The only anime-overexaggeration is the seemingly endless supply of stupid, STUPID pompous generals.

LoGH is still going on technically, but only in the form of Gaidens, currently. The series Im referring to the "On Golden Wings" OAV's ended around the mid nineties as far as I know.
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

Is this anime about a princess that have to cross the universe? I believe I saw a lot of time ago... in Spanish it was call El Galactico "The Galactic" or something like that I never so the end, I believe that, if this is the serie taht Walter say, the chapter 42 suck very badly because it end like teh anime of berserk, you don't know what the fuck happen.... but the history I believe was excellent
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

Is this anime about a princess that have to cross the universe? I believe I saw a lot of time ago... in Spanish it was call El Galactico "The Galactic" or something like that I never so the end, I believe that, if this is the serie taht Walter say, the chapter 42 suck very badly because it end like teh anime of berserk, you don't know what the fuck happen.... but the history I believe was excellent
No, the series doesnt even involve a princess. In spanish it would be leyenda galácticos de héroes
Theres not a whole lot of straying from the title thats possible. The japanese version is called simply: Galactic Heroes of Legend.

Also, Its not like I dont have access to the summaries of the episodes for the rest of the series. Its just Id much rather SEE the episodes, rather than just read summaries about them (hehe, this is almost a parallel to the Berserk summaries in the FAQ ;D )
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

umm i think it was on golden wings i saw they showed it at a convention on a laser disc, it was about a kid starting out in the shittiest place you could be when starting in the military and he wants to become a great leader and he also has everyone against him and in one line when they find out whos againsdt him the enemy comes up and after some tlaking the kid egts the enemy to say "well sicne your going to die anyway ill tell you everything...." and everyone in the at the conventionw atching laughed
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

Yeah that was 'Valley of White Silver'. That OVA was really upsetting. Cliche'd plot, little overall impact. If you were able to stomach that, youd LOVE the actual series.
Re: Legend of Galactic Heroes (Ginga Eiyuu Densets

yea i wanna see the series
It's old news at this point, but it's news to me:

The director for the series, Ishiguro Noboru, passed away March 20, 2012. :judo:

LoGH was a truly fantastic, unique series, and should be required viewing for anyone interested in space opera, scifi, politics, history, etc. It started as a novel series in Japan, then was adapated to a huge OVA series that spanned nearly a decade.
I'm actually a huge fan as well, Walter, but hadn't been keeping up due to the lack of fansubs which you mentioned. The really sad thing about this is that fansub group Shin-Getter was ready to tackle the series after successfully doing Shin Getter Ideon, and then broke up due to infighting immediately after finishing that series. :judo:
TelegramSam said:
I'm actually a huge fan as well, Walter, but hadn't been keeping up due to the lack of fansubs which you mentioned. The really sad thing about this is that fansub group Shin-Getter was ready to tackle the series after successfully doing Shin Getter Ideon, and then broke up due to infighting immediately after finishing that series. :judo:
Ah well. It's a long, complicated series that I'm sure wasn't easy to translate. I was happy for the parts that I was able to see, roughly Eps 1-60 or so, I think. For the rest, I read synopsis, and that was enough.

It's too bad, because it's one of those incredibly niche series that would never be brought over to the states due to its obscurity. :sad:

Here's a poorly translated piece from the history books of the LoGH universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1HAcJJfRHg
Walter said:
Ah well. It's a long, complicated series that I'm sure wasn't easy to translate. I was happy for the parts that I was able to see, roughly Eps 1-60 or so, I think. For the rest, I read synopsis, and that was enough.

It's too bad, because it's one of those incredibly niche series that would never be brought over to the states due to its obscurity. :sad:

Here's a poorly translated piece from the history books of the LoGH universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1HAcJJfRHg

On the contrary, there is a group that did translate all the episodes of LoGH including the films and The Gaiden/Spiral Labyrinth. You can thank Heibi and his group, Central Anime, for that. :guts:

I still haven't watched the series myself, but it's been on my plan to watch list for a while now.
I think there was a news thread about this when it happened, but it's still pretty sad. At least we can say is that he was able to direct quite a few masterpieces. I just watched Macross: Do You Remember Love the other day, which was directed by him and LoGH is my favorite anime.

The full series and side stories are now subbed, if anybody wants a link to either the dvd quality or even Bluray quality let me know.

I think LoGH's biggest strength for me is actually the fun dialogue between characters. They make for great one-off or joke pictures with the subs in them, but the characters little personality quirks really bring the series to life and make the political, war, and space story all the more worth watching
TelegramSam said:
I'm actually a huge fan as well, Walter, but hadn't been keeping up due to the lack of fansubs which you mentioned. The really sad thing about this is that fansub group Shin-Getter was ready to tackle the series after successfully doing Shin Getter Ideon, and then broke up due to infighting immediately after finishing that series. :judo:

I don't mean to sit here correcting you(I should have done it earlier in the anime thread actually) but it's called Space Runaway Ideon, Shin Getter is just the name of the fansub group, which is named after the Getter Robo series. It's funny because I really wanted to watch Getter Robo a while back and ended up downloding Ideon because I glanced at "Shin Getter" the fansub group name and downloaded it. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed Ideon(and then later the Getter Robo series), but that's for another thread.

Oh, and I really wish we could have the novels translated as well but I understand how large of an undertaking that would be. Somebody did scan all the illustrations for the novels a while back:
Yeah, I got the name mixed up. For some reason I thought they took their name for their group from the series, must be my alzheimer's kicking in. :ganishka: You have to give me a break, it's been a good 5 years since I watched that thing now! Also, one of their translators had an amazing FPT download site for awhile that I really miss.

I am going to have to clear my schedule now that I've been given that link, though...\

EDIT: Also, in case you didn't see it on any of the anime news sites, Ideon is coming out on blu-ray this month (in Japan): http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VTXF-61 If only there were some way to sync up the subs with that release. It's a bit pricy, though I understand why considering the relatively small fanbase.
To me this is the best anime I ever watched. It has everything: incredibly thought-out plot, deep characters (who are adults), rich and interesting world. It raises interesting questions about democracy, religion, reality of war... I heard criticism that it is too slow and doesn’t draw you in. For me it was exactly the opposite, I was hooked from the first episode, couldn't stop watching. I saw the whole series several years ago and all gaidens and movies except Golden Wings (due to bad reviews). So everything been subbed for a while now.
I'd never heard of this series until now, but after a cursory glance into it, I'm already getting excited. The feelings I had for the space-war drama of the original Mobile Suit Gundam are being echoed here....I hope LoGH is as good as a you say. Awww man. :guts:
The LoGH novels are getting a new anime adaptation.
Hitoshura said:
The LoGH novels are getting a new anime adaptation.
Neat. I'm pretty satisfied with what we got, though. Of course, I haven't read the novels, so I have no frame of reference for how accurately the material was translated into the anime.
I have a sort of "why do this?" feeling for this. I think the original series is a kinda miracle that can't happen twice. It was 110 episode OVA + a few twenty-something episode long gaiden OVA series and some movies that were made over the course of a decade and it maintained a very solid style with perfect voice actors. The only things I think need improvement are the art consistency, animation, and the depth of the space battles. I'm scared that even if it is better in those regards, it won't go anywhere near the heights of the original series. I'm also not sure about the accuracy when it comes to the old adaptation, but either way it told the story extremely well.

I'll wait for good news on the studio, director, and voice actors, but I'm not holding my breath.
Dar Klink said:
I have a sort of "why do this?" feeling for this. I think the original series is a kinda miracle that can't happen twice. It was 110 episode OVA + a few twenty-something episode long gaiden OVA series and some movies that were made over the course of a decade and it maintained a very solid style with perfect voice actors. The only things I think need improvement are the art consistency, animation, and the depth of the space battles. I'm scared that even if it is better in those regards, it won't go anywhere near the heights of the original series. I'm also not sure about the accuracy when it comes to the old adaptation, but either way it told the story extremely well.

I'll wait for good news on the studio, director, and voice actors, but I'm not holding my breath.

Bah, don't be so negative, look how it turned out for the Berserk movies!
Both the OVAs and the novels have finally gotten licensed for an English release. Sentai Filmworks has the OVAs, while Viz Media has the Novels under their Haikasoru imprint. :ubik:
I was going to post this but waited too long! This seriously made my weekend and I really hope many new fans get to experience the series. It's such a weird surprise that I never thought I'd get.