Mayor resigns, claims he was abudcted, brainwashed by SATANISTS


Staff member

I just can't get enough of this story, it keeps getting better as you go further in the article.

The mayor of an Arkansas town resigned on Wednesday, claiming he was abducted and brainwashed by Satan worshippers nearly three decades ago.

Centerton Mayor Ken Williams said he has been living under an assumed name for nearly 30 years. He had been mayor since 2001.

Williams told authorities he was born Don LaRose and that in the mid-1970s, he was a preacher in Indiana. He said he was abducted and brainwashed into forgetting all about his life as Don LaRose.

There's also the mayor's web site, where he writes about his former self, as if he were a fictional character... I think. It's uh, thoroughly confusing, but HIGHlarious.


Staff member
I feel bad for the folks that elected him mayor. "I swear he wasn't completely mad back when I voted for him! No really, please believe me! :judo:"


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Being kidnapped and brainwashed by Satanists is no laughing matter, people.

It's happened to me like 5 times.

... :badbone:


Feel the funk blast
I would have believed it if he'd said it was the Scientologists, but Satanists? Pfshush, so last season. :schierke: Where's my Xenu?


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
This gives me an idea for a possible resolution in another situation...


Local Emperor Resigns, Claims He Was Brainwashed
This dude is either completely bonkers or he's found the mother of all bigamy/family-leaving excuses. Perhaps cynically, I lean towards the latter. At any rate it makes a good story.


The Ultimate Battle Creature
What people will do to pitch a novel...

Its like the opposite of OJs "novel".

People will whore out anyones identity for money. If I'm right then he's profiting off the death of one man, the disappearance of another, and the office of mayor. Don't forget about how the must community feel. Its fine if your going base your writing off of something you heard of recently, but to claim that you are a dead man in front of his loved ones for a little publicity...that's just abominable. Lets just hope he doesn't create a black list of Satanists he will target.
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