Movies to look forward to

Spider-Man: Far From Home, with two teaser trailers, one "international," with different enough footage to both be worth watching:

I liked the first movie alright enough, but I still think Spidey's best turn in the MCU, and maybe ever in live action, was Civil War.

Live action Spider-Rankings:

Spider-Man 2
Civil War
The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 3
The Amazing Spider-Man 2

BTW, I consider Venom like the third movie or spinoff of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, not the current iteration; the Toms, Holland and Hardy, should never meet! It would be funny if Sony embraced this and had Garfield, and even Maguire, show back up to setup live-action Spider-Verse to retroactively validate their mess and potentially keep them from directly tainting the MCU, if not that particular Spider-Man, "He's from a different (cinematic) universe." =)

Looks like someone already, uhh, executed this idea:

I know that I know :) said:
Glass is coming out tomorrow I hope it will be good just like split,or unbreakable. Though the things reviewers who had an early preview of it say doesn't seem reassuring.

I remember liking both, however long ago it was that I watched them. Unbreakable felt a bit monotonous and overly dramatic at times. Split was better, but they both had interesting concepts. I think ultimately combining the two worlds was the right decision, especially considering there was a direct reference at the end of Split, and everyone already considers them part of the same domain.
Bleac said:
I think ultimately combining the two worlds was the right decision, especially considering there was a direct reference at the end of Split, and everyone already considers them part of the same domain.

It was more than a reference, it was clearly a teasing of the sequel. But I think a trilogy was planned since the beginning no?
MiyamotoPuck said:
It was more than a reference, it was clearly a teasing of the sequel. But I think a trilogy was planned since the beginning no?

Shyamalan has been talking about making a trilogy for a long fucking time, but it always seemed like a reach to me, given Unbreakable's shoddy reception.
MiyamotoPuck said:
It was more than a reference, it was clearly a teasing of the sequel. But I think a trilogy was planned since the beginning no?
Walter said:
Shyamalan has been talking about making a trilogy for a long fucking time, but it always seemed like a reach to me, given Unbreakable's shoddy reception.

Hm, I had no idea. I looked at that ending nudge as a "Hey, go check out this other film that I made, it's vaguely similar" more than a sequel tease. Not knowing much about the director's intentions beforehand and seeing how the individual titles have close to no connection, I guess the possibility of it being and intended trilogy just flew over my head at the time. I've always looked at them as unofficially related stories from the same creator, but I guess they're a full-fledged trilogy now.

Regardless, my point remains. It was the logical decision, planned ahead or not.
Did anyone catch Alita Battle Angel? Not a perfect movie by any stretch, but I did enjoy it quite a bit and am hopeful we see more love and care in (possible) future anime/manga live action adaptations.
Did anyone catch Alita Battle Angel? Not a perfect movie by any stretch, but I did enjoy it quite a bit and am hopeful we see more love and care in (possible) future anime/manga live action adaptations.
Apart from the action sequences (and awesome CGI), I thought the storytelling was weak and didn't compare to the manga. The film's end was ho-hum.

I enjoyed Hereditary, so I'm looking forward to the director's next movie - Midsommar -

I mean, why not? There's nothing to lose at this point. Rambo 4 was a hard R bloodbath, so I wonder if they'll keep that up or go the more marketable PG-13 route.
I mean, why not? There's nothing to lose at this point. Rambo 4 was a hard R bloodbath, so I wonder if they'll keep that up or go the more marketable PG-13 route.

Haha, yeah we're so far removed from the origin of this story, and Rambo himself has become such a cartoon-like parody, that there is indeed nothing to lose. But at the same time, this feels empty of any possible meaning. The name Rambo is just slapped on for marketing value, but it could be Barney Ross or Max Payne or whatever and it wouldn't make a difference. Anyway, I hope they go the way of Rambo 4. It was hilariously over the top (:schnoz:) and I had a delightful time watching it at the time.
Stallone already said he'd do a sequel if it's a success! Laster Blood! Lastest Blood!?:shrug:

But yeah, Rambo 4 wasn't even a throwback to 80s violence because frankly it was more gory than most of the 80s action classics ever were, but as Aaz noted it sadly could have been about anyone or anything. The character of John Rambo has basically become a gif of Stallone yelling slack-jawed while firing a giant machine gun, and you know exactly which scene and gif I'm talking about and if you google "rambo gif" it's the first result. =)
Stallone already said he'd do a sequel if it's a success! Laster Blood! Lastest Blood!?:shrug:

Oh wow. That'd be pathetic. Rambo: Beyond Blood. Rambo: First Son. Rambo: Bloodlines.

But yeah, Rambo 4 wasn't even a throwback to 80s violence because frankly it was more gory than most of the 80s action classics ever were

Lol yeah it was absolutely ridiculous, almost on the level of a slasher flick.
Oh wow. That'd be pathetic. Rambo: Beyond Blood. Rambo: First Son. Rambo: Bloodlines.

Yet they somehow still have FINAL BLOOD to draw on if they immediately invalidate Last Blood, which is already so stupid the thought is unbelievable. It could only be worse if they actually adhered to and rectified all the convoluted Rambo naming conventions. The next sequel should be called:

First Blood Part VI: Rambo V - John Rambo III, Last Blood Part II

Lol yeah it was absolutely ridiculous, almost on the level of a slasher flick.

No kidding, it was like some cannibal exploitation flick or zombie movie, head's popping like balloons of blood, throats and guts being ripped out... My father and I saw it in the theater and were more than satisfied it didn't let Rambo go soft, "They don't make 'em like this anymore!! ...actually, they never made 'em like this, yeesh." It was kind of joylessly dark and self-serious despite being unbelievably ridiculous if I recall. Isn't the big moment when the pacifist has to learn the necessity of murder after all? Nice story! :ganishka:
No kidding, it was like some cannibal exploitation flick or zombie movie, head's popping like balloons of blood, throats and guts being ripped out... My father and I saw it in the theater and were more than satisfied it didn't let Rambo go soft, "They don't make 'em like this anymore!! ...actually, they never made 'em like this, yeesh." It was kind of joylessly dark and self-serious despite being unbelievably ridiculous if I recall. Isn't the big moment when the pacifist has to learn the necessity of murder after all? Nice story! :ganishka:

Yeah, I spurred some coworkers to see it in the theater on our lunch break at the time. We were all alone and had smuggled beers. Good times! :guts:
Oh wow. That'd be pathetic. Rambo: Beyond Blood. Rambo: First Son. Rambo: Bloodlines.
Oh boy, that sounds so badass. It's like him passing the baton like he did with the Creed franchise. But, there can be no other Rambo, if it ain't Stallone ... which also makes me hopeful the franchise will be put to rest when he's no longer able to play the part. Hopefully.

Speaking of movies to look out for - excited to see Godzilla this weekend. I hope it's loud, unapologetic and there's TONS of destruction. The Netflix 3 part series was a bit underwhelming by the time it got to the 3rd part.
Oh boy, that sounds so badass. It's like him passing the baton like he did with the Creed franchise. But, there can be no other Rambo, if it ain't Stallone ... which also makes me hopeful the franchise will be put to rest when he's no longer able to play the part. Hopefully.

Speaking of movies to look out for - excited to see Godzilla this weekend. I hope it's loud, unapologetic and there's TONS of destruction. The Netflix 3 part series was a bit underwhelming by the time it got to the 3rd part.

Those Godzilla Netflix movies should have been 1 at most! :ganishka:The first two were a chore to get through. Liked the twist on Ghidora in the final film though.

But ditto on the new movie; hoping it is faithful to the Godzilla franchise as a whole. I thought the 2014 film was enjoyable for what it was worth (sans Aaron Taylor-Johnson).

Something's missing....
I'm only half-joking; it sure beats those somber piano notes at the end. Beach sports and bars aside, didn't it seem a bit joyless for what's essentially Top Gun Part Deux? Must everything be revived with such faux earnestness? I guess it's just the modus operandi of these endeavors at this point. All this stuff has to be treated with almost religious reverence, or purported to be so significant, even when it just needs to be fun. Hopefully this is just that and this trailer is just doing the usual "event movie" sell.

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Guys ... this thread hasn't been revived in half a year, says something about the current state of movies.

So far I'm curious for Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor and I can't find a teaser or trailer for it. Synopsis - "Possessor follows an agent who works for a secretive organization that uses brain-implant technology to inhabit other people's bodies - ultimately driving them to commit assassinations for high-paying clients." I liked Antiviral when it came out cos of how different it was compared to everything coming out that year. Cool concept.

Dune is expected to release in December.

Nolan's next - Tenet -

Manipulating time ... Nolan's common theme in movies. I'm excited to watch this from a visual perspective, and yet ... I'd like for him to step away from that theme and try something new. Not as in "Hey lets try comedy" but a different subject matter. Then again, some directors make things click when they're in their comfort zones. Villeneuve's roped into the Sci-Fi world now but he succeeded with Prisoners, Sicario or Enemy.

Last time we see Craig as Bond in Fukunaga directed film - No Time To Die -
Guys ... this thread hasn't been revived in half a year, says something about the current state of movies.

Well, I can't blame the movies myself because I tried doing a favorite movies of the decade list like my games thread and the results for me were so anemic and embarrassing that I scuttled the whole idea.

Sounds like last year was a pretty good year for movies honestly, but the only non-Disney ones I saw of note were Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood, which was awesome, and Joker, which thought it was awesome. The best thing about the latter was we saw it at the dollar theater on "date night." Not a good date. =)

As far as what I'm looking forward to... I'm not expecting much out of Craig's Bond anymore, I don't care about any of the remaining/upcoming Marvel properties, Nolan's movie looks meh, and Dune is the most tantalizing but obviously fraught on the list, but practically not even coming this year. Well, see you in 2021 then!
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Villeneuve's Dune is one of those projects where the only reason I'm excited for it is because it will inevitably get more people to discover the books. I don't think Lynch's version or the Sci Fi miniseries were particularly great "commercials" for the books. This one might be, and for that I'm grateful. But in terms of successfully adapting it, I have significant doubts. It feels like a longshot.

Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac as Duke Leto is pretty much insulting. I will admit a fair amount of bias here, because Dune is pretty special to me, and among the characters in it, I'm particularly fond of Leto. The problem is Isaac is stepping into a role that demands an actor that exudes thick, manly gravitas, with infectious charisma. As an example, here's Jurgen Prochnow as Leto in Lynch's version. This is good! Not perfect, but good. That charisma is important because it's what makes Leto significant among the houses at the outset of the book—he inspires loyalty. Now, I've only seen Isaac in Annihilation, Ex Machina, and Star Wars, but I've gotta say... he is fine. Lotta whimsy, lotta whining, (good dancing in Ex Machina!) in Annihilation he's appropriately flat. But I've never seen any facet in his range that would make him a good Duke Leto Atreides.
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