The dark crystal: age of resistance

Anyone watched it or is currently watching it? I binge watched season 1 and I love it. I didn't expect it to be that dark tho. I highly recommend it. Yes it's "just" puppets but the voice actors, pupeteers & writers brought them to life & made them human.

The world in the series is just like in the movie but much more fleshed out. There are tons of different creatures roaming around. Like in the movie the world is alive & you can see how much work they put in everything (I also reccomend the making-of. The amount of work involved is incredible). Also it has the same theme: Unity. Not just the unity of good & evil but also family, friendship, society & so on.

Can't wait for season 2. But I also kinda dread it because we already know the sad ending: only 2 Gelfling survive.

I watched the movie as a child & what impressed me the most was the ending. I expected that since it's a childrens movie the good guys win & the villains all get punished or die. But instead it turns out villains & good guys were 2 sides of one being & in the end they become one again. It's an unique & beautiful ending.

Also if there is a Berserk movie one day in my opinion they should use animatronics & puppets instead of CG because it looks believable & realistic.
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Hey, cool to see another Dark Crystal fan here! I'm about halfway through the first season of Age of Resistance. As a lifelong fan of the movie, I had also dabbled in the comics, supplementary books and behind-the-scenes stuff, so it was cool to see the show bring a lot of ideas to life in a new medium.

I agree that the world felt very well-crafted. I love that we get to see more of Gelfling culture, more podlings (love those lil guys!) and more of the Skeksis (sometimes more than I'd like to see :magni: ). But overall, I'm just excited to see this sort of storytelling getting attention and funding to create an entire show. Back when the Power of the Dark Crystal movie was announced and eventually fizzled out, I had thought that maybe puppetry was on its way out in Western media, but maybe Age of Resistance found a new place for puppets, praise the Netflix overlords. :troll:

Also if there is a Berserk movie one day in my opinion they should use animatronics & puppets instead of CG because it looks believable & realistic.
I'm all worn out when it comes to Berserk adaptations (especially the idea of a live-action one), but animatronic apostles would be very cool. Expensive and time-consuming and most likely never going to happen, but cool!! :guts:
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Hey, cool to see another Dark Crystal fan here! I'm about halfway through the first season of Age of Resistance

The last episode is going to rip your heart out because
The scientists beats a slave to death, the Archer kills himself, Deet is infected with the Darkening & leaves the group. Everthing around her becomes infected too. Also they find the fucking crstal shard!!

Did you already watch the episode where the Emperor talks to the General in a private moment? I love this scene because it shows that the Skeksis aren't just evil but that they
are able to feel guilt & sorrow- even if it's just a dream or a nightmare as they call it

I also love the small insights into Skeksis culture for example
What they did when they thought the Hunter died. They didn't bury of burn him but still wanted him at their table to be with them forever. Also I liked that they experience the human fear of death & don't know if there is an after life or nothing.