The New Picture Thread

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Wow, congratulations. I don't know you personally but judging by your taste in Manga I suspect that you will be awesome parents. :guts:
Just make sure that he starts training with an adult sized sword when he enters kindergarden.
2023 was quite the year for us, with the usual ups and downs but some more travel and a few firsts.

I live next to a massive park and decided to get myself a bike this year around March I think -

Went to Seattle for the first time in April to visit friends who have been asking us to visit for a while. Was there for 3-4 days, so we did some touristy stuff and mostly hung out and grabbed either good coffee or fun food. Didn't know it's home of the first Starbucks in the US. With lines being too long, we didn't go inside -

Hit up Disneyworld for the first time, sometime in early June, and spent 3 more days in Florida. We did Magic Kingdom, Star Wars land (whatever it's called) and Epcot. I don't understand why folks would want to retire in Orlando where it's hot, extremely humid and you need a car to get anywhere. Not my kind of retirement haha -

Went to San Francisco sometime in August - my wife was speaking at a conference and I decided to show up just for the weekend. Hit up In n Out to see what the big deal is (I get it - those burgers are pretty light and good in that way but their regular fries are pretty basic! Next time I'll try animal style fries), Venice beach cos of Arnold -

In September 2022 I bought my first car - Honda CRV - and it got broken into once (air bag theft), few months later they stole the car sensor near the logo in the front of the car (all the safety features, etc sync up to that sensor) and in Oct 2023 my car got stolen only to be found 3 weeks later near a middle school in a different part of the city. By then, insurance had processed this as a total loss which was surprising because they typically take a month or so for their investigation. It meant that although the car was found, it was theirs and not ours. Pretty frustrating overall because we lost about $15K overall (we bought the car at the height of a bad car market and the dealership fee alone was $10K, not inclusive of closing costs + taxes + etc). I learned a lot from this being my first car purchase ever and how insurance works in the US. This's a final picture of Robin before she was picked up a few days later by insurance's tow truck -

December trip to India, after 5 years to see my newborn niece. I became an uncle for the first time -
In September 2022 I bought my first car - Honda CRV - and it got broken into once (air bag theft), few months later they stole the car sensor near the logo in the front of the car (all the safety features, etc sync up to that sensor) and in Oct 2023 my car got stolen only to be found 3 weeks later near a middle school in a different part of the city. By then, insurance had processed this as a total loss which was surprising because they typically take a month or so for their investigation. It meant that although the car was found, it was theirs and not ours. Pretty frustrating overall because we lost about $15K overall (we bought the car at the height of a bad car market and the dealership fee alone was $10K, not inclusive of closing costs + taxes + etc). I learned a lot from this being my first car purchase ever and how insurance works in the US.

Damn man, talk about having no luck. Hope that wasn't too discouraging...

December trip to India, after 5 years to see my newborn niece. I became an uncle for the first time -

Congrats! You should have included some pictures from India. :)
Hello Skull Knights! Grail and I have some pictures we've been beyond excited to share:


We now officially have a baby boy (and also a cat)!

Our son Ash was born March 4 and he's been an absolute joy so far. We're both super happy (and super exhausted). This kid rules.

We're grateful to have the love and support of family and friends as we begin our new lives as proud parents. :guts::casca:
Hello Skull Knights! Grail and I have some pictures we've been beyond excited to share:


We now officially have a baby boy (and also a cat)!

Our son Ash was born March 4 and he's been an absolute joy so far. We're both super happy (and super exhausted). This kid rules.

We're grateful to have the love and support of family and friends as we begin our new lives as proud parents. :guts::casca:
Beautiful news, beautiful baby! You guys will be a great family. I wish nothing but the best for you guys.
Congratulations on the baby boy! Welcome to the world, Ash! Love me some tired-ass, over-it mom and dad pics too. :guts:

Condolences though on the recent feline infestation. You really shouldn't name them; it just makes it harder on the kid when you have to call out the exterminator. :zodd:
2024 has totally whizzed by like nobody's business! I've been spending my time away from the forum because this summer was a haze. Few life updates ...

I had my first child, Kian this year (!) - born March 28. Kian's a premie, born 6 weeks early and he spent 2 extra weeks in the NICU, getting some much needed TLC. He's fun when he's in a goooood mood. With him being a premie, I'm learning (slowly) to adjust my expectations to his actual age, especially when it comes to his development. It's hard for me to reframe things, but I'm learning and trying my best at the moment. While he's a fun kid, the not so fun side is that he's also a bad eater and the poor fella is in the 5 percentile.

Pictures taken just yesterday of Kian:

On a much harder note, Lucas's health got worse in the summer, and he had been battling with kidney failure for a long long time. We'd been giving him fluid shots twice a week since last September, but by the summer, his health started to worsen. Our vet suggested we increase the fluid shots to three times a week and it's during this time that we also learned from his x-rays that he had other complications. We made the heartbreaking decision to let him go at the end of July. I grew up with dogs who lived to be 12 or 13 and passed away in their sleep, so losing Lucas at is age of 16, with the way he did, hit me harder than I expected. Even now, just sharing this got me emotional. But I do find some comfort in knowing Lucas had a great life when he met Pam and me, and hey, he got to meet Kian, which feels like an unexpected bonus.

Pictures of Lucas in July:

When I found out David Gilmour was playing at Madison Square Garden, I knew I just had to go. I missed his 2016 tour, and I would've totally regretted not seeing him live. With the wife and Kian’s blessings, I watched him play live about 2ish weeks ago at the garden. He was in great form - it was easily one of the best concerts I’ve ever experienced! I’ve seen Roger Waters before (when he was a bit sane), but seeing Gilmour, who's 78/ 79 years old, was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Who knows when he’ll come back to New York ...

Gilmour playing Sorrow: