Ban Xechnao?


Oh, nevermind...
no, that's not my intention, I was just trying to make the point to griffith that there would be no sense in doing that. You could always come back and in the mean time there are many other annoying people here to contend with.


Jesus cries when he looks at me.
How bout we not ban him? I know this is really changeing my tone alot considering all my past posts, but banning xechnao is going to create alot more skullknight publicity then xechnao deserves. Who knew that more then half of the active members here would feel sorry for xechnao and become dick sucking liberals?
Well the best method is to limit him to post one a day, that would control him to stop posting rubbish, making his post more worthwhile ;)

Of coz if only this could be done :-\


Fear the slightly white swordsman!
Well... I am against banning of course...

I am off the opinion that if people answer stupid posts, they are just as stupid themselves... *grins*

Hell know I've done it enough times.

It's just like any other thing, start banning the ones everyone agrees on who ruins the board, then start banning the ones that are annoying, and then eventually start banning anyon who has an opinion people don't agree with... just where is the line drawn?


For me, ban the people who hack, spam and otherwise physically ruins shit.

Exessive posting? Hell, nobody's forcing you to reply and read it.
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