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  • As the year comes to a close I’m left wondering what I can look forward to. Berserk had a special place in my heart. As it did for everyone here. Even though I’m a short time reader compared to most. When I discovered Berserk it felt like something that should’ve always been part of my life was found. Miura and Berserk were always there. Even with the hiatuses. I pressed on in my daily life. Doing work that made me proud. Like Miura was proud of his manuscripts. Never being satisfied with his work. Miura was a hero. When the news broke that Miura had left this world I wanted to cry out. Cry like the egg apostle cried out to the angels. But those cries would be selfish. The important thing is the great community of SK.Net that will keep Berserk and Miura’s legacy going for years to come. No matter what the New Years bring. Thank you Miura and thank you
    I was starving for more Berserk after 360. But after 361 and the podcast I feel strangely full. 2019 was my first big drought I’ve experienced. But 2019 is nothing compared to what many members of this forum have gone though. Muira takes his time but he always manages to fill a 20 page episode with at least an hour worth of discussion. That suplimented by this forum and content creators makes the wait worth it.
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