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Welcome to my world. I'm living something similar with my personnal projects.
Well my man, I hope I can bring you some peace with a video; it helped me at least. What I take from this video while thinking about my projects is that I must continue them but not burn myself out, and enjoy just doing them because when finished I will not reach peace, I must keep living.

Idk, I cannot express myself the right way in english.

I'm getting used to it thought. I've learned to not stress it out too much but sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass and when that happens, I need a little talk with myself to prevent me from freaking out. ^_^
This has been an ongoing problem for me ever since we had our first kid (now I have 2). True "free time" as a parent is a valuable commodity. You want to maximize the time that you get by only doing amazing things, but at the same time, it can't be something that's such a time commitment that you can't fully get into it before you're called away.
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