Berserk DVD 6: GODS HAND


The can opener went bye-bye...
grrr.... I can't afford it untill friday... oh well, I've allready seen it, so its just little more then a matter of adding it to my anime library.

I'm betting I'm gonna be busy tonight quelling WTF!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!? s


theblakeman said:
First of all, not once is the word causality mentioned- in the dub anyway.

Who cares about the dub, anyway!?

And I want to add something about the word causality here, the Japanese word that is used for this word is "inga". This word can be translated as "causality", "fate", "destiny" or "karma" according to several dictionaries I checked. So I think it's not unlikely they're going to translate it as "fate" or "destiny" instead of "causality", since people are generally more familiar with them.

And the real difference between "fate" and "causality" is also somewhat different as I originally thought. I think the difference can be compared with the difference between an animal (fate) and a cow (causality). A cow is an animal but an animal is not a cow. Or if said in our terms: causality is a form of fate but fate is not necessarily causality.


I thought they did a really good job. Guts sounded particularly well during the eclipse and I liked Void a lot too (But I didn't care for conrad) I forgot all about those chapters in the manga I noticed I've kinda despised Griffith this whole time but after watching that I felt really sorry for him. The real weird part that I remembered is when he's admiring Guts when he's in his cell in pretty much the same fashion everyone admired him. Great episodes. It sucks Griffith did them all over though. I still remember when him and Guts fell and he grabbed Guts hand but his arm almost ripped off so he let go. That really sucks.
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