Fan-Made Berserk RPG In The Works...

Viral Harvest

Every Knee Bent Too Shall Break
I figured this would be a dandy place to announce that I'm making a Berserk RPG using the RPG Maker 2K3 Engine. It's going to be based on the anime but I'm hoping to throw in some elements they forgot in the anime like Skull Knight and such. So it's only going to be The Band of The Hawks Saga but I'm hoping it'll come out nicely. ;D Here's a banner to show you all what's to come:



I'm still better than you
Viral Harvest said:
I figured this would be a dandy place to announce that I'm making a Berserk RPG using the RPG Maker 2K3 Engine. It's going to be based on the anime but I'm hoping to throw in some elements they forgot in the anime like Skull Knight and such. So it's only going to be The Band of The Hawks Saga but I'm hoping it'll come out nicely. ;D Here's a banner to show you all what's to come:

Did you purchase RPGM2K3???? :) If not...where could I get a copy of this fine program... ;D

Viral Harvest

Every Knee Bent Too Shall Break
SaiyajinNoOuji said:
Did you purchase RPGM2K3???? :) If not...where could I get a copy of this fine program... ;D

Of course not, haha. Go to , they have a slew of different RPG Makers.
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