How was Falconia created?


Knight without Title

In episode 307, we see as Minister Foss puts it:
"...the legendary city said to have sunk deep beneath Windham... so long ago...? It's too huge to be that. It doesn't appear man made at all.
It truly is Falconia - capital of the hawk"
We know that this is King Gaiserics kingdom, modified to suit the appearance of the hawk of light. To my understanding, the capital has been residing in the astral world and when the door between the two worlds was opened by Femto, the city also appeared in the physical world.

My question is: How was the capital built/modified in the first place? Does the God hand have the power to create matter and form objects, cities and whatnot in the astral world and/or physical world?
We know that this is King Gaiserics kingdom

It's Gaizeric's former capital city, not his "kingdom".

To my understanding, the capital has been residing in the astral world and when the door between the two worlds was opened by Femto, the city also appeared in the physical world.

That's not what happened as far as we know. In the very text you quote from Foss, he says the city was known to be buried under Wyndham, and we directly see a glimpse of that in volume 10 when Casca drops her lantern in the Tower of Rebirth. Futhermore, Femto didn't "open a door", that feels like a misleading metaphor for what was a rather involved process with very dramatic results.

How was the capital built/modified in the first place? Does the God hand have the power to create matter and form objects, cities and whatnot in the astral world and/or physical world?

I understand your points.

This is a whole new level of power in my opinion... I always thought that the God hand couldn't really influence or create matter in a direct way like this (however they done it, they did somehow create a gigantic city out of nothing or at least from ruins of an old city).

Then again, this is probably only possible since the astral and physical world are now close intertwined. Scary nonetheless.
This is a whole new level of power in my opinion... I always thought that the God hand couldn't really influence or create matter in a direct way like this (however they done it, they did somehow create a gigantic city out of nothing or at least from ruins of an old city).

Both Void and Femto are shown to be able to manipulate space and matter during the Eclipse. Void creates a Klein bottle out of thin air, and Femto crushes a bunch of apostles into nothingness. We also see him telekinetically blast Guts away or shield himself from a projectile in volume 3, and even bend a strike from the Skull Knight's beherit sword, despite the fact it cuts through dimensions.

But that's not really the point. As I mentioned in my first reply, the advent of Fantasia is the single biggest event in the series and is of an unprecedented magnitude. While we know a good deal about it, there's also a lot of stuff we ignore. Falconia was brought into existence as a part of it, and I think it's a mistake to reduce it to "something the God Hand did", as if it could be achieved at any given time.