I’m turning 30

By 30 you may already have a good idea of the kind of work you like and don't like doing, along with the kind that you're naturally suited for. The next step is to be sure you're in an industry you care about and that has room for growth, both in salary and responsibilities. When you're working in your 20s, being a generalist is great advice. But as you move into your 30s, it will become progressively harder to maintain being a generalist. So if you haven't already, start specializing in one aspect of a job, or you'll run the risk of not being marketable in your next job. Look at how your own department is structured, and try to see what groove you might best fit into, then try to make that your groove.

The best advice I ever got in this department when I was 30ish was two-fold. First, try to accumulate 2 months worth of total household income in a bank account (or cash) that you don't regularly think about or touch. You will use that fund to survive on if/when you become unemployed or for unexpected payments/disasters that will happen. Once you're on your feet again, repay that fund back to the 2 months value. I've done this for the past 10 years and it's been a lifesaver, even if we hardly ever have needed it, knowing that there's a solid financial floor under you will help you sleep better at night.

Second, map out when you'd like to retire, and put down some money toward it through your employer, like a 401(k). It would be hypocritical of me to advise more than that, because I haven't done more than that. But I'm beginning to recognize how important it is. Money was too tight in my house to give anything but the most meager of % toward it until I was around 35. I had 2 jobs where I went without it because the companies wouldn't match even a fraction of what I invested. I started late... and it doesn't feel great. So that's why I advise starting earlier and just treating that part of your income as auto-deducted from your paycheck. It might be a pain now, but you'll (probably) feel better knowing you have a backup plan.

It's hard to give advice on this, because this isn't for everyone. If you do want a family, it's naturally a big topic that will dominate your biggest life choices. My wife and I have been together for 20 years now (as of this week, actually), and we had our first kid when I was 30. I know of maybe 5 couples in my personal life who haven't gone through divorce or major marriage troubles. I think certain people work better together than others, and it's often impossible to see how that will go until you weather your first few disasters together. It's simply luck if you end up with someone you're both attracted to AND you're compatible with enough to go through some serious shit and remain together. If life were a science experiment, I would say to manufacture a few disasters in your life and see if that person sticks around with you. But obviously, that's not very feasible! In the meantime, be sure you're thinking of their struggles and they're thinking of your struggles, and hopefully you will each have enough empathy for each other to share the load of what it takes to live together happily.

Everything Else
Find a hobby or something that you want to constantly return to where you aren't simply a consumer, but can give back in some way. Make purposefully challenging decisions that force you to learn something new (Yes, I think we can do this home improvement project ourselves instead of hiring someone...). Which leads me to: Learn a trade independent of your career. You'll need to learn how to do mundane tasks like drywall, plumbing, gardening, but there's an art to all of them, and most of these are worth learning, not only because of the applied skill, but because learning how to do something well is enjoyable itself. I was way too old when I realized that even pulling weeds up was fun when it was for a garden I wanted to cultivate.
My thought is turning 30 basically did fuck all, but I can guarantee that 35 will matter. At some point you will realize you have changed as a person, or it will become apparent that you have not changed in ways you were hoping. Perhaps this sort of understanding has already happened for you, but for me it took longer.

There is a great book I would recommend called The Compound Effect. The only thing I can guarantee is that the small details of your life will compound in a visible way. If you want to look and feel healthy in your mind, body, spirit, whatever... you will have to start consciously working on it every day by doing basic things like developing self respect and empathy for others who are having a harder time than you.

Cheers and best to you. Happy Birthday!

edit: Not to be lame, but there is one other side to this... keep in mind that life will also go on around you. I remember thinking: I turned 30, my friends are all doing well, and everything is good; I should enjoy this while I can. <--- Do this, seriously. Parents die, friends die, shit happens as we age. Love it and enjoy it, because we aren't the only ones hitting milestones. :)
My advice would be: don't procrastinate on taking care of your health. It sounds like a cliché, but things really can start to go downhill after you turn 30. Not everybody's health suffers immediately as they get past that big number, but it catches up to you eventually so it's probably better to be ahead of the game. In just 5 years, things can really change. Stay mobile, get into a walking routine, get your 150 minutes of activity a week! Try to make little changes to your diet - lay off the fried foods, eat more vegetables and fruit, and generally stick to foods that aren't processed. Make sweets, pizza and burgers (the great trio of American cuisine :beast:) more like weekly treats instead of regular dietary staples. If you're not already in the habit of cooking at home, make it a goal to learn some healthy recipes. This is the time to start, and you'll be reaping the benefits in terms of your energy level and quality of sleep right off the bat.

Also, pay attention to your biological family history on this end. For example, I have a family history of diabetes. What happened to me when I got pregnant? Boom, glucose intolerance! :rickert:

For the final part of my lecture, I recommend that you drink a hot cup of water first thing every morning. Not coffee, not tea, but plain hot water! For your guts! :guts:

Not to go off-track, but how did we end up there when the first movie was so (fairly) serious? I loved the first one but the second/third felt like a fever dream.

Oh and @Odeon: I haven't turned 30 yet, but a friend of mine died just three days ago. He was 25, "healthy", an athlete and no obvious issues. He got sick a week ago and now he's dead. So, yeah... "Carpe Diem" and "Everything is nothing without health".
Not to go off-track, but how did we end up there when the first movie was so (fairly) serious? I loved the first one but the second/third felt like a fever dream.
It is the way of Raimi. The guy cannot help himself in any trilogy... did you see Spiderman 3?
Oh and @Odeon: I haven't turned 30 yet, but a friend of mine died just three days ago. He was 25, "healthy", an athlete and no obvious issues. He got sick a week ago and now he's dead. So, yeah... "Carpe Diem" and "Everything is nothing without health".
Condolences. Mine died at 30, while working out.
Not to go off-track, but how did we end up there when the first movie was so (fairly) serious? I loved the first one but the second/third felt like a fever dream.

Oh and @Odeon: I haven't turned 30 yet, but a friend of mine died just three days ago. He was 25, "healthy", an athlete and no obvious issues. He got sick a week ago and now he's dead. So, yeah... "Carpe Diem" and "Everything is nothing without health".
whats funny is ive just survived one of the scariest moments of my life in a place called “carpe diem”, it was written on the door in the creepiest letters. then my teacher turned out to have that tattood on her arm and now youre saying it too lol