I have trouble liking shonen manga


Video Game Time Traveler
Once I get a lot of the DVD's I have in my "to watch" pile out of the way, I'll probably pick up Part 1 of Season 1 which just came out uncut. I hear they're in the 300's with their episodes in Japan. :isidro:


Staff member
Rhombaad said:
Once I get a lot of the DVD's I have in my "to watch" pile out of the way, I'll probably pick up Part 1 of Season 1 which just came out uncut. I hear they're in the 300's with their episodes in Japan. :isidro:

Yeah, there's a lot. The voice acting is also really good in the animated series.

Guts intestines

Yer breath is bad... It'll go away with yer head
One Piece is pretty good and I think its like the third highest selling manga of all time. I'm just glad Funimation has gotten a hold of it because the 4Kids dub was one of the crappiest dubs I have ever seen in my life.
One Piece is a masterpiece of manga/anime!

I started watching the anime some weeks ago and i am now at episode 97, and i cannot get enough of it :)

Really a masterpiece with exellent characters, i didnt expect it to be such a great manga/anime!

I agree with you on Naruto.
I dont like it so much ... but still watched 130 episodes :p
only shonen manga I read now is claymore and Guyver, never bother with any of the popular ones as I think I m a bit too old for those.


The Ultimate Battle Creature
Yes, another Guyver fan!

One Piece is up to episode 360 in Japan right now. Funimation has done a great job, but like Viz they get the voices all wrong. It isn't nearly as painful as 4kids (They also raped the plot, artwork, and violence), but the voice actors just don't have any feeling or personality. In my opinion, you have to go with subs. To be brief, One Piece is like Dragonball before the Saiyan saga, but much longer.

To clarify, I watch Bleach and Naruto, even if they're crap (I have too much free time). Naruto was good until the timeskip, afterward it was just plain stupid. Also, the fillers are just too bear. I read the manga to, and the shows only getting dumber. Sasuke's eyes really become kaleidoscopes, but those aren't the dumbest looking eyes in the series. Also, the more ridiculous your eyes, the stronger you are.
Guts' intestines said:
One Piece is pretty good and I think its like the third highest selling manga of all time. I'm just glad Funimation has gotten a hold of it because the 4Kids dub was one of the crappiest dubs I have ever seen in my life.
[br]I agree. However, that crappy dub I could never get out of my mind when I watched future One Piece. Ever since then I just could not like it. I never read the manga but one of my problems with One Piece was the artwork. Just their faces. It's dumb and a minuscule thing but I couldn't overlook that either.

Bleach is good I have no problems with that and Naruto....well....I love the manga but the anime is droning. Especially the dubbed version. Naruto's voice is annoying as hell! (Have yet to watch some Japanese versions).

Berserk will always be at the top of my list. I have never read a manga with more substance than Berserk.
I didn't really want to revive this topic but I just realized one of the things I can't stand about shonen manga. Family dependent conflict.
Why is it that major opponents always have to be some distant relative or the relative of a friend?? Or they have to be the son of an ancestor/parents adversary. And of course these types of conflicts go something like this, "My father was beat by your father and interestingly enough we both pursued the same things in life as our fathers. It also just so happens that you have the same skills as your father and I have the same skills as my father." Except we have surpassed them.. .. somehow.
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