Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 60


Staff member

Episode 60: Lost Children II [Vol 15-1] (1 hr 32 min)

Our trek into the Misty Valley continues as we learn more about the history of Jill's village, and her childhood friend Rochine. Guts' vomit battle, Rochine's unique design, and a fascinating storytelling technique from Miura highlight this episode.

Stick around 'til the end, when special Patreon guest Maxwell quizzes the admins on the future of Berserk.

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Hey, thanks for the great podcast!! :guts:

Yes, I also like the way Miura developed Rosine, in contrast to the adult apostles that Guts had encountered during the Black Swordsman arc. If the Snake Baron, the Snail Count and Wyald were the "felon" apostles, Rosine is more of a "juvenile delinquent" apostle. She perpetrates heinous acts utterly without understanding the gravity of what she's done. Her child-like glee thus makes her even more scary than most apostles that Guts had encountered up to that point. Also, Walter, have you noted the certain similarity between Rosine and the female apostle that Guts fornicates with and kills off at the beginning of the volume 1? When Rosine gets an up close and personal look at Guts, she notes that he's actually a good looking guy and teases about having her way with him sexually. I gotta therefore ask you, what is it with with the female apostles trying to seduce Guts? Is there something about a surviving Branded male victims that excites them that way? Or is it just Miura's way of telling that the female apostles, (just like their certain male counterparts like Wyald), can be sexually predatory as well?
Thanks for listening! It always impresses me how quickly some people digest these things.

Johnny Apples said:
Also, Walter, have you noted the certain similarity between Rosine and the female apostle that Guts fornicates with and kills off at the beginning of the volume 1? When Rosine gets an up close and personal look at Guts, she notes that he's actually a good looking guy and teases about having her way with him sexually.

I don't think she does anymore than tease Guts about him being handsome and Jill being attracted to him. It's nothing as explicit as "having her way with him sexually."

Or is it just Miura's way of telling that the female apostles, (just like their certain male counterparts like Wyald), can be sexually predatory as well?

In both instances it's just the apostles gloating in their presumed moment of triumph, and right before they get shot by the cannon. Happens to Slan too, but she wasn't in any real danger, so the dynamic is a bit different.
So about the translation issue we mention during this podcast, what Rochine says in Japanese is close to how DH put it, it's just that their translation is confusing. The gist of it is that she mistakes Puck for one of her pseudo-apostles and admonishes him: "Don't talk to humans, those who do are outcasts, like Peekaf. And if it's your case, you'll get punished along with the humans."
Great Podcast guys! Really enjoyed this one. :serpico:

I really loved that scene when Roshine was flying Jill towards Misty valley and when Jill looked down upon her village. Realizing how this small village in this big world was what she was fearing. I love the way Miura is presenting the theme of escapism in this section of the story. I also like how Miura manages to put in nice comedic moments, while still being able to create a serious tone, after doing so. The scene of Guts creating a prison out of stones to put puck in was great. :ganishka:
Enjoyed the podcast. Thanks! The ass discussion at the beginning cracked me up! :ganishka:

I just read through the whole series for the first time, so I'm now waiting along with everyone else. Of course I'm anticipating and very much looking forward to what comes next, but I'm glad that Miura takes his time to make this awesome. Considering the scope of the story and how much care he takes with the art and with plot and character development it doesn't surprise me. Creativity can't always be rushed. Better greatness irregularly than mediocrity at a steady pace! :puck:

Aazealh said:
So about the translation issue we mention during this podcast, what Rochine says in Japanese is close to how DH put it, it's just that their translation is confusing. The gist of it is that she mistakes Puck for one of her pseudo-apostles and admonishes him: "Don't talk to humans, those who do are outcasts, like Peekaf. And if it's your case, you'll get punished along with the humans."

Thanks for the clarification. That makes more sense. I had found that exchange kind of weird.