Tips and Tutorials


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The purpose of this thread is to act as an information source for people who'd like to get more involved in the Creation Station. Along with providing tutorials if there are any questions reguarding process, please post them here.

Tutorials by Members:

Lithrael - Photoshop Coloring Basics

CnC - How I work

CnC - Vagabond Tutorial
- Layer Organization

Other tutorials:

Light - A detailed tutorial - a cool theory tutorial that can benefit any attempt at repoducing light.

Color Wheel: Color Theory Basics - Some basics on choosing colors for your work.

Color Wheel: Color Scheme Generator - A generator to help choose colors using the color wheel.

-hopefully this post will grow in the future. Thanks and enjoy.
Great idea CnC, this will help a bunch of people out! That light tutorial is really helpfull, I'm reading through it right now. Hopefully after it I'll be able to add successfull lighting to my colorings, haha.

thanks, though!
Ooooo... That's a fantastic lighting tute/essay. It's like it's pointed straight at my weaknesses. Thanks for finding & posting it! :void:
Hey everybody,
I've been checking this site for a while, and I finally registered recently. I love everything about Berserk, and when I have free time I like to take my favorite manga panels and try to recreate them with pencil. I'd love to know what people think, but I'm not sure how to post my art. I have them all scanned and ready to go if someone could tell me how to get them on here.
Thanks a lot!
Berserk_Fanatic said:
Hey everybody

Hey there Berserk_Fanatic, welcome to! :guts:

To be able to post your work in here you have to host it somewhere on the Internet first, then all you will have to do is to link the image here. Various sites propose this service for free, like or Lastly, on behalf of Lithrael I invite you to host your Berserk related fanart in her Coppermine image gallery.
Hm, I just noticed a possible problem with the color wheel links. The tutorial has the CW for the light spectrum while the 'scheme generator has the CW for the paint spectrum. Not really sure if it matters, but might be useful info for the easily confused.

P.S.: Sorry I've been away so long. I've had zero time with summer art classes. I'll post more tomorrow.
Vaxillus said:
Hm, I just noticed a possible problem with the color wheel links. The tutorial has the CW for the light spectrum while the 'scheme generator has the CW for the paint spectrum. Not really sure if it matters, but might be useful info for the easily confused.

P.S.: Sorry I've been away so long. I've had zero time with summer art classes. I'll post more tomorrow.

Thanks for info, vax. I posted them mainly as a resource for picking out color schemes or finding a color compliment, etc.
Yeah, just figured I'd point it out in case anyone's getting confused as to why some of the compliments are different. I'm not sure if the light spectrum color wheel is viable for using complements, I'll have to test it sometime.
Here is a question for you photoshop experts.... When you export/save as a copy your work as say a jpeg, you may get some bad compression pixilation. On the somethingawful forums there was a thread on how you can get rid of these! Although the thread was a while back and is no longer available unless you get the archives access (not paying any more). Any of you have an alternate method on how to deal with pixilation?

I tried Google but couldn't find anything.
SaiyajinNoOuji-Trading Cards said:
Here is a question for you photoshop experts.... When you export/save as a copy your work as say a jpeg, you may get some bad compression pixilation. On the somethingawful forums there was a thread on how you can get rid of these! Although the thread was a while back and is no longer available unless you get the archives access (not paying any more). Any of you have an alternate method on how to deal with pixilation?

I tried Google but couldn't find anything.

Whenever I have to save as a jpeg I usually use the "Save for Web" option that under the file menu. I believe this has been around since photoshop 7. But it allows me to pick the best level of compression and get dynamic updates to how the image will look. It usually does a better job compressing the image than if you just did it with the "Save as" then pick jpeg option.

Hope that helped
CnC said:
Whenever I have to save as a jpeg I usually use the "Save for Web" option that under the file menu. I believe this has been around since photoshop 7.

I second that advice as I'm totally in love with this option, but as far as I remember it was introduced as early as Photoshop 5.0.
Locus of Agony said:
I just got a newer Photoshop installed on my computer, and your tutorial CNC, will no doubt be a great blessing. Thanks a lot!

no problem. I intend to update my tutorial with some techniques I've learned from other colorists. Hopefully when I get the time I can do a screen capture of the process.

Stay tuned...
Hello I just threw together a quick tutorial on some of the techniques I've been taught by people in the industry that are used in the coloring of American comics.

I used this page from Vagabond as an example coloring in the tutorial:



I'm also appending this to the first post. Thanks for viewin', and I hope its helpful!
Trying out your new tutorial right now CnC. Really easy to follow and to use! I will show my results once I am done with my piece! :guts:
Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad you guys found it useful.

One minor addendum tho (I'll add this to the page when I get a chance):

I usually will lock my Flats layer so that I don't accidentally make changes to it.