Your favorite panel(s) of Berserk

What are your favorite Berserk panels?

Mine is every occurence of Guts using the berserk armor but the first use of it especially when Zodd and SK are discussing about it like old buddies. :badbone::stop:Or when guts is overflowing with rage and his face is shadowed with only a z shaped lightning on his eye :chomp: :beast:. An iconic one is when Skullknight interrupts the last stages of the eclipse and when Femto and Zodd are on top of Ganishka and he is about to strike a kneeling Femto with Zodd staring in awe in the background.T here are too many to count, the ones i listed are on my top 10 list but if i had all day to I would quite literally list hundreds more.
A man, brought into a place to be sacrificed by someone he thought he could trust, barely knowing anything about the monsters around him but still refusing to die in a place like that. This panel literally showed the determination Guts had, he quite literally had the guts to try and fight against monsters beyond his understanding and not backing down which is one of the biggest reasons why I love the guy today.


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This panel literally showed the determination Guts had, he quite literally had the guts to try and fight against monsters beyond his understanding and not backing down which is one of the biggest reasons why I love the guy today
They were not entirely beyond his understanding he figured what they where when he thought about zodd and wyald and put two and two together.
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