Movies to dread

Aazealh said:
Here's a big one:

Tintin. It's terribly special, and just can't exist outside of its own pastel-colored world.

Though, I agree with Perineum Falcon, that it could be quite fun to see Tintin and Snowy on big screen again,
it's quite sad that Spielberg and others disregard Hergé's wish - Tintin not being handled by another author that is. I would prefer if they honored his expressed desire.

But, to jump onto the nostalgia train: Warner Bros smells money and is planning to turn some Hanna-Barbera cartoons into big screen adaptions. Those include: the Jetsons, Yogi Bear, Tom & Jerry
Latter is going to be an origin story about how the two met each other, their rivalship, etc.
And of course, mouse and cat are CG characters in live-action setting.
royoak said:
Though, I agree with Perineum Falcon, that it could be quite fun to see Tintin and Snowy on big screen again,
it's quite sad that Spielberg and others disregard Hergé's wish - Tintin not being handled by another author that is. I would prefer if they honored his expressed desire.

Well my concern stems from the belief that it's very delicate to adapt into a movie. I think it could easily miss the mark, and after Indy 4, Spielberg's name isn't enough to reassure me. That and I dislike adaptations in general. :void:

Anyway, I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt until we start seeing actual material (it's a minumum for someone who's seen the old flicks numerous times :slan:), but I can't deny I'm dreading it.

royoak said:
But, to jump onto the nostalgia train: Warner Bros smells money and is planning to turn some Hanna-Barbera cartoons into big screen adaptions. Those include: the Jetsons, Yogi Bear, Tom & Jerry
Latter is going to be an origin story about how the two met each other, their rivalship, etc.
And of course, mouse and cat are CG characters in live-action setting.

Argh. :sad:
Fucking Fox, i hate you! I curse all of you and your unborn children!
A reliable source dropped us a line revealing to us that Robert Rodriquez and his Troublemaker Studios will be producing the Predator reboot for 20th Century Fox. Now here’ the kicker, the pitch being sent around town implies that the reboot will have more than one predator. “In the reboot a team of commandoes face down a mysterious race of vicious monsters.” [B-D]

I hope this Predator reboot is bullshit.
Ok, all joke's aside. PREDATOR was fucking great, it's a gem. :mozgus: Why mess with greatness? :mozgus:
And Robert Rodriguez?! No.
Proj2501 said:
I hope this Predator reboot is bullshit.

And Robert Rodriguez?! No.
Alien hunters stalk in the sweltering jungles of Vietnam ... The only hope for the innocent is to hire a team of elite commandos who knows these vicious aliens only weakness ... a MACHETE. :azan: (<--a balding Machete)
Proj2501 said:
I hope this Predator reboot is bullshit.
Ok, all joke's aside. PREDATOR was fucking great, it's a gem. :mozgus: Why mess with greatness? :mozgus:
And Robert Rodriguez?! No.

It's been planned for a long time unfortunately. I still hope it won't be done... Anyway, these people don't even understand what makes the movie good. It can't be replicated. And honestly, if they're going to start including multiple predators and all they might as well just make it Predator 3. It'd be far more logical, though it does require to create a new script instead of just badly modifying an existing one.

Current mood: :sad:

Walter said:
MACHETE. :azan: (<--a balding Machete)

Man I'm still waiting for this. That trailer never gets old.
I actually like Robert Rodriquez. I preferred his humor over Tarantino's in Grindhouse. Though I'm not thrilled at messing with a classic or with multiple predators. The fact the Robert Rodriquez is involved isn't a negative thing... for me at least. Still the reboot can't possibly be as gay as the AvP spin off.
I don't have a problem with Rodriguez, either, but I do have a problem with a Predator remake/reboot.  These days it's all about making money.  Studios are just trying to capitalize on the success and fandom of good movies, not caring if the end product turns out to be pure crap. :puck:
Rhombaad said:
I don't have a problem with Rodriguez, either, but I do have a problem with a Predator remake/reboot. These days it's all about making money. Studios are just trying to capitalize on the success and fandom of good movies, not caring if the end product turns out to be pure crap. :puck:

True enough. Worst part is that they're trying to exploit everything. Manga, Anime, Comics, Cartoons, reboots, remakes, etc. It's like there are no more original writers.
I don't even know HOW they could modernize Predator in a good way. I mean, seriously, what would be changed? More high tech weapons?

I really don't understand how a project like this gets greenlighted.
Ramen4ever said:
Still the reboot can't possibly be as gay as the AvP spin off.

We'll see about that.

Ramen4ever said:
True enough. Worst part is that they're trying to exploit everything. Manga, Anime, Comics, Cartoons, reboots, remakes, etc. It's like there are no more original writers.

It's been like that for 10 good years already.
Aazealh said:
We'll see about that.

At least Rodriquez has done some decent work. Where as Anderson has done... SOLDIER, Fuckin A!!! :guts:
Only thing worse then all this is that Anderson is a writer for the upcoming 2011 Castlevania film.
Like Aaz said it has been planned for a long time with Robert Rodriguez attached to the project. I know before AvP 2 came out he had written a script for an AvP sequel but it was rejected. The reason being that it was too ambitious, like an epic space battle between the two alien races in the future. I can't give a source because i read it so long ago, but I think even Robert mentioned it in an interview. He also has said on the extra features on some of his dvd's that the original Predator was one his most influential movies and made him want to be a director. Looks like he is pursuing his love for predator movies.

I would rather have an AvP 3 with Rodriguez directing than a reboot. The crossover franchise already sucks so maybe a semi talented director like Rodriguez could bring some coolness to it. A reboot or remake is just a bad idea. The original is perfect and it won't continue the saga. But being a fan of Rodriguez, I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, and I know i'm the only one on this. But only if he directs it, which like the article stated, is unlikely because he has so many other projects to juggle right now.
Ramen4ever said:

At least Rodriquez has done some decent work. Where as Anderson has done... SOLDIER, Fuckin A!!! :guts:
Only thing worse then all this is that Anderson is a writer for the upcoming 2011 Castlevania film.

Pay attention.

A reliable source dropped us a line revealing to us that Robert Rodriquez and his Troublemaker Studios will be producing the Predator reboot for 20th Century Fox. Now here' the kicker, the pitch being sent around town implies that the reboot will have more than one predator. "In the reboot a team of commandoes face down a mysterious race of vicious monsters." No writer has been attached yet - and there is no script. No word on whether or not Rodriquez will direct, but it seems highly unlikely considering how many projects he has in development.
Oburi said:
I would rather have an AvP 3 with Rodriguez directing than a reboot. The crossover franchise already sucks so maybe a semi talented director like Rodriguez could bring some coolness to it. A reboot or remake just is just a bad idea. The original is perfect and it won't continue the saga. But being a fan of Rodriguez, I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, and I know i'm the only one on this. But only if he directs it, which like the article stated, is unlikely because he has so many other projects to juggle right now.

I have to disagree on AvP 3. I can't stand the crossover. In fact I absolutely hate it. Aliens just shouldn't be mixed with Predator. The whole idea is retarded and they dumb down both aliens. The xenomorph was really quite fearsome in Alien. Same goes for the Predator in Predator. In AvP the Predator's lost their cunning and the Xenomorphs became cannon fodder unless they had numbers.

Aazealh said:
Pay attention.

Well that's a bummer. Though it's just the site saying that it's highly unlikely. If he plans on doing the reboot after the next two Sin Cities, he might end up having the time. If it's an in between project. Well that's too bad I guess. Imdb doesn't list the reboot at all right now. So I'm thinking that if he really is interested in a Predator reboot, he'll do it when he can be very involved in the project.
Aazealh said:
It's been planned for a long time unfortunately. I still hope it won't be done... Anyway, these people don't even understand what makes the movie good. It can't be replicated. And honestly, if they're going to start including multiple predators and all they might as well just make it Predator 3. It'd be far more logical, though it does require to create a new script instead of just badly modifying an existing one.

Current mood: :sad:

Fuck that man.

Here's the perfect script/story to fix all the awfulness that were the AVP series.

This is the story they should've followed. Oh god, movies really really do suck these days. No joke, I'm being dragged to go see My Bloddy Valentine...well, we have free tickets...then we're seeing the Wrestler. Ciao!
Ramen4ever said:
I have to disagree on AvP 3. I can't stand the crossover. In fact I absolutely hate it. Aliens just shouldn't be mixed with Predator. The whole idea is retarded and they dumb down both aliens. The xenomorph was really quite fearsome in Alien. Same goes for the Predator in Predator. In AvP the Predator's lost their cunning and the Xenomorphs became cannon fodder unless they had numbers.

Well yea the crossover movies suck, but the idea of mixing the Predator and Aliens is from like 15 years ago and it started with the comics. Like Proj pointed out, some of the comics are really cool and actually do some justice to both franchises. It's not like either series was on a great path anyway. Predator 2? Alien 4? Both franchises lost steam way before the crossover.
Proj2501 said:
Fuck that man.

Here's the perfect script/story to fix all the awfulness that were the AVP series.

True. It's not like they're rebooting AvP though, no, that'd be too good. :sad:

Ramen4ever said:
I have to disagree on AvP 3. I can't stand the crossover. In fact I absolutely hate it. Aliens just shouldn't be mixed with Predator. The whole idea is retarded and they dumb down both aliens. The xenomorph was really quite fearsome in Alien. Same goes for the Predator in Predator. In AvP the Predator's lost their cunning and the Xenomorphs became cannon fodder unless they had numbers.

Xenomorphs were already cannon fodder in Aliens. The crossover itself is pure genius man, it's just the movies that suck. Seriously, it has an enormous potential, but unsurprisingly Hollywood has been wasting it.

Ramen4ever said:
Well that's a bummer. Though it's just the site saying that it's highly unlikely. If he plans on doing the reboot after the next two Sin Cities, he might end up having the time.

We'll see. Right now it has no script, no director, no actors.
Aazealh said:
The crossover itself is pure genius man, it's just the movies that suck. Seriously, it has an enormous potential, but unsurprisingly Hollywood has been wasting it.

It spawned some really kick ass arcade games back in the day. Seeing heavily gunned humans and close combat predators ON THE SAME TEAM KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF ALIENS blew my however old I was mind away. Good memories. Shame about the movies though.
Griffith said:
Yeah, but compared to whats' followed, even Predator 2 and Alien 3 seem classic. :ganishka:

What about Alien 3? It had problems, mainly because of studio interference, but i still think it's highly underrated. People just keep bitching about Hicks and Newts death after all these years. It wasn't Alien 2.5 like everyone wanted, so what?
I absolutely love Alien 3 as much as Alien and Aliens. The special edition cut improves the quality of the movie, changes alot in some crucial plot points and pace, and is overal the best of the three "directors cut" in the Quadrilogy set.

AVP is and always will be a stupid concept that only works in comics or games. Too many alien characters is never a good idea, IMO.
NightCrawler said:
What about Alien 3? It had problems, mainly because of studio interferance, but i still think it's highly underrated. People just keep bitching about Hicks and Newts death after all these years. It wasn't Alien 2.5 like everyone wanted, so what?
I absolutely love Alien 3 as much as Alien and Aliens. The special edition cut improves the quality of the movie, changes alot in some crucial plot points and pace, and is overal the best of the three "directors cut" in the Quadrilogy set.

I like Alien3 as much as the first two as well. And your right, the "assembly line" cut as they call it (because David Finch refused to participate in a directors cut) is a much improved version of the film than it's theoretical release. I highly reccomend seeing it if you haven't already.
That's all wonderful guys, it's still the third best Alien movie though, but hey, the more they make, the more impressive that number becomes!

NightCrawler said:
It wasn't Alien 2.5 like everyone wanted, so what?

Of course not, it's Alien to the third power. :guts: