Star Wars: Episode IX

Updated Star Wars Power Rankings:

Star Wars
Jedi (Return)
The Force Awakens
The Mandalorian
Jedi (Last)
Rogue One aka Vader Hallway Scene
The Clone Wars cartoon (probably)
Solo? (Didn't see it)
Send in the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
Phantom Menace
The Ewok TV Movies
The Holiday Special
Getting run over by a sandcrawler
The Rise of Starfucker
:ganishka: that is hysterical.

I was on one of my random YouTube dives where I'm up all night (like last night, didn't get any sleep and I'm here at work now =_=) and I came across an interview of McGregor discussing the best fight sequence in the franchise. Went on a dive to watch most of my favorite moments from the series and realized it had been years since I rewatched the entire series (maybe I did before episode VII came out but it felt like a long time). Ever feel like your opinion on these movies might change over time or do they stay the same Griffith? With LOTR, I used to dig the 2nd film more than the other two and this's when the trilogy had just come out. I didn't watch it for years and revisited it to realize that the 1st film is the best. I remember liking Empire because my Dad liked it and as a result of that, watched it more while we were kids. So it was on our VHS repetition a lot. It's only now, in the last decade or so that I like the 1st film more. Conversely, my opinion on the Terminator (T1>), Alien (Alien>), Predator (Predator>), Rambo, Rocky, Indiana Jones, Godfather, MI, Die Hard, Apes, Matrix franchises hasn't changed.
the only thing Star Wars I have to look forward to now is the Mr. Plinkett video.

I can't wait for Half in the Bag! I'm expecting facetious, but not really, apologies to Rian Johnson.

This trilogy was squandered by slap-fighting hacks.

Might be the best summation of the making of this "trilogy." How different might things have been had Johnson come back and finished it himself? After this though be careful what you wish for! I still think the first two movies are good in their own ways, just not together or to the standards of the OG trilogy, but this one is such a bad movie and slapdash story it makes the whole thing look worse, except by individual comparison. This is like a full referendum on JJ and TFA. If you were in the TLJ > TFA camp, congrats, you won (but we all lost).

Smells a lot like a bad case of Game of Thrones season 8.

This makes season 8 of GoT look like a slow burn. It would be like if they shoved season 8's plot into two hours. I think the Night King arc would be resolved in the opening crawl. =)

Went on a dive to watch most of my favorite moments from the series and realized it had been years since I rewatched the entire series (maybe I did before episode VII came out but it felt like a long time).
Ever feel like your opinion on these movies might change over time or do they stay the same Griffith?

They change, in particular the last time I rewatched the Star Wars movies (first time since I saw the prequels in theaters), but more the order and my understanding of why I felt certain ways than something crazy like, "The prequels are good now!"

The most dramatic shift is Attack of the Clones went from the worst to the best prequel in my eyes, just because I thought it was the best paced movie. So it wasn't that it was good, or the most satisfying Star Wars material in the prequels, I didn't really like anything in it, but it was just the objectively least bad, or most normal, as a movie. Conversely, a lot people like RotS because it's full of Star Wars wish fulfillment, but that's just sugar, otherwise it's a really badly paced movie and story that doesn't execute any of those ideas well (same thing this time).

I similarly jump back and forth on Hope vs Empire, and, like many, as I got older Jedi went from a contender to solidly third. There was a point when I realized all the depth of the characters really came from Empire, so I liked it most, but then in recent years I've come to appreciate the original more for its charm, world building and overall historical significance, which is why I didn't mind TFA essentially remaking it in the process of reinventing the franchise (it's one of the most significant films in history, you could do worse than paying tribute to it like that, as I found out last night =).

It's funny, I always thought the prequels would be the worst, that Disney's movies would always be better by default through sheer production value, but I do find myself respecting the prequels, or the idea of them more in comparison to what's happening now. It's like I'm discovering new understanding or nuances of badness as I age; great. =)

Now I appreciate the prequels as technical cinematic milestones if nothing else. They're still unwatchably bad, like cringeworthy, but Lucas did reinvent modern blockbuster filmmaking with them, he just didn't validate the process with the results at the time for other reasons; namely, his limitations, and degeneration, as a traditional writer/director. But then again, he was reinventing the wheel on the fly... so, basically, while those movies are still arguably the worst of their kind in film history given the money and expectations involved, I've forgiven him for that and come around again on his achievements and genius otherwise.

Now Disney is outright making the prequels look almost like good ideas, or at least ideas, that were just executed poorly! I'm totally wishing we'd gotten George's weird sequels now, and wonder if Disney won't one day think the same, or that they should have hewn closer to the EU, because they seemed out of ideas from the start (they dumped the bad old EU for THIS!? =). The tragedy of this trilogy, and even this movie, isn't that it's all bad, it's that none of its good ideas got a chance to breath and develop, let it grow a beard as the TNG-inspired saying goes, and in this case the movie's ideas weren't executed/presented in a viable package, a decent movie, so whatever was or might have been good was simply wasted among the dreck.
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Wow, just got back... :magni:

Updated Star Wars Power Rankings:

Star Wars
Jedi (Return)
The Force Awakens
The Mandalorian
Jedi (Last)
Rogue One aka Vader Hallway Scene
The Clone Wars cartoon (probably)
Solo? (Didn't see it)
Send in the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
Phantom Menace
The Ewok TV Movies
The Holiday Special
Getting run over by a sandcrawler
The Rise of Starfucker

Oh my god, that's so much worse than I thought it'd land. Ouch! Doubt I'll even watch it.
Oh my god, that's so much worse than I thought it'd land. Ouch! Doubt I'll even watch it.

I won't try to talk you into it, that's for sure!

Turns out this was by far the most important and telling part of this article: said:
With the clock already ticking on a planned 2019 release for Episode IX, Abrams was the only logical choice to take over — and even more reluctant than he was with “The Force Awakens.” On that movie, he said, “we got away by the skin of our teeth. Why the hell would I go back? Am I a moron to tempt fate a second time?” Abrams said he took the job knowing he’d be working “in an accelerated way from the beginning,” with three fewer months for postproduction than he had on “The Force Awakens.”

“I’m not saying it’s like the closest that ‘Star Wars’ will ever get to being live TV,” he said, “but it was not leisurely.”

That's precisely what it was like, Star Wars as live TV.
That's precisely what it was like, Star Wars as live TV.
This is baffling. If they aren't going to pull all the stops to make their huge, tentpole franchise titles feel momentous, then why do them at all? Why was December 2019 the best time to release this, instead of, I dunno anytime next year? Can Disney not sustain the cost burden of delaying a single movie in their machinery?
This is baffling. If they aren't going to pull all the stops to make their huge, tentpole franchise titles feel momentous, then why do them at all?

You've been preaching the an$wer all along, brother.

Why was December 2019 the best time to release this, instead of, I dunno anytime next year? Can Disney not sustain the cost burden of delaying a single movie in their machinery?

Think about this: they've released FIVE movies in FOUR years! Think about what that takes, particularly for effects-laden blockbusters requiring months of post-prodution, and this has been the story from the start. They dumped Arndt because he was taking "too long" with the script and wanted to develop a complete story for the whole trilogy first. They have Abrams and Kasdan finish on the fly. They're already writing the sequel with Johnson before the first one is even finished. Then God knows what happened with Trevorrow and they bring Abrams back on to start over with Terrio with only two years until release! That's not counting the even more infamous production troubles with the anthology films, but overall it's an INSANE schedule with which nobody even had the time to put much thought into any of this, and that's evident in the results no matter how much they polish them up. This movie is that schedule and continued mentality, they could have delayed to try and get this right as you say (but then Kennedy feels the heat), finally catching up with them. The mynocks have come home to roost!
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All the leaks were true. Odd that even the prequels make more sense as a triology story now. First GOT, now this. Eesh. I despised the idea of Luke pulling a saber on Kylo when he never gave up on his father. Ruined his character for myself. This enitre sequel trilogy is going in my trash when I get home. No Goodwill for you.
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Money speaks. Disney dont care at all. When the bought the rights they probably saw thousands of big bags with the money sign on them. Whats worse is that people keep praising them as good movies just because you have "Star Wars" tag to the title. Thats the way I see it. Same as with Marvel movies except it seems at least that the marvel movies takes more time to work on their films and it works better (even though I'm way late in this universe)
I really think they might have done what we didn't think possible and made a worse movie than the prequels! I don't even think I'm kidding.


In a way I guess that does fulfill the prophecy of our comments so far. That new trilogy clearly is an aimless project, and since they apparently didn't plan any of the story development in advance it's no surprise it would end up as a mess.

it's an INSANE schedule with which nobody even had the time to put much thought into any of this, and that's evident in the results no matter how much they polish them up.

When taken that way it really all makes sense. The goal is to pump a movie a year, no time for anything, "just get it done!". No wonder it all stinks.

the only thing Star Wars I have to look forward to now is the Mr. Plinkett video.

Amen to that.
I despised the idea of Luke pulling a saber on Kylo when he never gave up on his father. Ruined his character for myself.

I don't think it ruins Luke that he instinctively drew his weapon on what he sensed was an enemy that would wipe out the entire New Republic, literally tens of billions of people. I mean, is that worse than going easy on him because he's family? Also, he still pulled his saber on dad too, even chopped his hand off. =)

Whats worse is that people keep praising them as good movies just because you have "Star Wars" tag to the title. Thats the way I see it.

That new trilogy clearly is an aimless project, and since they apparently didn't plan any of the story development in advance it's no surprise it would end up as a mess.

When taken that way it really all makes sense. The goal is to pump a movie a year, no time for anything, "just get it done!". No wonder it all stinks.

This is all definitely true, but even the previous legacy movies, though I can't speak for Solo, we're at least attempting to qualitatively live up to the original trilogy, even if that meant they were a little too beholden and staid or the people making them just weren't up to it. But man, not a problem on this movie! "Fuck it!" -JJ

What's kind of funny about this is now Rian Johnson's odd, I've often said selfish, choice to end his sequel film like a definitive, stand-alone thematic ending to Star Wars itself suddenly seems like a fortuitous, or brilliantly prescient, defense against a film like this. As much as I disagreed with it at the time, and the day before yesterday, I much prefer Luke's story, and this sequel series for what it's worth, to conclude there when it was at least on the verge of some kind of big idea about Star Wars other than, "Star Wars was cool, remember Star Wars?"

It's not like it's weird to think of them as completely divergent courses or outcomes either, because this film literally didn't address the implications of that film's coda in ANY way. :ganishka:
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It's not like it's weird to think of them as completely divergent courses or outcomes either, because this film literally didn't address the implications of that film's coda ANY way. :ganishka:

I'm curious, since you mention how rushed this one feels, and since I'm not yet at the point where I'll just go read spoilers, does it feel like Abrams basically compressed the 2nd and 3rd movies that he would have made after TFA into one? Basically having as much of a do-over of TLJ as he could?
I'm curious, since you mention how rushed this one feels, and since I'm not yet at the point where I'll just go read spoilers, does it feel like Abrams basically compressed the 2nd and 3rd movies that he would have made after TFA into one? Basically having as much of a do-over of TLJ as he could?

Yes, and no. Yes, he's clearly trying to shove a 2nd movie's worth of material in here, largely because he's undoing everything Johnson did and adding a bunch "yippie yay!" Saturday morning adventure shit like the gang here are all old friends in RotJ (which is a waste of time that robs what could have worked of the chance; he needed to pick a focus, doesn't, so everything suffers); but no, you can't convince me this was his plan or he really had a plan, and if he did he had to change it because of Johnson. Case in point, Snoke clearly was supposed to be the new analog for the Emperor, not merely a stepping stone, and bringing Palpatine back was a reaction to Snoke's death and basically the worst Internet speculation come back around to write for the writers (holy shit, just like LOST!).

Speaking of which, frankly, as a guy that was pretty out on TLJ as of yesterday, some of these changes do feel like direct appeals to morons rather than just reflective of a different way of seeing things, because it even disagrees with stuff from Abrams' last film like Rey is clearly the most powerful natural force user yet observed and not shy about displaying it. She fucking attacked Luke Skywalker! But in this movie she's telling Leia, "I'll earn your brother's lightsaber one day, I promise." and handing it back. WTF!? I thought it was already claiming her BEFORE she used it to kick Kylo Ren's ass and even knock down Luke? Now she's unworthy? This was such a deliberate, conspicuous change in direction, even from TFA, it immediately read as hamfisted course-correction, and was made no less weird by the fact she was otherwise more powerful than ever (the force can do pretty much anything in this movie). There's numerous other examples like that, and stuff that did carry over from TLJ was almost always used for completely different, sometimes opposite, and almost always much dumber purposes. But yeah, it really is like this movie was written by the Internet to address all popular fan concerns and theories for better or worse (they just needed Palpy to confirm he created Anakin =). They literally have multiple popular theories and explanations, already debunked in TLJ, become somehow true simultaneously! It's like, "Guts is Skull Knight's son... AND an Elf-Man; everyone's a [LOSER]!" :troll:

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I mean, is that worse than going easy on him because he's family?

100% YES. The basis for his entire character in Rians take is daring to some, but for many it's just character assassination. It's not just that scene either. Glad to know using the force can kill you from....force projection? It's cheap to the point of coming off like someone trying to piss people off. This entire trilogy is trash. Can't wait for the documentary in a decade with all the behind the scenes hand slapping. Will be more interesting than this series. With this newest bargain bin attempt, it further drives the point home that maybe this was not the greatest idea. Certainly not planned to be executed worth a damn.
I'm so sad now that its over. Not only was Luke and Vader's entire story made completely hollow by the fact they didnt defeat the Emperor, but TLJ... Luke nearly murdering Leia and Han's son then just giving up and waiting to die with that green mile drooling down his beard. I just cant believe the degree to which they invalidated everything that came before it and humiliated and poisoned Luke's character.
100% YES.

I guess we're just going to disagree here. =)

The basis for his entire character in Rians take is daring to some, but for many it's just character assassination.
but TLJ... Luke nearly murdering Leia and Han's son then just giving up and waiting to die with that green mile drooling down his beard. I just cant believe the degree to which they invalidated everything that came before it and humiliated and poisoned Luke's character.

Episode VIII: The Assassination of Luke Skywalker by the Coward Rian Johnson

My point is I don't even find it that ruinous or even daring. If Kylo's POV of the event had proven true, that could have been daring, and/or if Luke was secretly being warped by dark side force over the last 30 years because he's the heir to Vader after all... THAT would have been daring, and potentially ruinous. LUKE DARK SIDE CONFIRMED!

Conversely, Luke merely having an impure thought after learning his nephew is going to help murder the galaxy and then becoming a grumpy old man didn't strike me as especially boundary crossing, and that it would be so widely considered so just goes to show how sanitized we may want all this to be. Like, Luke wore black and force choked MFers in RotJ, he was tempted and failed multiple times, so he doesn't need to be a perfect, pacifist monk.

On that note, shouldn't a REAL Jedi have struck that motherfuckin' Sith boy down, fuck all that love shit? Yoda and Mace would have been very disappointed. Another Skywalker blunder; it's not the Jedi, it's your family, Luke. =)

It's not just that scene either. Glad to know using the force can kill you from....force projection? It's cheap to the point of coming off like someone trying to piss people off.

This we agree on, and the whole sidelining of Luke in general, and then just offing him. I honestly think things would have been fine with fans if they'd simply allowed or left open the possibility of Luke returning in Episode IX, that simply shouldn't have been the final word on him if they're making another movie. What a lack of imagination on Disney's part, and seemingly... interest? Clearly the one thing fans care most about is Luke fuckin Skywalker, and they seemingly want as little to do with him as possible.

Also, as open as I am to exploring darker themes with a more grizzled Luke, I also wouldn't have minded him just being an unquestioned badass HERO throughout. Ironically, for us much as everyone is dissatisfied by Johnson's take, he is the only one that gave us that moment at all, and TLJ is objectively far superior, even as an endpoint, to this latest turd (wait until you see how lamely they handle the legacy of Luke in this one; you'll see it could've been worse than TLJ =).

This whole thing shouldn't have been that hard. Just put Han, Luke and Leia in the same room and see what happens from there.

This entire trilogy is trash. Can't wait for the documentary in a decade with all the behind the scenes hand slapping. Will be more interesting than this series. With this newest bargain bin attempt, it further drives the point home that maybe this was not the greatest idea. Certainly not planned to be executed worth a damn.
I'm so sad now that its over. Not only was Luke and Vader's entire story made completely hollow by the fact they didnt defeat the Emperor

The failure is already complete, I can confirm. And considering the cracks we're already seeing during this press tour and the murmurs already out there I wonder if we'll have to wait that long for the third party doc on what a mess this was (or are you just counting the years until the NDAs expire =)?
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I think we're close to agreeing on most of it. My sour grapes just get caught in my throat. The Kylo tent thing just bothers me a ton. Yea, he cut Vaders hand in a defense emotional rage, but we are talking 30 years after. Not like he didn't instantly regret it. Couldn't he have just talked to the kid first, then sniped him? I myself am very harsh in the real world and usually pay for it, yet me pulling a sword or gun on someone just can't enter my mind, let alone my own bloodline! I see a selfless fictional Luke never doing this. Wisdom apparantly just doesn't come with age.

I have many other issues with the movie and now Rey being OP and never (I think) taking any damage the entire trilogy really makes me question why anakin was even needed at all? I'll pretend this was all a bad dream. :( Maybe Johnson could have pulled it off from the get go. Maybe JJ set some actual story in motion and not just lay a base. They had no plan and never had the intention to get one.
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I think we're close to agreeing on most of it. My sour grapes just get caught in my throat.

I know the feeling, and I'm in the awkward position of going from hoping this movie would, if not fix things, at least put an end to this chapter with some dignity intact, but after seeing it now thinking the previous Disney films weren't that bad afterall (though their shortcomings certainly led here). They were at least earnest if underwhelming attempts that might not have been so bad as their own thing in retrospect, whereas this is like a bad Star Wars TV Special that really mucks with everything new and old alike.

I have many other issues with the movie and now Rey being OP and never (I think) taking any damage the entire trilogy really makes me question why anakin was even needed at all? I'll pretend this was all a bad dream. :(

Well, they will definitely try to address all that, but like me, be careful what you wish for because I'm in that bad dream zone too. Or just pretending this movie didn't happen, but then I might as well discount the rest and return to the "OT theatrical cut only" rules I used to live by anyway. =)

Maybe Johnson could have pulled it off from the get go. Maybe JJ set some actual story in motion and not just lay a base. They had no plan and never had the intention to get one.

Yeah, too fast, too many regimes, agendas and cooks in the kitchen. Plus, as many have pointed out since Episode VII, this is essentially retelling, and invalidating, a story that was already told. I think JJ got lucky, was a perfect choice for a revival movie and his shortcomings were mitigated by the good sense of others, Johnson might have done something interesting and different on his own if he'd taken it to conclusion, but was an odd choice to follow JJ's story only to change course again, and in the worst ways as a result, making these movies completely schizophrenic, ultimately.
I typed up my thoughts of the film on Twitter (if I feel like it later, I’ll transpose and format it to the forum post itself)

Anyways this is what my tier list for favorite Star Wars movies (that I have seen) looks like now.

1st: VI and V (RotJ is my favorite, though I’ll admit ESB is better crafted)
2nd: VIII and III
3rd: IV and VII
4th: IX and Rogue One
5th: I and II (AotC is my least favorite)
I typed up my thoughts of the film on Twitter (if I feel like it later, I’ll transpose and format it to the forum post itself)

Anyways this is what my tier list for favorite Star Wars movies (that I have seen) looks like now.

1st: VI and V (RotJ is my favorite, though I’ll admit ESB is better crafted)
2nd: VIII and III
3rd: IV

That's ok, to paraphrase the new movie, I have all I need. I'm just glad Star Wars (1977) made the Star Wars tier list at all. I might have bumped it altogether to make room for Star Trek 2009 and Guardians of Galaxy in the non-Stars Wars movies tier.

I think it might be time to accept that Star Wars was never really that great. At least, it hasn't been since the '80s.

Star Wars; are we sure it's good!? As I was discussing with Aaz the other day, The Holiday Special is technically the first follow-up to the original Star Wars, including the introduction of Boba Fett, not Empire. So, Star Wars has been embarrassingly bad almost as long as it's been transcendently good. I think it goes to show how difficult it is, and especially was, to pull off movies like this without falling into camp or self-parody, as so many cheesy sci-fi adventures that inspired it had done before and now since, including under the Star Wars umbrella. The Holiday Special was Star Wars' campy, laughable reflection of what it so easily could, and perhaps rightfully should, have been in the first place. And what it so easily can still be. Which is part of the reason I appreciated Disney at least taking it seriously up to this point, even if they didn't hit the mark of the early films, of course.

On that note, yeah, if Star Wars didn't become or remain a global phenomenon, they'd probably just be uncommonly great quality sci-fi fantasy films from the 70's/early 80's, less of the embarrassing crap and zealotry, but probably more forgotten and underappreciated (considering it can't even make top tier of its own list as it is =). I wonder if my parents would have shown them to me then though, how accessible they would have been to any of us, or if the answer is they were so uncommonly visually transcendent at the time that it would've been impossible for them to not stand out unless the first one had simply been missed completely and bombed. Star Wars as the best cult classic ever.

More on the subject of how great, or NOT, Star Wars is: said:
Here is the problem. Most of the Star Wars movies are not good, but bad. Betting on this one to be good—to be the best movie of all time—is betting against the trend. The overall mean grade of the six existing Star Wars films is, like, a D.

Of those six, two (the original Star Wars, plus The Empire Strikes Back) are unqualified classics. Three others (the prequels) are among the worst films ever to receive wide theatrical release.

By the fourth version of this scene, I was holding back tears of laughter:

Dude, get up to date, it's all about "Maclunkey" now, bro!

I hated all the changes and mucking around with the original films as much as anyone, but love the absurdity of this change by Lucas, especially coming to light so many years after passing it to Disney, as if he's somehow still pulling the strings behind the scenes like the Emperor himself. The effect of this could have only been better if it happened after he died. I really think he's coming back someday though, and might still even if he were dead, at the very least to fuck around with this scene one more time.
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Ah well, that wasn't as entertaining as the one for The Last Jedi, "The ending of this movie was like John, Paul & George being gunned down in the same night.":ganishka:

I was actually surprised how relatively forgiving they were here, especially Mike, despite all three not recommending it and mostly covering what's wrong with it. I guess everyone's burnt out on these anyway by now (Mike's Palpatine interpretation is like his Star Trek-addled brain having a meltdown). I also disagree with their contention that Johnson didn't leave Abrams much to work with. There was definitely a natural framework in place for an appropriate third film with Rey rebuilding the broken lightsaber and the Jedi order into her own to go against the irredeemably evil Kylo Ren's First Order or New Empire, and despite he's incredible power they can overwhelm him with their numbers. Teamwork, society, the return of a more civilized age and the end of the age of wars brought on by all the power residing with men like Ren, etc. Happily ever after.

Even if you don't follow that obvious setup, I refuse to believe that otherwise having essentially a blank canvas is an unenviable position (unless you have no ideas =). There was plenty of room in there for a conclusive chapter that could have been much better and more satisfying to old and new fans alike. They could have easily followed up on the themes of TFA and TLJ and the whole series by playing out a very classical light versus dark Star Wars struggle. You could even make Rey a Kenobi or something for the hell of it, or don't, it doesn't really matter because there could be a whole new order of Jedi, something that even the OT didn't establish, to push the point you don't need to be related to a main character to be a powerful force adept (though that's a false narrative around these stories as we already know that from the hundreds of other Jedi before). Maybe even Ren realizes he's as much a part of the old order he was trying to overthrow before he succumbs to the plebes that have risen against him. I don't know, it's hard for me to imagine a better way to honor the whole franchise than a group of new Jedi finally bringing a return of peaceful order to the Galaxy. In any case, I'd be curious to see Johnson's treatment for Episode IX now, because even if it wasn't that lofty it would have to be better than the shit we got.
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