True Detective

Watched the first episode of True Detective. Seems like a little bit of a slow start, but its probably intentional, cause I think it made the impact of the last scene and music that much more powerful. Im quite satisfied cause this show really seems to be something different, and I like Mcconaughey/Harrelson, think they´ll make a glorious combo.
Hanma_Baki said:
Watched the first episode of True Detective. Seems like a little bit of a slow start, but its probably intentional, cause I think it made the impact of the last scene and music that much more powerful. Im quite satisfied cause this show really seems to be something different, and I like Mcconaughey/Harrelson, think they´ll make a glorious combo.

I watched that as well and I agree that it was a little slow but a very strong first episode nevertheless. Very dark and interesting. I'm not a fan of the two lead actors but they were great in this show.
Loving True Detectives on HBO. About two detectives in Louisiana re-telling about their murder investigation over a decade ago. Very interesting characters, great dialogue, and wisely chosen method of story-telling. The characters seem to be in a very different place than they were in the story they're telling.

I can see this show falling into the background for a while since it's not flashy like a lot of other stuff nowadays and it lacks a super clear and direct hook for advertising but it's great. I'm already liking it more than Shameless, which I love.

Always enjoy Woody Harrelson, he hasn't shown to have the greatest range ever, but when given the right role (Zomebieland, Cheers, Natural Born Killers), he's great. He and Matthew McConaughey are polar opposites in a lot of ways both in the characters they play and in their method of acting, but they also have an undeniable similarity that's hard to put my finger on. Really diggin' it.
Deci said:
Loving True Detectives on HBO. About two detectives in Louisiana re-telling about their murder investigation over a decade ago. Very interesting characters, great dialogue, and wisely chosen method of story-telling. The characters seem to be in a very different place than they were in the story they're telling.

I can see this show falling into the background for a while since it's not flashy like a lot of other stuff nowadays and it lacks a super clear and direct hook for advertising but it's great. I'm already liking it more than Shameless, which I love.

Always enjoy Woody Harrelson, he hasn't shown to have the greatest range ever, but when given the right role (Zomebieland, Cheers, Natural Born Killers), he's great. He and Matthew McConaughey are polar opposites in a lot of ways both in the characters they play and in their method of acting, but they also have an undeniable similarity that's hard to put my finger on. Really diggin' it.

I am right there with Deci. So far I am very intrigued. "you gotta start asking the right fucking questions"
Deci said:
Loving True Detective on HBO.

I just finished watching the first episode, and it's really good. High-quality stuff all around. McConaughey's acting can be jarringly overdramatic at times, but it actually suits the genre, so I can't really fault him for that. And his character is the obvious draw for the series. In any other show though, it would be pretty laughable, I think.

I've seen some people compare this to The Wire. I don't see that at all. Unless the comparison comes from them both being top-notch shows on HBO that involve homicide police. I can see that, but it's a weak connection.

I really love the structure of the show, particularly that the seasons are self-contained. They're capitalizing on a weakness in recent dramas that I often complain about--a sterile approach to character and plot development that's hamstrung by real-world problems like casting, marketing and set design. Throw all that shit away and tell a story. So for that among other reasons, I'm hoping this show soars.
3 episodes in and True Detective is worth every moment. Cohle's dialog about faith and society, it's weaknesses and just about everything is pretty good and you've got Marty on the other hand debunking all of it. They've got great tension and chemistry between them. The trend of each episode thus far is to bring it up to a building climax, with Cohle doing the talking (noticed that last night).
IncantatioN said:
Cohle's dialog about faith and society, it's weaknesses and just about everything is pretty good and you've got Marty on the other hand debunking all of it.
Well, "debunking" it is a bit of an overstatement. They have different worldviews, and neither are reliable narrators, as we learned in Episode 3. It's clever how they unfold that part of the storytelling. In the first episode, when talking about the value of a detective, Hart tells the investigators (and we believe him at the time), that he was only average in the brains department,"but I was steady."

with Cohle doing the talking (noticed that last night).
It's clearly going in some direction with Cohle at the center of it. Marty merely provides a foil. The obvious unspoken is that the investigators think Cohle is involved in the newly found body. It's a great conflict to drive the show, since with each piece we learn about Cohle, it makes you second-guess whether it's true or not.

Oburi said:
Yea I agree. Great show so far. I really love/hate the episode three cliffhanger haha.
Yeah next episode will be interesting, for sure. Unfortunately, it's delayed because of the Super Bowl. Episode 4 airs Feb. 9. :judo:
Well, I'll definitely check out this True Detective show once it's accumulated 2 or 3 seasons. The impressions I have formed on many TV shows have wound up lining up more often than not with opinions.
I am really enjoying the true detective waiting on game of thrones and I finally am catching up on breaking bad. I was only able to get to season 3 before I was deployed throwing in a few anime I haven't seen in years (Deathnote, Claymore, Baki)
I just started watching True Detective, as well. I had been recording the episodes, but hadn't watched them until this weekend. Episode three's cliffhanger ending was one of the best I've seen.
I love how it starts out far away from the scene, so you can barely see the figure emerging on the left. The "reveal" at the very end was bone-chilling.

By the way, I could watch the show's intro over and over and never get bored. The song and visuals are really cool.
Rhombaad said:
By the way, I could watch the show's intro over and over and never get bored. The song and visuals are really cool.
Yeah, that opening is something else. HBO definitely has some talented people for those. That song is really addictive, too. Full version of it is here:
Walter said:
Yeah, that opening is something else. HBO definitely has some talented people for those. That song is really addictive, too. Full version of it is here:

The one that I dislike is true blood. Other then that Oz, The wire, Game of thrones, True detective, Boardwalk empire, Sopranos Just off the top go my head have great intros.
krzykoopa said:
The one that I dislike is true blood. Other then that Oz, The wire, Game of thrones, True detective, Boardwalk empire, Sopranos Just off the top go my head have great intros.
I really liked True Blood´s intro for about the first season then it got old fast, much like the quality of the show itself...

And yeah I agree the True Detective intro is addictive as hell and does a real good job of getting you into the mood of some crime/mystery thriller and you´re practically hooked before the episode even begins.

Not HBO, but aside from Game of thrones, and not counting animes, the one intro I watched just about every episode was that epic "Morning routine" of Dexter, that sound always got me such a shit eating grin for some reason.

EDIT: Just thought I´d leave this here, king of all intros/outros :guts:
Rome is one you missed and possibly my favorite. Also Deadwood. I agree on True Blood being bothersome, but hey, just like the show! Thankfully we only have one more season of it left.

I wonder if they'll do new openings with new seasons since the characters/settings/stories are reportedly going to be changing.

So silly they didn't have the episode this past Sunday because of the Super Bowl, you'd think in today's world of DVR, On Demand, various internet streams, etc, that a coinciding television event wouldn't interrupt the other. Game of Thrones had it set up so you could watch an episode ahead of time f you had HBO On Demand, I think, they should do that with all their programs. :serpico:

About the end of the last episode,
The mask and walking around nearly-nude is obviously because of cooking meth, I'd assume. Anxious to see this shootout they've been alluding too, it seems like it has some cred to it in the law enforcement world, or at least to the detectives interviewing our main protagonists.

What do you guys think about
the new murder investigation that makes it seem like the killer is still loose after all these years? I guess it's possible the guy is out of jail somehow. My thoughts are that it's more than just one person, possibly a cult or something similar. Or it's just a copycat, or mayhaps just one more person that got away. My friend seems to think the evangelist guy (actor that plays Eli Thompson in Boardwalk Empire) is connected somehow, if for no other reason than he's not a no-name actor and that they'll use him more. I'm not so sure about him. I do however have a completely unfounded hunch that the underage girl at the brothel will be seen again. I just had a feeling about that scene and that girl that they were starting to build on something to be brought back into play down the road. Anyway, I'm guessing there's at least one more person involved in the murders and that's who doing these new ones.
Can't wait to find out.

BTW, possibly start an new topic for this? Seems appropirate. :D
Deci said:
About the end of the last episode,
The mask and walking around nearly-nude is obviously because of cooking meth, I'd assume.

Just because he's wearing a mask doesn't mean it's methamphetamine... Though the mask does explain the "green spaghetti monster" from episode 1. More likely he's been cooking a cocktail of drugs. They've mentioned LSD before being used to apparently control the girl(s). Whatever the case, he's keeping something noxious in that room off to the side. And Hart has mentioned before about "the girls we found in the woods." So there's likely more to this scene than immediately meets the eye.

Anxious to see this shootout they've been alluding too, it seems like it has some cred to it in the law enforcement world, or at least to the detectives interviewing our main protagonists.

Sounds like it ends badly, too. Which is confusing, given that Hart and Cohle both survive, and they end up arresting someone at the end of the case as well. What could have gone wrong...? Shot a girl?

What do you guys think about
the new murder investigation that makes it seem like the killer is still loose after all these years? I guess it's possible the guy is out of jail somehow. My thoughts are that it's more than just one person, possibly a cult or something similar

If you pay attention to the questions they ask, the investigators seem to think Cohle is involved in the new one. He's also been spouting serial-killer doctrine the whole series thus far. Personally, I think that would be a much more interesting reveal than just some cult.

My friend seems to think the evangelist guy (actor that plays Eli Thompson in Boardwalk Empire) is connected somehow, if for no other reason than he's not a no-name actor and that they'll use him more.
Well, and the missing girl's school is connected to his ministry--revealed last ep.

I'm not so sure about him. I do however have a completely unfounded hunch that the underage girl at the brothel will be seen again. I just had a feeling about that scene and that girl that they were starting to build on something to be brought back into play down the road.

Maybe, but I got the feeling she was just there as a way to bring up that argument between Hart and the prostitute's boss.

Anyway, I'm guessing there's at least one more person involved in the murders and that's who doing these new ones. Can't wait to find out.

I'm far more interested in the characters than the crime, actually.
Walter said:
If you pay attention to the questions they ask, the investigators seem to think Cohle is involved in the new one. He's also been spouting serial-killer doctrine the whole series thus far. Personally, I think that would be a much more interesting reveal than just some cult.
Do you think they suspect both of them, because in the last episode i honestly thought that they suspect Hart just as much as Cohle. Either that or that the new murder left them clueless so they begin searching at every possible angle for someone to blame.
Joe Chip said:
Do you think they suspect both of them, because in the last episode i honestly thought that they suspect Hart just as much as Cohle.

I didn't get that feeling. I really don't think Hart is capable of such a thing.

Either that or that the new murder left them clueless so they begin searching at every possible angle for someone to blame.
Well, the investigators are there on the pretext that the original case files were lost in Katrina. But given their questions and keen interest in Cohle, I think their motives are a little more murky. As if they know something the audience doesn't yet.

Do you guys think the format of this season will stay the same throughout? As in, do you think we'll get to a point that's after the interrogation, where the modern Hart and Cohle will meet again?
Walter said:
Do you guys think the format of this season will stay the same throughout? As in, do you think we'll get to a point that's after the interrogation, where the modern Hart and Cohle will meet again?

I think it's a strong possibility that Hart and Cohle will meet again after the interrogation. I'd be kind of surprised if they didn't.
Walter said:
Do you guys think the format of this season will stay the same throughout? As in, do you think we'll get to a point that's after the interrogation, where the modern Hart and Cohle will meet again?

Yea I do. I think they will be reunited in the 2012 timeline to begin where they left off in the 90's, to catch the other killer(s). But I think you are right about the other investigators knowing more than they let on.
I was certainly impressed with
how the entire undercover heist scene
was shot. Just beautiful. I think you're definitely onto something Walter with a change coming on how the story unfolds soon. Not sure if Cohle and Hart reuniting though, at least not anytime soon.

Didn't see
the breaking up of Hart and his wife
, that's a pretty interesting development for the characters. Cohle quickly becomes even cooler in my book with how he handles the situation. Not my business, don't want to hear it. We have a job to do. Of course his real reasons for not wanting to be involved are a bit more complex. Given his history with
his dead child
and all, I don't blame him.

Also the bit when Cohle
gets the coke out of evidence
. This system definitely needs some work. :serpico:

I loved everything about the set up and delivery of the biker gang. Not quite a cult I admit, at least not yet. Just kidding, signs are definitely trying to point us into the direction that
Reggie is working alone
in the murders. I do have to say that just moments before it was revealed I was thinking that Cohle's history in
undercover narcotics work
would directly affect their investigation, like
he'd probably worked with or near something relating to their investigation.
Just felt cool when it was revealed for me. = )

I definitely dug how they both lied about Cohle's leave of absence and his dead father. Enjoyed that quite a bit. I think I want to go back and rewatch the episodes to notice other times they leave out or tell differently events as they unfold. I'm sure it'll all add up to something, perhaps an indicator into what's going on under the surface with the more current timeline investigation.

Or something.

I'm actually all giddy that I have something to look forward to on TV this exciting this time of year. The Walking Dead is just so meh, and Shameless is going in a weird direction, so it's very welcomed on this end. :ubik:
That was kind of a filler episode, story-wise, but still pretty fun. The camera sequence during the getaway was fucking out of this world. I've never seen anything like that on television before. They're really outdoing themselves on a technical level.

I suppose the most revealing new info we got
was about the Yellow King from Charlie in the cell, but he's a rather unreliable guy... Also, the BRAND ON HIS BACK, LIKE A SPIRAL. :void:

The names Carcosa and Yellow King carry some significance in other works, if anyone is interested:
Walter said:
Do you guys think the format of this season will stay the same throughout? As in, do you think we'll get to a point that's after the interrogation, where the modern Hart and Cohle will meet again?
Too soon to tell really. I'm thinking that they will meet at some point but it's going to be at the end of this season.

Deci said:
Didn't see
the breaking up of Hart and his wife
, that's a pretty interesting development for the characters.
I was honestly expecting something like that to happen, don't know really why, it must have been the way Hart talked about his wife. Then again we don't actually know if they get together again, at some point in the future. If i am not mistaken Hart is still wearing a wedding ring (but it could be from a different wife)

Walter said:
That was kind of a filler episode, story-wise, but still pretty fun. The camera sequence during the getaway was fucking out of this world. I've never seen anything like that on television before. They're really outdoing themselves on a technical level.
Man i loved that scene, amazing how they shot it.

This was probably my favorite episode so far, the action,
how it all came together and seeing Cohle going undercover again was amazing.
Deci said:
Didn't see
the breaking up of Hart and his wife
, that's a pretty interesting development for the characters.

Really? It was clearly telegraphed last episode when Hart paused to look
at the lack of a wedding ring on his hand, after thinking of his family. And the ring had, of course, been missing since the first episode.

Of course his real reasons for not wanting to be involved are a bit more complex. Given his history with
his dead child
and all, I don't blame him.

Also, him telling Marty that he got a positive read from his wife at the meetup, just to bring him out of his funk for the job, :ganishka:

I loved everything about the set up and delivery of the biker gang. Not quite a cult I admit, at least not yet. Just k
idding, signs are definitely trying to point us into the direction that
Reggie is working alone
in the murders.
Hmmmmmmmm I don't know about that anymore.

Here's an interview with how the crew did that magnificent loooooong take during the getaway scene: