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After 6 years of playing and replaying the game, I got the platinum trophy on Dark Souls III. What a slog that was! It didn't just have many collectibles trophies, but missable ones too. One NPC was tied to at least 3 trophies and he happened to be the one that disappeared from my game because of reasons. Anyway, with this platinum, the only From Soft game (minus DS II) left without 100% for me is the original Dark Souls. Maybe one day, but I don't wanna look at another bonfire for a long time haha.

Yeah, there and Londo with all the Darkmoon Covenant activity are awesome, though with all the extreme enemies and environmental hazards in the Ringed City it always makes for a memorable, if frustrating, encounter. I've never had so much fun with Souls multiplayer than DS3, it was all just sort of perfect at the time, and then they even set up the arena matchmaking. I kind of missed it in Elden Ring because I never remembered to use those tongues or it wouldn't let me in the location I was in for some reason. Let there be invaders, I say; it's the ultimate wild card enemy.

For whatever reason, I haven't gotten much PvP out of ER so far. I had a few fights at the Raya Lucaria academy, at the main gate where there seems to be a lot of duels, but that's about it.

This might be a hot take though, but I think PvP is the one thing From Soft just never got right. Sure it can be fun at times, but their mechanics just don't support multiplayer because of how exploitative they are. Invincibility while rolling, back-stabbing, and so on just makes most of these encounters insufferable. At least don't let invaders heal...

Curiously, I think Sekiro could have used an online "dueling" mode. I would definitely be curious to try that.

Hollow Knight I have a lot of affection for, but Blasphemous still couldn't hold my attention for whatever reason.
I can understand why that would be. Blasphemous has got a great atmosphere and nice artwork, but the game design itself isn't exceptional.

Agreed with the above, but I think the main problem is the world design, at least for me. It makes no sense at times, like when you take an elevator from the mountain sanctuary and you end up going down to the main village, which is situated under an open sky. I mean, wtf.

But the atmosphere, as Aaz said, and the unique bosses held it up for me. Some of those bosses are delightfully grim and disturbing, like that mummified bishop carried around by giant arms, or that huge blindfolded baby who rips your eyes out. Yikes!

Well, I don't really think of it as the same given how the flipped map and different door, enemy, item and hazard placement basically make for a new environment. It's not like you're just exploring a mirror mode version of castle below, the game's still progressing with new pathways and bosses, so give it a try when you're ready to go back. It's the second half of the game, not just a bonus round.

All true and I'm looking forward to the new surprises. Just gotta curb my OCD at seeing everything upside down, all the time, haha.

It's like one those unfulfilling video game boss fights where they'd superimpose the image of the actual antagonist over a generic robot or monster so you'd know they were really controlling them. Or...

Well that explains a lot of encounters I've had in my gaming life. A lot.

Now you just need to beat him and Gael on the first try of a run, consecutively. :badbone:

Aaz isn't the only sadist here, it seems!

Okay, but if I do it, you must do the same...at level 1 :femto:

Finally beating Sister Friede was one of the most rewarding, or relieving, experiences in Souls. I think I called her an unkind word for a lady afterward. I didn't find Laurence too bad and kind of took him for granted until around NG+3 when his fire starts becoming an impossible problem. He might be the hardest boss of them all once you reach the high NGs.

Yeah last time I tried Laurence (for about a dozen times) it was at NG+ 3 or 4. Just couldn't beat the bastard for whatever reason.

Not looking forward to soloing Friede...:magni:


So that is the God of the Abyss!

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I finished playing Baldur's Gate II last weekend. Here are just some of my thoughts after experiencing one of the greatest games of all time:

Jon Irenicus: This dude would've been a bad-ass even if the late, great David Warner hadn't voiced him, but he did. I really enjoyed the mystery surrounding Irenicus and just what he was up to with my character's soul. I remember once accidentally entering his lair without fulfilling the necessary requirements. He wiped the floor with my party instantly. So cool!

The quests: I felt the number and type of quests in the original Baldur's Gate were a little lackluster until towards the end of the game (iron deficiencies? Really?), but not so in the sequel. In this game, the simple act of going to a town to investigate a few violent disappearances leads to an epic showdown with a shade lord after sneaking past an intimidating shadow dragon. And that's just one side quest. Speaking of dragons...

Dragons: There are dragons in this game! They're insanely tough...at the beginning. They become almost like progress markers throughout the game and its expansion. By the end of Throne of Bhaal, you're taking these guys out like they're a party of gibberlings (okay, maybe not that easily, but still). It really makes you feel like you've grown in strength when you go from fearing these things to, "Oh, this must be the ice dragon. Better equip my flame arrows and fire wand." Again, very cool.

Romance: I ended up romancing Jaheira, which it turns out is the hardest romance of the game and is full of bugs. Personally, I didn't encounter any bugs, but I did spend a lot of time watching Sounders and Mariners games with BG2 on pause in order to proceed to the next dialogue juncture. Overall, it was pretty enjoyable, especially the stuff with the Harpers and Elminster.

Watcher's Keep: Really wasn't expecting the demogorgon at the bottom of the expansion's vast dungeon, but there it was. One of the hardest fights in the game, outside of the final showdown with Amelyssan. The dungeon itself was really cool. You never knew what to expect when you entered another level, but you knew it was going to be difficult. I ended up playing through it before defeating Irenicus and moving on to the expansion.

Amelyssan: The final battle took me all night. I think I went to bed around 1:30 a.m. on a work night, but I completely lost track of time trying to take this monster down. While not a fan of her character design, the final battle really did test me. Not being able to rest between fights really made me think about which spells to use and when. It also made me grateful I'd saved to many haste potions (wish I'd saved more healing potions, but I sold most of my lower level ones shortly before the final showdown; won't do that again).

Next up is Diablo II! I played this game years ago, then installed the expansion, only to see my save file disappear. I won't be making that mistake again!
I’ve finished Sekiro and am coming close to finishing the Demons Souls remake. I had to take a 3 day break from Sekiro after I kept getting whooped by Isshin. I almost beat him on my first try, but afterwards kept getting badly whooped so I called it quits for a bit to cool off. Seriously fuck that guy. I will start Bloodborne afterwards.
I’m also considering getting Scorn, but I don’t have my mind made up yet regarding it.
I'm playing Ghost Song, which I've been waiting for since the trailer dropped. The wait was worth it!

This game plays like a hybrid of Metroid: Dread and Hollow Knight. The gunplay feels satisfying, the difficulty is (so far) balanced, and the characters are likable. I'm enjoying the atmosphere and exploration too. Pretty solid game so far, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.

I'm playing Ghost Song, which I've been waiting for since the trailer dropped. The wait was worth it!

It's also available on PC Game Pass for those who subscribe. I have no idea why I still do, since I don't really have time for any games these days, let alone 3000 of them.
Yeah, I haven't had time for games either. I didn't even realize the new Plague Tale came out midway through last month, and it was one of the remaining few games this year I've been looking forward to. Picked it up now but still haven't started because I'm waiting to give it some serious time, but I did find time for one Halloween surprise, unfortunately more trick than treat... SPOILERS & VENTING AHEAD

Resident Evil VIIIAGE: Shadow of Rose - So, the RE8 DLC promised via a slide with white text on a black background lives up to the slick presentation, as it feels like a completely rushed and recycled rehash so far. It's basically the same game again but worse in every way; a tacked on third person view, the same, but truncated, areas, one lame goo monster enemy over and over again, and a reskinned goo version of the big lead werewolf for an area boss. For some inexplicable reason the merchant is now the big bad of the castle area and maybe the whole thing, probably because they could easily get the VA back to spout a bunch of lazy, ominous and ludicrous exposition. Oh yeah, the plot is awful, you're basically on trip down memory lane inside the metamycine sample or whatever that one of Chris's pervy middle-aged cronies that's best friends with a teenage girl thought was a good idea to send to her into to give up her powers. The stakes couldn't be lamer. Then there's the magic gold writing that appears on the wall guiding you but which can physically help you, save for occasionally giving you guns and ammo when it feels like(!?). Ooooh, what a mystery! Yeah, it's fucking Ethan. Anyway, in addition to the basic weapons you're also stuck with some lame gimmick powers to slow or freeze enemies and unblock your way. It's just to fill time. I bailed when I got out of the castle area after about an hour or so and found myself back at the dollhouse to rehash the second part of the game (they took all my weapons again, durrr), which I'm sure will culminate with a black goo version of the same monster baby chasing me (or the monkey stuffed animal, which would be hilariously not scary). I can't stand to force more way through the awful puzzles just to see the rehash of the next two areas and whatever crappy finale they have in store. I wish I'd known about Plague Tale 2 before I got this. Capcom continues their streak of being the best developers that publish the worst shit.
I wish I'd known about Plague Tale 2 before I got this. Capcom continues their streak of being the best developers that publish the worst shit.

Yikes, sorry to hear it's that bad. I didn't expect it to be great, but it sounds like they really put in no effort whatsoever. :sad:
Also, maybe keep your expectations in check for Plague Tale 2, because I've heard it's pretty but kind of an empty shell.
Yikes, sorry to hear it's that bad. I didn't expect it to be great, but it sounds like they really put in no effort whatsoever. :sad:

Yeah, I'd like to think I'm overreacting, but I haven't been back to RE IllVage: Shadow of Pose since because I'm really not looking forward to seeing how they reskinned the giant baby from the original with an inexplicable goo monster version or your stuffed animal or some shit. It's like, what's the bare minimum we can do to recycle these assets and call it "new?" So fucking lazy!

Also, maybe keep your expectations in check for Plague Tale 2, because I've heard it's pretty but kind of an empty shell.

Well, I sort of know this about Plague Tale: Requiem already from the original, which had pretty shallow and repetitive, yet fun, stealth puzzling with a little combat, but the story elements and presentation went a long way towards distracting you from thinking too much about that, and then they added an interesting twist on it in the end. We'll see if they have any more wrinkles to add to their The Last of Us Lite gameplay (not so far in the first chapter), but you weren't kidding about how pretty it is! That's actually quite an understatement because the visual design sort of kicks ass, maybe better than anything I've seen this year (including Forbidden West and God of War, the latter of which is dark and ugly by comparison, and we'll get to its own emptiness in a minute). Anyway, it does seem like more of the same so far, but I already liked that, so here's hoping the charm doesn't wear off before the end.

Dad of War: Suckacock: I admittedly haven't gotten far, but that's because this thing immediately plays like an MGS2 cutscene with some quant button tapping Quick Time Events thrown in to try and hide the fact you're often playing a less interactive version of Rebel Assault. Press O to party like it's 1999! Every options setting is basically like how to make the game easier to just watch the story, which seems to be the point anyway (just do an accompanying Netflix show if that's your ambition). By the way, in case I forgot the bitter devs shit-talking From Soft, ACCESSIBILITY CONTROLS is like the third option of three after New Game and Load. That's a genuinely nice thing to have in your game, really, but could you be a little more aggressive in explicitly patting yourself on the back? It's also probably not necessary once you set it to "Watching A Playthrough On YouTube" difficulty.

And, because I've truly lost my mind as you can tell...

Sonic Fronters - So, if this looks like a poor man's (Sonic Team) version of SotC, BotW or Elden Ring that's because that's exactly what it is (it even has a bird, fittingly an unregal seagull though, follow overhead ala SotC). What was I thinking? It has all the awkward control issues of the 3D Sonics, they apparently never quite solved, which is why I hadn't played one since Sonic Adventure 2. I'm fighting this field boss, Asura, which I assura you would have been easy if not for wild controls, launch points that throw you around randomly, a camera that cares nothing about what you see, and of course, clipping through the enemy and being forced through and tossed away from it by wonky physics. Ugh... but then it was the most fun of any of these to just casually run around as Sonic in a big space (you're actually playing!), and then I see the potential of something like the Squid guardian and hope it's just me that needs to get used to it and they didn't screw up the controls too much.
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Dude that post really cracked me up! :ganishka: Thank you, you really brightened my day. On my end, Amazon has betrayed me and won't ship my copy of Tactics Ogre: Reborn (for Switch, obviously) until Monday. Truly the darkest of times, so I've been replaying Slay the Spire on and off.

Before that I was playing Tunic and I had gotten about half of the end game puzzles needed to unlock the true ending, but it's such a chore that I don't think I'll pick it up again. I only mention it because a game really has to be annoying for me not to finish it 100%.
Sonic Frontiers - So, if this looks like a poor man's (Sonic Team) version of SotC, BotW or Elden Ring that's because that's exactly what it is (it even has a bird, fittingly an unregal seagull though, follow overhead ala SotC). What was I thinking?
I saw this one coming like a freight train, months away. My son would want this for his birthday and I’d not only be forced to oblige, I’d be pulled in to help him with the toughest bosses. That’s what’s happening this morning! And it’s exactly what I thought it would be, too.

Due to him monopolizing the Switch to play Sonic, I only got in about an hour of Tactics Ogre last night, and what a blast. I’ve been waiting for this one for years. It’s incredible to me just how similar it is to FFT, down to almost every detail. So I’m really excited to be able to effectively play a sequel to FFT after all these years.
Thanks to the xbox gamepass I beat Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition with Paragon as Vanguard and have ported the character to ME2.

Vanguard, the best class! It does change quite a bit in ME2 though, be warned. That said, I liked the new powers. Can't say the same for the new squad mates. :azan:
Still playing Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. I forgot how much fun this game was. I’m playing a Hammerdin (I think I played some type of barbarian last time) and it’s going smoothly so far. I’m almost done with Act III.
Vanguard, the best class! It does change quite a bit in ME2 though, be warned. That said, I liked the new powers. Can't say the same for the new squad mates. :azan:
I noticed me2 is much more challenging with the stripped down combat system. Me1 was hilarious, as you can one shot basically anyone with with a fully upgraded shotgun. Apocalypse fires at auto speed and the fight might last less than a few seconds, even the final fights.
Resident Evil VIIIAGE: Shadow of Rose - So, the RE8 DLC promised via a slide with white text on a black background lives up to the slick presentation, as it feels like a completely rushed and recycled rehash so far. It's basically the same game again but worse in every way...
It's funny that you disliked it. Honestly, this may be the greatest game of all time and I couldn't imagine bothering to finish Elden Ring at this point because it might as well be called Elderly Lame. For example, could you imagine if they just gave you all these overwhelming powers at the start or gave you special abilities? Thankfully they give you guns, reusing the best pistol in, not just Resident Evil but, the entirety of video games, the Lemi. :troll:

Vanguard, the best class! It does change quite a bit in ME2 though, be warned. That said, I liked the new powers. Can't say the same for the new squad mates. :azan:
I liked one squad mate. Just one.
I liked one squad mate. Just one.
Which one? I hope you say Garrus.

The gameplay is much simplified and Gears of War style. Saves me a bunch of time I previously spent adjusting gear. The weapons are so limited now, haha. Gear load out in me1 was so fun, but basically broke the game with how powerful the characters were. I laughed at the me2 beginning since my squad seemed basically undefeatable.
Which one? I hope you say Garrus.


The gameplay is much simplified and Gears of War style. Saves me a bunch of time I previously spent adjusting gear. The weapons are so limited now, haha. Gear load out in me1 was so fun, but basically broke the game with how powerful the characters were. I laughed at the me2 beginning since my squad seemed basically undefeatable.

They made the first Mass Effect easier in the Legendary Edition from what I understand.
They made the first Mass Effect easier in the Legendary Edition from what I understan
Matriarch Benezia's cut scene was longer than the fight. Killed her whole squad with one 7 round clip from the apocalypse auto shotgun, lol.

You can never defeat my deadly.... *dies*
Darkest Dungeon. Got into it a couple months ago and the only game I modded almost immediately. Sheesh.
Love Nikki and Shining Nikki continue to eat my soul.
It's been forever since I played and I only remember Grunt fondly. The boss battle during his side quest is my favorite part of that game and also a much better fight than the final boss.
Just completed this part. So, the thrasher was your favorite. Cool to see the Krogan homeworld. Must say this is notably better than me1 as a game, but I do miss the original characters. Attempting to win and save everyone... we will see.
I finished Diablo II earlier this week. The Hammerdin build made short work of Baal. After that, when I clicked on the exit portal, instead of taking me to the final cinematic, it took me to a still image that congratulated me on my new title: Slayer. Underwhelming, I thought, until I decided to make sure there was an ending cinematic. There was, so color me happy. :void:

I plan on returning to Diablo II in the future, in order to beef up my character on the higher difficulties, but for now, I'm playing Wario Land 4.
the RPG and story elements of the game fall far off the mark of ME1 in my opinion. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts once you've beaten it.
Okay, game completed. I agree on a lot less main story elements, but I liked that the primary challenge was whether you would save your crew. I only lost one member (Tali) and enjoyed a happy romance with Garrus. It was much more challenging, which I really enjoyed as an extension of ME1 (more of a big expansion pack than a standalone game). On to ME3.
Wario Land 4 was another enjoyable romp in the long-running series. The only thing of note to differentiate it from the other games, aside from its shorter length, was the gorgeous pixel art. The prior games all looked great on GameBoy, but the GBA really stepped things up a notch in the graphics department. The game was lovely to look at with big, colorful sprites and bright backgrounds.

Next up is Devil May Cry, a game I played way back in college when it first came out. I finished the first mission yesterday without any problems. I seem to remember the game being really difficult, but so far so good. The gameplay is fun, and I'm looking forward to learning more moves and using the Devil Trigger power-ups. I love the 3D backgrounds, too. A nice step up from the pre-rendered ones used by Capcom in the Resident Evil series.

The voice acting, though...oof. I remember reading somewhere that the director wanted Dante to be a guy you'd like to hang out and grab a beer with. Based on the opening cinematic...I'll pass. :ganishka: