1:1 scale replica of Skull Knight Helmet!!!

Drakull said:
Is there anyone here who ordered James's bust from France ?

I'm afraid with damage :/

Here I did!

I received the helmet in 2 parts.
Arrived in perfect condition, and I am VERY happy about it.

Perfect scult
Perfect painting.
100% worth the money!

@ James: I support good work, you do a great job and I want that skullknight for sure. As soon as I get some money I send you the deposit (I hope next week).
I would so Get this one if I had the money when it was ready to ship. Of the two pieces done so far, (skull knight and Guts helmet) this is the one I would get! Not sure why either, I mean guts is by far my fav character. But this just.. It just seems like the better choice among the two. still, both are awesome!
put me down for yes. Spiked collar one. (will pay soon)

Also, I hope this completed one looks (kinda matches) like the Berserk helmet so they will look good side by side. Like a similar base or similar nameplate or something. Because this will look great by itself but want to put it next to the Berserk helmet as well.

3 stages of paint:

1. whitish/silver coat
2. dark tarnish
3. dry brushing silver/white back in

This pictures represent stage TWO!

Note about color choice...
Aazealh had the idea of going with a white/silver tarnish look and I quickly agreed! We think it best represents SK (the word for "skull" is more exactly translated as "Weathered Skull"). I've always been personally a fan of the bone color scheme, but we think this is the best balance between that and the standard silver/grey look. Also, even though the manga is black and white, it's pretty clear that SK is mostly white. Miura doesn't fill him in at all. So! That is why we went with this color scheme. Hope you like!





It's coming along nicely. I like the color choice even though I'm a bit partial to the bone color scheme myself. :SK:

Alright folks, feast your eyes, and get the napkins. Be prepared to get wet.

Click below to watch video!

New pics!









Just fyi, the thorns on the base cannot be molded, so James is making them on a case by case basis. Each time he does it, it'll be slightly different, but since it will take so much time to make them, the thorns will cost an extra $25. They are optional, of course, just like the collar.

Ok now, start wiping up.
oh my goodness.... amazing!

I.. can't even think of words...

I'm glad he did the thorns too, cause i was thinking it was a little bland down there earlier. I'll definitely get it with collar and thorns!

eyes are awesome!!
deathbybears said:
the face, or lack of face, does not have the menacing quality I expected.

It's a matter of angle. He doesn't always look menacing in the manga either. If you look at him from above though...

yesmilord said:
Not that I mind, but I'm just slightly curious towards the final decision for the color choice of the glowing eyes. :???: :SK:

Hehe, well the idea was to have the eyes glow mostly white, with either a tint of blue or a tint of yellow. I ended up going with the blue because I think blue just has a bit more mysterious and chilling appearance. And actually, James mentioned to me that in person the blue is much more toned down, and that the photos exaggerate how bright they really are. We'll see!
DirectDK said:
Hehe, well the idea was to have the eyes glow mostly white, with either a tint of blue or a tint of yellow. I ended up going with the blue because I think blue just has a bit more mysterious and chilling appearance. And actually, James mentioned to me that in person the blue is much more toned down, and that the photos exaggerate how bright they really are. We'll see!


Yea I had a feeling, just looking at the pictures, that the blue would be a bit more subdued. Either way, it looks very cool and I really like the end result!
Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous. I believe this has inspired me to hit up my skull knight 3D model again. :badbone:

If only I weren't a poor college student...If only. : ( I'd drop some bones for this so fast...HA...I crack myself up.
Final payment sent this weekend - James may have me down as either Ghadrack or Zach, he reached out to me on another board and I forgot I had a different handle here from many years ago.