Battlechaser and Berserk


The best defense is a good offence!
Have anyone read Battlechaser comic? The main character Garrison looks like Gatts in Berserk and both have that bad ass attude. Also, Garrison have a big sword and weapons like Gatts.

Whats up with that? >:(


Staff member
For those who really dont know what he's talking about, hers a few images of "garrison"


I, personally at first thought it was mere coincidence as this guy is obviously just some beefy hero with a sword (not exactly unique) but then I remembered from my old american comic days who the artist was: Joe Madueira. Hes so blatantly influenced by manga its not even funny. It could very well be a Guts tribute as far as character design is concerned. But its still technically up in the air.

Oh and heres a fan-submitted description of his character, but nothing really Guts-ish about it...:

" A master swordsman who's skill has made him a legend. He has vowed never to use his sword again and to settle down with the woman he loves. Due to this he doesn't want anything to do with the other characters. He is compared to Han Solo by Madureira: "He's kind of like Han Solo; he doesn't want to get involved with anything that they're doing but, you know, fate has away of screwing things up for him.""

Han solo?....I dunno about that.
On reflection...he looks more like Duke from G.I.Joe...


"This is it. It's over."
" A master swordsman who's skill has made him a legend. He has vowed never to use his sword again and to settle down with the woman he loves. Due to this he doesn't want anything to do with the other characters. He is compared to Han Solo by Madureira: "He's kind of like Han Solo; he doesn't want to get involved with anything that they're doing but, you know, fate has away of screwing things up for him.""

Now that's really a deepgoing story. breathtaking. impressive.
reminds me of hotshots 2... "my war is over".

I don't know why, but the picture below reminds me of Flash Gordon.
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