Episode 327


Staff member
Title: 浮上 - Surfacing​

Guts is trapped inside the Sea God. He tries to stab at the walls and is engulfed in water/blood. Goes near unconscious, contemplates death. At that moment, the Child appears above him, whose hair is really starting to look like Griffith's now. He guides him to safety by pointing the right direction. From there, the merrows drag Guts out and bring him to safety. Meanwhile, the Sea Horse crew, led by Roderick, enter the mouth of the Sea God's corpse in order to try to rescue Guts. But then the Sea God begins to sink (?). Thankfully, Guts and the merrows meet them just then. The episode ends with a focus on the Child, who was apparently sitting with Casca the entire time (must have been astral projection?).

Isma's mother gives some kind of explanation about the state of the ocean right now, but I can't read it yet.
Wow this sounds like a great episode. So much happening in so few pages! Thanks for the preview Walter! Any word on the release date for episode 328?
Walter said:
Nope. It won't be in the next issue.

Thanks for the preview!

It's awesome to see Guts interacting with The Child like this.

I have to ask, is it revealed if Guts is able to see again? Or are his senses still shot to hell?
Dammit, why are you guys pushing me to be the first to say it? WOO RODERICK SERVICE! :casca: ... :farnese:
Dar Klink said:
Dammit, why are you guys pushing me to be the first to say it? WOO RODERICK SERVICE! :casca: ... :farnese:
Yeah, that's partly why I chose to preview that pic :casca:

Chaos said:
I have to ask, is it revealed if Guts is able to see again? Or are his senses still shot to hell?
I wish I could tell you for sure, but it looks like he still has bad vision. Notice the second preview shot, his eyes following the glow of the child. It gives the impression that he can only see because the child emits a bright light.

But we'll know more with a translation. There's a few words exchanged in the following pages. Looks like the kid is just telling him directions though ("here ... here"). But Guts says quite a bit.
Walter said:
I wish I could tell you for sure, but it looks like he still has bad vision. Notice the second preview shot, his eyes following the glow of the child. It gives the impression that he can only see because the child emits a bright light.

But we'll know more with a translation. There's a whole conversation, or at least many words exchanged in the following pages.

I was thinking the same thing, that he was only able to follow the child because of his bright-lighted-ness (or aura? whichever term you prefer haha). Still though, at least it's better than having to be guided by Schierke (that is to say, its good that he can see again, somewhat, without the heart beat pummeling him). Hopefully with the translation we'll find out the full extent of how badly he's been injured this time.

As an aside, you're totally right: The Child's hair is starting to look a lot like undesirable #1's... :griffnotevil: Hopefully something will be revealed about this/him soon
At least for now Guts is safe, but what kind of treatment will he get now that he's in this shape? Moonlight boy sure took his time to show up this time around, but it's like he has perfect timing for when he's needed. Thanks for the preview!
Th3Branded0ne said:
At least for now Guts is safe, but what kind of treatment will he get now that he's in this shape? Moonlight boy sure took his time to show up this time around, but it's like he has perfect timing for when he's needed. Thanks for the preview!
Another interesting thing to me was that in the past, we've guessed that part of the Child's motivations in stopping the Beast was to protect its mother. It quells the Beast when it comes near Casca. But here it's acting purely to protect Guts.
Dar Klink said:
Dammit, why are you guys pushing me to be the first to say it? WOO RODERICK SERVICE! :casca: ... :farnese:

hehe, I was gonna say it never ceases to amaze me the balls on this guy. Just walking right in between the teeth like that.
I wonder how the merrows knew that Guts was in trouble? did Isma ask them for help? I'm so excited to read the Episode! :guts:
Aazealh said:
Everything going as expected. Boy & merrows saving the big guy. And the boy's hair seems to confirm my old theory, too. :badbone:

Guts' state, though... Worrying.

It is becoming more likely, but I have a question: the world has changed, but how the child has changed, It may very well have had a personality of the relevant Griffith?

Sorry, I transcribed my sentence with google translation because my language is French.
This episode has a bunch of unique shots of Guts! :ubik: page 9 in particular!

It definitely looks like Guts' vision is gone or very bad (it being dark doesn't help either). :sad:
Pretty good episode! Schierke seems to be exhausted as well, and worried about Guts predicament. Guts sure clinging to life as any other time we have seen him,but this felt gravely more difficult since indeed he just killed a God. Glad the Moonlinght boy went to help Guts this time around.
Great episode and love every frame of Guts in that situation. Man, I'm curious to know what he's thinking on Page 17 and of course everything else said in the episode (lot of good dialog with Isma's Mom).

If anyone's picked up this issue of YA, it also features a booklet covering episodes Sword Wind up to Nosferatu Zodd (3), it's cool because it's in big page format + has good front/ back cover art and full of RAWR :zodd:
Shadow8 said:
I have a question: the world has changed, but how the child has changed, It may very well have had a personality of the relevant Griffith?

Sorry, I don't understand the question.

Walter said:
I'm worried about Guts on page 9. The shots of him smelling, tasting the area doesn't bode well.

When he feebly tries to get up... So sad... He's like an old man. :sad:
Shadow8 said:
The child with Casca, Is it possible that he would have a certain power or part of Griffith

Yes. That's what I meant when I referred to "my old theory". We know Griffith has some form of the Demon Child within him (as a result of using the poor kid to provide Femto with a corporeal body), and we strongly suspect (is there even really a doubt?) that the Moonlight Boy is really the Demon Child. So it is only natural to assume that the Moonlight Boy might be related to Griffith one way or another.
Pretty much what I expected in regards to Guts being rescued via superior being, ala volume 28. The Merrow part of it was much better than expected though. :slan: :slan: :guts: :slan: :slan:

On the other hand, those scenes of Guts in the dark... :sad:
Th3Branded0ne said:
Guts sure clinging to life as any other time we have seen him,but this felt gravely more difficult since indeed he just killed a God.

Not only life but the Dragon Slayer as well. He's in pretty bad shape and he's still carrying that thing like it's nothing. Very impressive.

Walter said:
Episode's title is "Surfacing (浮上)".

Thank you, I was just wondering what the title of this episode is. It's as if you read my mind. :isidro:

I really enjoyed this episode. In particular I liked the expression of the people on the ship when they saw Guts. Farnese's expression caught my attention in particular.
Excellent, excellent episode! This is by far my favorite episode of this section of the chapter. The conclusion to the Sea God segment is getting better and better for me and allowing me to appreciate this section as a whole much more with me receiving the mythology I was hoping for.

It's nice to see Guts saved by two of the big elements reinforced this section, the Merrows but more importantly, the Moonlight Boy (are we still referring to him by that now?). The fact that he looks so much like Griffith is kinda freaky, I always just thought of him in relation to being Casca and Guts child but with some sort of power-relation to Griffith. Now it appears as though his physical body is Guts and Cascas child in appearance and his ethereal body is Griffith and Casca in appearance? Or just Griffith? He does appear young though...I'm really not sure what the implications of all of this are, so many things are making me think back on everything that has happened in relations to Sex, corruption, incarnation, fusing of the worlds, and what all the implications of these things are on the original child. I haven't really formed anything concrete here and I may be reading into this too much haha.

It's interesting to see there was mention of the rest of the ocean and the sea creatures, are things more peaceful now or something?

Overall I felt a little underwhelmed with the Sea God externally. I mean the fact he was so basic on the outside and complex on the inside made for a really nice contrast, but just deflating like that? lol I dunno.