Glossary / Merchandise / Thanks Sections "Done"


Staff member
Is ~95% complete. The keystone updates this time around are:

    Which, among several other things, contains this little beauty me, Aazealh and Puella spent hours on perfecting:

Holy See Alliance Diagram

is now 90% operable (Missing the Games section still. I'll post where I need help in a seperate topic)

Is finished now too, listing and thanking all involved with the Encyclopedia these past 1.5 years.

It's taken over a year and a half (90% slacking, 10% work), but it looks like we'll have this thing DONE in less than a week.

PS: Yes, you can comment on both sections here
Re: Glossary /Merchandise Sections "Done"

Holy shit!  Awesome job!

The only thing I saw missing at first glance is in the music section, Merchandise.  The Forces CD single.  If you want to add it and need a scan of it or anything, I've got one.
Walter it seem that your website is the best place to look for Berserk info 8)

Btw your thanks on the last section... It seem really sarcastic... :P
Niiiiiice!  8)

If only Miura would visit to see what a REAL fan does.

Thanks Walter and crew!

EDIT: P.S. You forgot to thank the translators man!
Quite impressive really. That's why I come here instead of the other various Berserk sites around. I do think it would be awesome if Miura would come here. Who knows, he might come around every once and a while as just a random member with a few posts here and there. ;)

But Walter, I'm glad you made such an incredibly awesome site, thanks. ;D

- C 8)
Now that I've had time to read it all, it is seriously really badass!  8) Tons of information and all really well done.  Congrats and thanks Walter and everyone else who pitched in.

The links in the manga section to the text translations are particularly convenient.  I don't remember what went on here with Yong, but how accurate are his translations?
Damage Control said:
I do think it would be awesome if Miura would come here. Who knows, he might come around every once and a while as just a random member with a few posts here and there.  ;)

  That would be Conan.

  I may have missed it; but is the "good old" art gallery made back in the days still operational?. If not would it be to much to have some kind of a compilation in the matter (aside from the Creation Station)  made by old and new members?... just a suggestion
TheSkyTraveller said:
I don't remember what went on here with Yong, but how accurate are his translations?

"His" translations were mostly stolen from here or Ranemaka13's Berserk Translation Database, as far as I remember, so these parts would be mostly accurate. Now, last time I checked what he was making "himself" (and that's years ago), it was babelfish level.
I was just wondering if, in the manga section of the merchandise area, "chapters" of the manga should be changed to "episodes" to prevent any confusion, since they're referred to as episodes throughout the forum.
Rhombaad said:
I was just wondering if, in the manga section of the merchandise area, "chapters" of the manga should be changed to "episodes" to prevent any confusion, since they're referred to as episodes throughout the forum.
Yeah, that's my fault. It's because that section is veeerrry old. That was back when even I was still calling him G_A_T_T_S_U. ;D

EDIT: Finished the changes. Updated the translation links and titles to the current episode, too.
The glossary is brilliant
I have also had a very favorite entry, stuff I realized for the first time: the "Jumping fish"
I also have to ask something about it...I will put this in the mausoleum section
Aazealh said:
"His" translations were mostly stolen from here or Ranemaka13's Berserk Translation Database, as far as I remember, so these parts would be mostly accurate. Now, last time I checked what he was making "himself" (and that's years ago), it was babelfish level.

Oh.  Seems like so many people were stealing translations from here at some point.  Guess I lost track.  ::)
TheSkyTraveller said:
Seems like so many people were stealing translations from here at some point.

Yeah, it's a fad or something I guess.

Walter said:
Finished the changes. Updated the translation links and titles to the current episode, too.

You still haven't added the Record of the Holy Evil War chapter entry though...
The progress in so short of time is incredible. ;D

Are you still going to include statues and action figures at some point?
Do you have a photo for Vol.6 of the Anime? Or do you just not have a summary of it yet?
Will the Vol.29 section of the Manga section be added soon?
Are the translations of the Manga planned to ever be completed?
Do you plan on HTML-izing all of the translations?

P.S. If you are looking for help HTML-izing some translations. Just PM me, and I would happy spend some time on it. I just need to know what translations are acceptable to use, and the format and color scheme you would like them in.
Headless Death said:
Are you still going to include statues and action figures at some point?

Yes, you'll see.

Headless Death said:
Are the translations of the Manga planned to ever be completed?

Someone would have to take the time to translate them, and I don't know anybody that's willing to do it at the moment.
Headless Death said:
Are you still going to include statues and action figures at some point?

Information upgrade: see this thread.

A page will be up soon in the Merchandise section of the Encyclopedia, but it is merely a concise summary of the current status of Berserk statues/figures/kits, giving away the few required links (AoW's website, HLJ, Headlong, etc), and a portal to, that is affiliated to the Encyclopedia.

If you have any question regarding this, contact me or DirectDK by PM.
Updated the Merchandise section with Statues. Check here for it..

PS: Statues page done by Aaz