Glossary / Merchandise / Thanks Sections "Done"

The page is comming along nicely. What other links are you going to include?

What are the other two spots in the Merchandise section going to include?

Just suggestions. Would be nice to have's Affiliate on top, to avoid scrolling for those just wanting the information for the statues, and not the links per se. Also possibly having the headers for the links, link themselves(like the "" Header link to the site.) And for Unofficial collectables, having a bulleted list.
Headless Death said:
The page is comming along nicely.  What other links are you going to include?

Nothing much, a link to for AoW stuff, one to Yahoo Japan auctions, some more unofficial crafters, etc.

Headless Death said:
What are the other two spots in the Merchandise section going to include?

Well, I think had a plan for them once, could have been my idea for all I know, but I sure as hell can't remember... :-X So you'll have to wait for Walter to tell you if it was just to occupy the empty space or not.

Headless Death said:
Just suggestions.  Would be nice to have's Affiliate on top, to avoid scrolling for those just wanting the information for the statues, and not the links per se.  Also possibly having the headers for the links, link themselves(like the "" Header link to the site.)  And for Unofficial collectables, having a bulleted list.

Thought of all that already, not big modifications, though I like the paragraphs order, it's not like there's much scrolling to do anyway. ;)
Aazealh said:
Well, I think had a plan for them once, could have been my idea for all I know, but I sure as hell can't remember... :-X So you'll have to wait for Walter to tell you if it was just to occupy the empty space or not.
Uhh, it's pretty much just so that the Zodd/Statue icon wouldn't be lonely or forced to be "centered". Anyway, JIN had an idea to include the BERSERK: Maniac Mooks guides. So.. there's another section.
What will be in the Maniac Mooks guides?

How about a section for miscellaneous merchandise, a place for the lighters, cigarette cases, calanders, Paul Champagne's Berserk DVD box, and Etc.?
Headless Death said:
What will be in the Maniac Mooks guides?
Information about the Maniac Mooks guides.

How about a section for miscellaneous merchandise, a place for the lighters, cigarette cases, calanders, Paul Champagne's Berserk DVD box, and Etc.?
Nah. I can't and don't have any desire to include every single insignificant piece of merchandise.
Re: Glossary /Merchandise Sections "Done"

TheSkyTraveller said:
The only thing I saw missing at first glance is in the music section, Merchandise. The Forces CD single. If you want to add it and need a scan of it or anything, I've got one.
It's still not there so I figured I would post it's info, and cover.


1.) Berserk -Forces-
2.) Berserk -Forces- (God Hand Mix)
3.) Berserk -Forces- (Original Karaoke)
4.) Berserk -Forces- (TV Version)

Walter said:
Information about the Maniac Mooks guides.
What is a Maniac Mook Guide? ???
Re: Glossary /Merchandise Sections "Done"

Headless Death said:
What is a Maniac Mook Guide? ???

They're special "magazines" that give information about the manga, point out stuff, compares it with the anime, etc. They're rare to find nowadays, and not especially interesting for someone that knows really much about Berserk already (like me 8)). Their informations are also not always correct or pertinent from what I've heard (unconfirmed).

There are other magazines like that, the "Berserk Freaks" for example. JIN has them all of course, and I actually have quite a lot of pictures of them at home. I'll put them online this evening and edit my post to show you, in the meantime, you can check this thread and try to spot them, you can catch a glimpse in this picture in particular (on the top, two books with Femto half hidden and Slan/Conrad/Ubik on the covers respectively).

EDIT: Okay, click the links below to get a few pictures (I just put a few up as an example). Most of them if not all are courtesy of our good friend JIN.

- The art featured on the covers of the 3 Berserk Hyper Maniac Mooks, these are postcards though.
- Berserk Hyper Maniac Mooks n°3 cover.
- OMG! The Dragon Slayer measurements! :o
- Berserk Hyper Maniac Mooks n°3 content example.
- Heraldry found in one of the HMM.

- Cover of the first issue of Berserk Freaks.
Headless Death said:
Just wondering what extra work needs to be done to get it closer to that 99%.
It's a good question. Basically, that 5% is for ... whatever needs doing :guts:
Headless Death said:
Any chance to get a full picture of the dragon slayer properties.

I don't think it's really useful honestly, and it's nothing official either as far as I know.
Paradise Lost, Yong, Conan various other Forum members...

Thank you for giving me a reason to create this central collection of Berserk

^^Is that part talking about the Conan that posts in the Merchandise section?