I never really paid any mind to the "monstrous" page length of earlier Berserk releases when I started reading the manga, if something, Black Swordsman and The brand page length felt necessary and reading them individually makes a lot of sense and it incentives you to read them from start to finish every time you reread the manga, but I feel like these lengthy releases just got bigger with Desire Guardian Angels (2) {and a bit confusing, is it a two part of a part two, lol?}, the most amazing thing about this, is that it continues until volume 5, I think? it stabilized at 40 pages? for some revenges-episodes, but it was simply incredible, like if Berserk was being published monthly, but it wasn't, right?
Well, what I wanted to ask was, Did Miura have a considerable preferential treatment of some sort from the magazine earlier in its publication? Or was this common on smaller manga magazines back in the day? I feel like we WILL NEVER see another manga series getting any sort of significant great start as Berserk did given that most stories only get one big first debut, and chapter two is usually rushed in comparison due to the reduction of pages, but in Berserk the lengthy pages must've helped the story a lot if you read it every time they released, I bet, Or was this Miura/his editor's doing, so they requested more pages to develop the story more accordingly? I feel like it looks like these long releases are well timed, like it does benefit Zodd's introduction to have shorter episodes, but before, Golden Age revenges needed to be longer.
Anyway, sorry if this was asked before or if it's just something really obvious or a bit simpler due to the fact that maybe the magazine decided this since the start.
Well, what I wanted to ask was, Did Miura have a considerable preferential treatment of some sort from the magazine earlier in its publication? Or was this common on smaller manga magazines back in the day? I feel like we WILL NEVER see another manga series getting any sort of significant great start as Berserk did given that most stories only get one big first debut, and chapter two is usually rushed in comparison due to the reduction of pages, but in Berserk the lengthy pages must've helped the story a lot if you read it every time they released, I bet, Or was this Miura/his editor's doing, so they requested more pages to develop the story more accordingly? I feel like it looks like these long releases are well timed, like it does benefit Zodd's introduction to have shorter episodes, but before, Golden Age revenges needed to be longer.
Anyway, sorry if this was asked before or if it's just something really obvious or a bit simpler due to the fact that maybe the magazine decided this since the start.