

Resident /b/tard
ok, so i'm reading some of his work, and alot of his opinions I held last year.

especially about pity and evolution of humanity.

here's a link I got from sparnage! time for a discussion!


Oh, nevermind...
Kart said:
any of them, i'm just reading them now so bring up any points you like.

I just wanted to say I am not someone who hates Nietszche and his ideas but I wanted to call to attention the following paragraph from The Antichrist:

--The Jews are the most remarkable people in the history of the world, for when they were confronted with the question, to be or not to be, they chose, with perfectly unearthly deliberation, to be at any price: this price involved a radical falsification of all nature, of all naturalness, of all reality, of the whole inner world, as well as of the outer. They put themselves against all those conditions under which, hitherto, a people had been able to live, or had even been permitted to live; out of themselves they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to natural conditions--one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a contradiction of its natural significance. We meet with the same phenomenon later on, in an incalculably exaggerated form, but only as a copy: the Christian church, put beside the "people of God," shows a complete lack of any claim to originality. Precisely for this reason the Jews are the most fateful people in the history of the world: their influence has so falsified the reasoning of mankind in this matter that today the Christian can cherish anti-Semitism without realizing that it is no more than the final consequence of Judaism.

Nietszche's admirers often say that the Nazi's perverted his work to suit their own agenda, but after reading the above it seems that it wouldn't have taken much effort.
Im not too sure about that Wagas, i guess its possible they were inspired by some of his work, as it didnt become popular for some time after his death, though he was equally against christianity as well if not more.

His work based on being against christianity was obviously refered to as an anti christ, but most people should realise as a philosopher and existentialist he had his own set of ethics and principles so he was not a bad person at all, he believed as humans we dont have to link ethics with christianity as it is simply slave morality, and we have come far enough in the world to practice ethics without it as an excuse.
Maybe so, but people who want to believe and take a richeous path of god would probably generally live a more ethical life without christianity in their lives (say if the chance to join never presented itself) then a person who isnt religious and would never go down that path if the chance presented itself.

Still your probably right, let people like malf believe if they can relate to slave morality so much, doesnt hurt the rest of us.... until the preaching starts.


Resident /b/tard
the preaching isn't really what hurts, it's more when people are not listened to and they say "Hey! you're not listening" and when you try to express your opinion "I'm a christian! I believe in in god! you're a bad person!" and then somthing bad happens.
I was looking around on the internet and I happend to find my own site with some Berserk quotes.

"What does not destroy me makes me stronger" - Nietzsche

"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster, for as you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back into you" - Nietzsche

I don't know who Nietzsche is, nor do I want to look him up - I just know this guy has some of the best Berserk related quotes.

(I think it is appropriate to put this at the end now...)



Resident /b/tard
Wherever the will to power begins to decline, in whatever form, there is always an accompanying decline physiologically, a decadence. The divinity of this decadence, shorn of its masculine virtues and passions, is converted perforce into a god of the physiologically degraded, of the weak. Of course, they do not call themselves the weak; they call themselves "the good."

I finally found something that I could not debate with myself to a clear understand.

If weak disguise themself as good, even with intentions of being strong, or perhaps used the guise of good to do evil or gain, or even survive, does this make them weak? Or does this make them smart and self serving, and truely not weak?

my problem comes to "current" stregnth, as in "my opponent can beat me phsyically" but "I can rally friends and troops and defeat him" which is true strength? both hold the ablity to defeat eachother, this is more a question of timing and conditions...


All those who wander are not always lost
" If you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks back at you."

I believe Nietszche said that.

Written on a library desk at San Jose State was the longest damn graffiti argument I ever saw:

God is dead.

Nietszche is dead.

You're is alive.

And this went on, and on, and on...


Resident /b/tard
interesting thing, I was talking to someone line and i ask them "what is true power" and she answered "The ablity to control things around you", I was amused by this, but also awed because I had never thought of her as an extremely intelligent person. well anyway, that cleared up my two day personal debate about the question.


Today's Yamaba?
Kart said:
interesting thing, I was talking to someone line and i ask them "what is true power" and she answered "The ablity to control things around you", I was amused by this, but also awed because I had never thought of her as an extremely intelligent person. well anyway, that cleared up my two day personal debate about the question.

with all good nature, tell me, did you actually believe Nietzche's arguments?


Lets go, bub!
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.

Friedrich Nietzsche

This was also the opening quote in Baldurs Gate... there was really no point in this reply ... lol :)


You cannot escape YOUR FATE!
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. I think this statement is very true after thinking about it for awhile.


theblakeman- your local pervert
Nietszche, brilliant philosopher, and very powerful ideas come from his work. It doesn't matter if the Nazis perverted his work or not, nor does it matter if his work is anti-semitism. You have to disregard prejudice and look at the wolrd for what it really is, and then you can understand his ideas.


Resident /b/tard
you have to take the good with the bad, understand it's anti semitic, then you can understand his opinion better, it's like saying "I believe all the good things and none of the bad" in a religion, it doesn't work that way. if you chose to take what you want ti's no longer a religion it's rather your own philosophy on life.
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