Really missed the podcast and it was a truly nice listen. Really like the layout of the Miura timeline.
Regarding the hiatus i have some thoughts. I feel like Miura is really the type of mangaka that respects his idols and really takes their word to heart so i want to highlight something
Tetsuo Hara said to him in an interview: “When you get past 50, your wisdom and experience goes up, so I want you to keep going at it! On the other hand, your body becomes more frail, so don’t think that you can do everything by yourself. Leave it to the guys in their twenties to power through things. Your role should be to guide them.” Miura-sensei has already been drawing Berserk for 27 years. Savouring this message from his idol, Hara-sensei, he felt renewed excitement!''
I think this specific comment and obviously Miuras own consideration eventually pushed him to the direction we are in now. Like you guys said, obviously the main point of the series is to push the new magazine of Young Animal Zero, but i feel like Miura took inspiration and eventually really wants to offload more of his work to his assistants, which brings me to tweet that the assistant wrote recently
“僕は新人です。 まだアシスタントを始めてから数ヶ月です。 実際にベルセルクの仕事をしたのはほぼ皆無です。 誤解している方いると思うので、訂正させてください。 今までのベルセルクの絵を描いていたのは三浦建太郎先生や上司達であり僕ではありません。 僕はまだ新人です。 絵が下手です。”
He has been there for a few months and has not even touched one Berserk manuscript yet. Miura truly does not even let these guys draw the dust
Basically the big question i have are. How long till Miura eventually starts giving these guys more responsibility?
Based on the interview the only comparison point we have is the Miura sketch and the finished product
In general i like the plan my selfish wish is that Duranki won't end up being a long running series, but how all of this will progress in terms of length, how Berserk is affected long term and workload management is to be seen i guess.