Nomad said:
I've studied and worked for NBC and it's sister broadcasting companies, and Walter seems to have a good idea in writing the script of what topics are to be mentioned.
Wow, thanks! I appreciate it. It probably helps that I do interviews for my job almost every day over the phone, so I'm used to keeping conversation rolling even when not talking to someone face to face.
But if it's structure you guys are worried about, I'd suggest to not "hold back" onto whatever it is that any of you want to share. For instance, Walter... Give Aaz and Griff the list of topics that you wish to bring to air, and all you three can write down reminders of what you may think or question to bring up. Trying to figure all that stuff from your brain gets tricky, specially in the middle of a recording. People always forget something.
Actually, for the first two podcasts, we kept very detailed show notes written and assembled throughout the week preceding the podcast. But I think that's what held us back in episode 2: I strictly adhered to the "script" and didn't allot enough time for tangents. And those tangents are often the best parts of a conversation. So this time, we didn't really have a script. I think it was like, "327" and "Volume 17" with a few more things to pull from in case we hit any dead air, but we didn't.
As for this episode, I truly enjoyed the God Hand discussion in general.
Yeah, I told Aaz today that when he compared the GH's dark magic to human science I basically swooned in glee

Such a cool parallel.
Like said before, the audio quality was a major improvement and Walter opened up the episode flawlessly.
Thanks. I resolved the podcast's audio issues this time by having a silent fourth party (my PC) "listening in" to the convo and recording the Skype feed, while I talked through my Macbook. It's a complicated solution to a simple problem. But it worked great, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be how we do it from here on out. That is, until we all meet up for a LIVE podcast
Enjoyed the episode to the fullest and I think I speak for all that the little sessions where you guys get to be a bit more personal always gives it a nice taste.
I also have fun with the personal stuff, and I'd like to do more of it. I missed an opportunity this time though... There's a French phrase: "L'esprit de l'escalier" that translates to "stairway wit." It refers to that feeling when you think of the correct reply after you've already left the room. I thought of a much better answer to "thing that not many people know about you" question that I feel stupid for not saying. Oh well... next time, maybe
Saephon said:
Usually podcasts revolve around a constant news cycle, which steers discussion for each episode. Berserk obviously doesn't have new "topics" or "events" to cover every two weeks, outside of the newest manga episode that comes out. So it makes sense that SkullKast be a bit less formulaic than the average podcast.
This exact topic came up today between me and Aaz. The podcasts that I personally follow can keep a weekly pace because they're based around industries like video games or movies that are constantly creating fresh subjects. Berserk moves at a slower pace, obviously. So keeping it fresh will become exponentially more difficult for us moving forward, particularly if we stick to weekly releases.
I never intended to do a weekly show. But right now I'm in a kind of honeymooning period where I feel like recording another podcast as soon as we wrap up one. So I feel compelled to just keep doing it at this rate until we hit a real brick wall and are forced to break for a while.
We still have many topics to pull from, like for example, our thoughts and feelings about individual characters. We could do a whole show on SK or Guts, easily. But we're also open to topics.
If you have ideas on that front, italicize them!
I think this episode was the closest to a comfortable medium that you've had so far.
Thanks, and I agree. I'm trying to think of a way where we can prevent prematurely transitioning away from a topic in favor of another, but I believe that's just the nature of conversation.
That being said, if you'd like to add some more structure to it, one trick I like a lot is musical or audio cues in between podcast segments. Some of my favorite podcasts (Dan Carlin's Common Sense, and The back when I played WoW) have short, recurring sound effects preceding each major segment. It establishes a pattern, and helps break up an otherwise 60+ min block of conversation. Maybe we could benefit from something like that?
Sure, but Ill need Nomad to come up with a few more 10 second tracks