Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 44


Staff member

Episode 44 (03/15/2014): GIGANTOEPILOGUE

*1 day early edition!*
We bring Gigantomakhia to a close with discussion of the bonus episode, and talk about the possibilities in the upcoming episode of Berserk, due out next month. In our re-read, we've reached Volume 6, which includes our analysis of Griffith's "I Have a Dream" sequence.

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Ahahaha, it's always a great joy to hear Walter's native Southern accent creeping into his voice at times, even if just barely :ganishka:

And I know that this might sound like a blasphemy, but I actually wished that Miura would put Berserk on hold a while longer, and given us some more Gigantomakhia. The certain raw sensuousness of its epilogue and the landscapes of the world depicted therein has particularly captivated my imagination, and made me want to see and learn more :judo:
Another great episode guys. I find it pretty cool that not only am I learning things from the re-read but that you guys are also still finding new meaning in certain panels. Truly a testament to Miura's skill.

You asked how do you drop the ball on the story part for Bravely Default in the podcast?

Ever since I read that they were inspired by 90210 and Glee, I've been calling it Beverly Deefault. I too picked up the game as another opportunity to get try to get into an FF game, and although it's not a "true" FF game, it shares a lot of characteristics with FFV I've heard. I only spent a total of 10 hours cause the characters were just too annoying. The sad thing is that people say that Ringabell offsets Agnes' indecisive nature, but his tropy ass self was even more annoying.They also said that the style was most appealing to anime fans, so that was another negative. "oh no what do we do now!?" "WHO KNOWS!! Oh wait my book will save us" At that point, i tried to just focus on the gameplay side of it.. That also didn't pan out, as I didn't like the idea of having to master most classes to be effective. Then all that talk of the Ch.5 nonsense. I lent it to my GF, told her to play on easy and see if she likes it. I'll definitely be playing on easy when I get it back. Oh well back to Etrian Odyssey

I'm also interested to hear what you guy have to say about the intro sequence to Dark Souls II.
Slime_Beherit said:
Another great episode guys. I find it pretty cool that not only am I learning things from the re-read but that you guys are also still finding new meaning in certain panels. Truly a testament to Miura's skill.

Thanks. Yeah, even after reading the series for 15 years, I still find things when I revisit these volumes.

Ever since I read that they were inspired by 90210 and Glee, I've been calling it Beverly Deefault.

Sheesh, that's pretty depressing... It seems such an understatement to say the story sucks, too. Since everything about it is just such a trainwreck.

The sad thing is that people say that Ringabell offsets Agnes' indecisive nature, but his tropy ass self was even more annoying

He is easily the most repulsive part of this game. And he has to have a stupid quip in almost _every_ scene.

At that point, i tried to just focus on the gameplay side of it..

Everyone I know that played the game began skipping cutscenes after Chapter 3.

I'm also interested to hear what you guy have to say about the intro sequence to Dark Souls II.

I won't be playing it until it comes out on PC, so late April for me. Aaz says he's going to play it soon, though.
Thanks for another podcast!

There are so many great moments in volume 6, the speech at the fountain, the assassination, and some of Casca's childhood. I also like the fact that the characters and story are well written enough where you can have discussions about what some of the characters may have been thinking at the time where it isn't necessarily implied in an obvious manner; for instance with Casca coming to see Griffith about her current condition before battle. I've read so much manga where the characters are so much more one dimensional and there is really never any room for debate or deep talk on that front.

Can't wait for the new episode soon!
Once again, this is just fantastic! :ubik: You guys had a lot to talk about on this one (things just flow so well in these re-reads). 44th podcast already........amazing! Thank you for the quality content and for doing so much for this legendary series :guts:

As Aazealh said ; "There will never be too much Berserk."
I purposefully took a while listening through this podcast, but it was well worth the wait! It feels like you guys are getting more efficient at deconstructing important elements of each scene. Especially all those ambiguous expressions! I have a feeling that the volume 10 discussion is gonna be a doozy. :ganishka:

With regards to the video game discussion, what a bummer about Bravely Default! The game looked great and I was actually planning on grabbing a copy (recently got a 3DS XL so I'm grabbing up a bunch of things), but now I might use that money to buy an Xbox controller so that I can finally get around to finishing Dark Souls. I had no idea that those controllers were so expensive! :judo:
Grail said:
With regards to the video game discussion, what a bummer about Bravely Default! The game looked great and I was actually planning on grabbing a copy (recently got a 3DS XL so I'm grabbing up a bunch of things), but now I might use that money to buy an Xbox controller so that I can finally get around to finishing Dark Souls. I had no idea that those controllers were so expensive! :judo:

I recently started playing Dark Souls because of all the praise it got here on the forums (and podcasts). HOLY SHIT. What a game! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in a video game. At first, I started a thief (I always play thieves in rpgs) but then, I found out that the melee combat in this game is absolutely awesome, so I started a two-handed great sword warrior.. a little like Guts. Swinging the upgraded Zweihandler brings me such a feeling of incredible satisfaction. I decided not to use shields or ranged weapons at all in my play through. So far I'm doing really fine. In fact, its almost too easy. I killed the hellkite dragon and the hydra recently and it was fucking epic. I owe it all to you guys I guess :serpico:

The controller isn't that expensive if you order it on the net. Oh, and do yourself a favor and install DSFix and the helix mod for the smaller HUD. The port becomes a lot more playable, and it looks gorgeous.
Thanks for the praise everyone, it really does encourage me to keep at it.

Tama chan said:
I also like the fact that the characters and story are well written enough where you can have discussions about what some of the characters may have been thinking at the time where it isn't necessarily implied in an obvious manner;

My opinion isn't shared by the others, but I actually found this particular volume (really, this portion of the series) difficult to dissect in this manner. The story is so densely told, each scene so deliberately chosen for story advancement, that it leaves little room for interpretation or dissection. So I'm always exuberant when any of us stumble onto an aspect worth quibbling over.

Grail said:
It feels like you guys are getting more efficient at deconstructing important elements of each scene. Especially all those ambiguous expressions! I have a feeling that the volume 10 discussion is gonna be a doozy. :ganishka:

Thanks. Doing it well for me requires a bit of homework and planning, something I didn't do for this volume. That's why Aaz and Griff carry most of this show. I definitely have a lot more to say about particular volumes, and sometimes find trouble coming up with significant notations on other volumes.

With regards to the video game discussion, what a bummer about Bravely Default! The game looked great and I was actually planning on grabbing a copy (recently got a 3DS XL so I'm grabbing up a bunch of things)

By all means, give the demo a shot and see if the combat alone is enough to carry you through it. It ALMOST was for me. Glad to hear you got a 3DS XL. I found the upgraded screen real estate a revelation for that system. Totally changed the way I looked at the games. Fire Emblem looks gorgeous on it. Felt "small" to me, before.

Grail said:
I might use that money to buy an Xbox controller so that I can finally get around to finishing Dark Souls. I had no idea that those controllers were so expensive! :judo:

Yeah, those Xbox for Windows controllers run about $35 or so, and the wireless dongle is poorly constructed. I've had to solder pieces of it back together, which is a common problem with that part of the device. Still, it's the best option, since playing this game without a controller is an exercise in self-flagellation.

Sammoniac said:
I recently started playing Dark Souls because of all the praise it got here on the forums (and podcasts). HOLY SHIT. What a game! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in a video game. At first, I started a thief (I always play thieves in rpgs) but then, I found out that the melee combat in this game is absolutely awesome, so I started a two-handed great sword warrior.. a little like Guts. Swinging the upgraded Zweihandler brings me such a feeling of incredible satisfaction. I decided not to use shields or ranged weapons at all in my play through. So far I'm doing really fine. In fact, its almost too easy. I killed the hellkite dragon and the hydra recently and it was fucking epic. I owe it all to you guys I guess :serpico:

Glad you're enjoying it. Aaz gets credit for introducing it to me (and Mass Effect, and Infinite Space...), inadvertently turning me into a crazed lunatic. As much as I've gushed about Dark Souls on the podcast, I don't think I've ever oversold it. I really could talk about that game for hours and hours...
Drinking game, take a shot every time the guys say "you know". You'll be plastered 5 minutes in! :ganishka:

LOL, just kidding guys...please don't kill me :serpico:

On a more serious note, good stuff. I've always said that part of the magic of Berserk is the amazing art and facial expressions. This is the first podcast I heard from you guys, so I must ask a question (a stupid one probably). Have you guys discussed/analyzed more of Berserk beyond the Golden Age Arc? I love the Golden Age but I got so sick and tired of people only talking about how great that arc is. All of Berserk is amazing and it all should be analyzed.

Also, to give my opinion on the new upcoming chapter, how about the possibility of not only Rickert arriving at Falconia but also Guts and co. arriving at Skellig in the same chapter. A sort of dual arriving and meaning that signifies the entering of a new moment in Berserk. The entering of the unknown and a new chapter within the series. Arriving to Falconia and Skellig are both monumental moments within Berserk. Arriving to both simultaneously would definitely be a nice way to start Berserk after this long hiatus both metaphorically and literally.

But yeah, good stuff. Will be checking out your later podcasts.
IronBerserk said:
Drinking game, take a shot every time the guys say "you know". You'll be plastered 5 minutes in! :ganishka:

LOL, just kidding guys...please don't kill me :serpico:

If you've never recorded a show like this before, don't cast stones. I promise it's not as easy as it sounds. Conversational tics do happen, but it's a natural part of intercourse when dealing with dense topics, while thinking on your feet and transitioning quickly and often. I have no misgivings for the occasional hiccup.

This is the first podcast I heard from you guys, so I must ask a question (a stupid one probably). Have you guys discussed/analyzed more of Berserk beyond the Golden Age Arc? I love the Golden Age but I got so sick and tired of people only talking about how great that arc is. All of Berserk is amazing and it all should be analyzed.

We're on Episode 44. Take a guess.

Also, to give my opinion on the new upcoming chapter


how about the possibility of not only Rickert arriving at Falconia but also Guts and co. arriving at Skellig in the same chapter.

It's possible, but it's not often how Miura does things. Also, the individual releases are called episodes. Chapters are larger portions of the story (Chapter of Lost Children).
Walter said:
That's why Aaz and Griff carry most of this show. I definitely have a lot more to say about particular volumes, and sometimes find trouble coming up with significant notations on other volumes.

I sure didn't notice any dropoff in your performance. I naturally always feel like I'm either not pulling my weight or talking too much, but I've learned to ignore that insecurity and just contribute when I have something to say and shut up when I don't or the moment has passed (I actually do that sometimes =). Unless there's an obvious Berserk movie joke to deadpan, then I can't resist bringing the show to a screeching halt (the screeching is Aaz's soul; don't worry, we'll be past that part of the story in no time). :carcus:

Walter said:
Glad you're enjoying it. Aaz gets credit for introducing it to me (and Mass Effect, and Infinite Space...), inadvertently turning me into a crazed lunatic. As much as I've gushed about Dark Souls on the podcast, I don't think I've ever oversold it. I really could talk about that game for hours and hours...

The hell you say! If I remember correctly, Aaz and I were talking during/after a podcast and on the topic of your Dark Souls fandom he said something along the lines of, "I thought he'd like it, but I didn't expect this." :ganishka:

IronBerserk said:
Drinking game, take a shot every time the guys say "you know". You'll be plastered 5 minutes in! :ganishka:

You know, fuck you, you know! Kidding, none taken, I (you) know I'm certainly guilty of this, and of sounding way more nasally than I do in my mind. If they ever animate that far, God forbid, I'm auditioning for the dubbed voice of the Schnoz. :schnoz:
Also, the individual releases are called episodes. Chapters are larger portions of the story (Chapter of Lost Children).
ahhhh, Walter, as nitpicky as ever I see :iva: Sure, I'll be careful next ;)

Griffith said:
You know, fuck you, you know! Kidding, none taken, I (you) know I'm certainly guilty of this, and of sounding way more nasally than I do in my mind. If they ever animate that far, God forbid, I'm auditioning for the dubbed voice of the Schnoz.
LOL, don't worry Griffith, you weren't THAT bad :P The important thing is we understand you and your arguments. What more can we ask know? :slan: