Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 56


Staff member

Episode 56: Eclipse II [Vol. 12] (1hr 37 min)

We continue our exploration of the Eclipse, and conclude Volume 12's re-read. In this episode: apostle designs, the nature of the God Hand's power, Griffith's conversion -- it's the biggest moment in the series yet, and possibly our finest hour in the entire re-read project.

:void: :ubik: :slan: :femto:

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Fasty McNasty said:
Been eagerly awaiting this episode! Thanks a lot guys. Your work is greatly appreciated :ubik:

Thanks for listening. I really do think this was one of our better episodes.
Wooo, what a doozey. Opening with Hirasawa's "Murder" gave me chills; wasn't expecting it, but of course, it was appropriately fitting. Really liked the discussion, especially about Griffith during the alter section. Exploring and then framing his state of mind during the Eclipse was something I hadn't personally done a whole lot of after my first read/watch. I had pretty much written Griffith off as lost the second Guts touched his shoulder at the lake. So it was really great to get into the nuances of his behavior throughout the ceremony.

I'm especially excited about getting into Vol. 13/14 since we'll be getting into material that hasn't been done to death is a bit less explored than the Golden Age arc. I know the Conviction arc is a favorite around here. Still, this podcast episode will definitely go down as a must-listen for any Berserk fan. Great job guys!
Man, this one was packed with a ton of stuff ! In the absence of any new material, having those podcasts is even more enjoyable. So thank you guys for your in depth analysis of this pivotal volume in the series.
Delta Phi said:
Wooo, what a doozey. Opening with Hirasawa's "Murder" gave me chills; wasn't expecting it, but of course, it was appropriately fitting.

Thanks, I felt it was appropriate. We all love that track, too. :beast: I had fun mixing it. Used an auto-ducking technique for the first time, ever. I think I'll experiment with that kind of stuff in the future. At least, until Nomad completes an updated theme song.

I'm especially excited about getting into Vol. 13/14 since we'll be getting into material that hasn't been done to death is a bit less explored than the Golden Age arc.

While the Golden Age is indeed well-trodden territory, the way we're doing these, I'm constantly finding new panels, new perspectives, and fresh impressions on this old material. But yeah I'm excited about the future too.

ryOtoha said:
In the absence of any new material, having those podcasts is even more enjoyable. So thank you guys for your in depth analysis of this pivotal volume in the series.

Thanks for listening! And yeah, if Berserk was released more regularly, I'm not sure we'd have embarked on a project like this.

BTW, over the past 4-5 episodes, we've changed up the format of the show. It's more streamlined now, mostly due to time constraints. No off-the-cuff banter at the beginning. No video game or movie talk at the end. How does everyone feel about that?
Walter said:
BTW, over the past 4-5 episodes, we've changed up the format of the show. It's more streamlined now, mostly due to time constraints. No off-the-cuff banter at the beginning. No video game or movie talk at the end. How does everyone feel about that?

I'm liking it. Very focused and tight but still maintaining a lot of content. Keep it up!
Walter said:
BTW, over the past 4-5 episodes, we've changed up the format of the show. It's more streamlined now, mostly due to time constraints. No off-the-cuff banter at the beginning. No video game or movie talk at the end. How does everyone feel about that?

I prefer it that way as a totally Berserk focus and packed discussion. I don't know but it feels more like a big deal to me. Maybe you guys and/or others members can do dedicated movies, video games episodes ?

Since episode 50, you're specifying the length of each episode and i personally appreciate that.
From what i understand, you're trying to keep a average length of 1h30 ?
ApostleBob said:
I'm liking it. Very focused and tight but still maintaining a lot of content. Keep it up!

Thanks. :farnese:

ryOtoha said:
Maybe you guys and/or others members can do dedicated movies, video games episodes ?

Well, we'll probably still do it for some big releases (though nothing on the horizon comes to mind at the moment). But another show just of us rambling is never going to happen.

From what i understand, you're trying to keep a average length of 1h30 ?

Nah, it's just worked out that way recently. We usually book 2 hours to record, and the shows end up being 1.5 hours due to edits, breaks, and the inevitable delayed start. If time weren't such an issue, I'd prefer to do 2-3 hour recordings. That being said, doing smaller shows like these and splitting up the volumes has allowed me more time to prep, which has been really nice.
I dig the tighter format as well, three hours is a lot to ask of a podcast listener, or us. Though I do miss just shootin' the shit with the guys. Still, I don't think anyone is missing out on our deep thoughts about Terminator: jEnYsIs.

Speaking of deep thoughts, lets take that Ubik moment with Guts' dagger to its illogical extreme: clear foreshadowing of Ubik's eventual demise! :ubik:
Griffith said:
Still, I don't think anyone is missing out on our deep thoughts about Terminator: jEnYsIs.

Yeah, I've said all I have to say about that thing in the appropriate thread. And there really aren't any big, showcase games that all of us are invested in right now other than Zelda in 2015 (that I know of). So... I guess the next Avengers or Bond movies would be the next things we'd geek out about?

Griffith said:
Speaking of deep thoughts, lets take that Ubik moment with Guts' dagger to its illogical extreme: clear foreshadowing of Ubik's eventual demise! :ubik:


Though somehow, I think his death will make me :judo:
Walter said:
BTW, over the past 4-5 episodes, we've changed up the format of the show. It's more streamlined now, mostly due to time constraints. No off-the-cuff banter at the beginning. No video game or movie talk at the end. How does everyone feel about that?

While I did enjoy the other discussion, of course the highlight has always been the topics concerning Berserk. It's really nice to see the time duration and know that all of it will be dedicated to the series, though.
Walter said:
Well, we'll probably still do it for some big releases (though nothing on the horizon comes to mind at the moment). But another show just of us rambling is never going to happen.

Special episodes dedicated to hot topics (like your futur Star wars VII impressions for example) are more than welcome. Aside from that, one podcast (with people willing to do it on a regular basis) is already enough work :void:
Just got a chance to finish up the podcast, it was a treat to have Griffith back on! :serpico:

A lot of observations in this one that got me thinking. I don't think you guys touched on this directly, but if Griffith had refused to make the sacrifice, what would have actually happened after the God Hand packed up and left, with all of those Apostles around? :ganishka: Those guys came to party, dammit!

And another note: Void, why does he get the thumb? It's because he's the most opposable. :badbone:

I have no regrets!!
Grail said:
Just got a chance to finish up the podcast, it was a treat to have Griffith back on! :serpico:

A lot of observations in this one that got me thinking. I don't think you guys touched on this directly, but if Griffith had refused to make the sacrifice, what would have actually happened after the God Hand packed up and left, with all of those Apostles around? :ganishka: Those guys came to party, dammit!
Hmm... good question. There's technically nothing preventing them from making minced meat out of the Falcons right then and there, right? I've always assumed they were merely playing along with the ceremony, though some of them do appear to have a kind of reverence for the proceedings. However, if Wyald can feast regardless of the brand, why not them? Wish I could give you a more solid answer.

BTW, any plans in the works for a second ep of Floracast?
Walter said:
Hmm... good question. There's technically nothing preventing them from making minced meat out of the Falcons right then and there, right? I've always assumed they were merely playing along with the ceremony, though some of them do appear to have a kind of reverence for the proceedings. However, if Wyald can feast regardless of the brand, why not them? Wish I could give you a more solid answer.
I get the impression that the apostles would probably just go for it. Though I wonder, if Griffith refuses an to sacrifice an initial time, does he still retain his status as a potential God Hand? Or is it a one-time-only deal? This is a very technical question and probably unanswerable, but it's fun to think about. :ganishka:

Walter said:
BTW, any plans in the works for a second ep of Floracast?
There are! I have to start messaging people to get their schedules lined up for the next recording.