Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 61


Staff member

Episode 61: Lost Children III [Vol 15-2] (1 hr 23 min)

Misty Valley, Guts versus insect horde, Rochine's final pitch to Jill, and Puck's best comedic moment?

Also, movie trailer talk at the end: Star Wars, DC Avengers, Terminator: Overkill.

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My two cents on why the fog is all over Misty Valley, whether it's from Rosine or not:

I think it's a side effect of the previous Elf Colony that was there, centering on that cedar tree Puck notes. The place was mythic before Rosine activated her beherit, and was known as Misty Valley before she became an apostle. I think she just chose an already enchanted valley to create her little fairy tale paradise.

As far as why the mist went away, I think this can be attributed to the massive forest fire Guts causes. I believe Jill even references this in the next volume.

Also it's interesting at how many pseudo-Apostle's she creates. She has a mini army. I wonder why few of the other apostles do this.

Lastly a small note: How many freaking kids were in that small village? Rosine seems to have hundreds of fake elves and it's a small community. Maybe they have a lot of kids to make up for the ones that get carried away.
ApostleBob said:
I think it's a side effect of the previous Elf Colony that was there, centering on that cedar tree Puck notes. The place was mythic before Rosine activated her beherit, and was known as Misty Valley before she became an apostle. I think she just chose an already enchanted valley to create her little fairy tale paradise. As far as why the mist went away, I think this can be attributed to the massive forest fire Guts causes. I believe Jill even references this in the next volume.

It makes sense, elves could have wanted to shield themselves from the outside world in a way. Although hiding the sky seems to go somewhat against their nature. Also, the mist isn't really shown during her flashback, except maybe in one shot where the sky is cloudy/foggy, but it could be just a stylistic choice.

ApostleBob said:
Also it's interesting at how many pseudo-Apostle's she creates. She has a mini army. I wonder why few of the other apostles do this.

Not all apostles can do it, and I'm guessing that most of the time those who can don't really need to. The Count for example had no use for it before Guts appeared. And even among those who are capable, I think few could do it on that scale anyway. Look at Ganishka though, he engineered it on an industrial scale with Daiba's help.

ApostleBob said:
Lastly a small note: How many freaking kids were in that small village? Rosine seems to have hundreds of fake elves and it's a small community. Maybe they have a lot of kids to make up for the ones that get carried away.

I think it's fair to imagine she picked them from different villages, it wouldn't be sustainable otherwise. And we know she travelled from the time she went to the Eclipse.
Aazealh said:
It makes sense, elves could have wanted to shield themselves from the outside world in a way. Although hiding the sky seems to go somewhat against their nature. Also, the mist isn't really shown during her flashback, except maybe in one shot where the sky is cloudy/foggy, but it could be just a stylistic choice.

Again, there's no definitive answer to this. It's just my take that it was an effect of the enchantment from the elves.

Aazealh said:
Look at Ganishka though, he engineered it on an industrial scale with Daiba's help.

An excellent point. In fact it points to the fact that he likely couldn't do this on his own and relied on artificial means to do so. Though there's some grey area with the Pistacha and the little Ganishka clouds that his priests were inhaling to give them powers. But that feels like a different mechanism.

Aazealh said:
I think it's fair to imagine she picked them from different villages, it wouldn't be sustainable otherwise. And we know she travelled from the time she went to the Eclipse.

That makes sense.
ApostleBob said:
In fact it points to the fact that he likely couldn't do this on his own and relied on artificial means to do so. Though there's some grey area with the Pistacha and the little Ganishka clouds that his priests were inhaling to give them powers. But that feels like a different mechanism.

Well, considering the extent and variation of his ability to do it, and the resemblance the daka and even some pishacha bear to him, I would be surprised if he didn't have a more organic, innate ability to create some form of pseudo-Apostle or familiar on his own. His Apostle transformation and powers are so unique it's sometimes hard to distinguish where they end and enhancement through external sorcery begins; indeed, it's even hard to separate what's truly external or merely an amplification of his powers. Anyway, it could simply be that once he established an assembly line approach, there was never a need to do it manually. Though, I'm still curious to know what would have resulted had he successfully sired offspring with Charlotte "the old fashioned way." Perhaps what he had in mind actually wouldn't have been much different than creating a daka, or pseudo-Apostle, though I imagine he at least thought the results would be more presentable and persuasive, particularly if Charlotte wouldn't have survived the process. :magni:
Another fine podcast this week! :carcus: I have probably said this (a few times) already, but I appreciate that you guys are really taking your time with the content for these rereads. As a Puck fan, it was nice to sit back and listen to you talk about this volume, because I think this is a really interesting period where the reader gets a lot of insight into his character. At least, compared to his appearances nowadays, where the focus is often on others.

One thing I like about this particular section of the manga is how Miura's drawings of Puck very slowly start to change, and how he inches closer and closer to the inevitable evolution to chestnut Puck. :ganishka: I wonder what it must've been like to read through that when the episodes were still being published!

By the way, I'm glad that I'm not the only person who spent time thinking about what Jill would look like as a pseudo-apostle. Question #1: would she keep the pigtails? :???:
Enjoyed the podcast, thanks guys! :serpico:

I like the comedic bits, too. The raven's expression in this one with Puck is hilarious! Cracks me up looking at it. :ganishka:

Grail said:
By the way, I'm glad that I'm not the only person who spent time thinking about what Jill would look like as a pseudo-apostle. Question #1: would she keep the pigtails? :???:

Oh yeah, gotta keep the pigtails! :slan: The other fake fairy pseudo-apostles look wasp-like to me, and Rosine looks like a moth. I think Rosine would have made Jill look like a type of moth or butterfly, more like Rosine herself, since she mentions that she would make Jill extra special, strong, and pretty. It seems like Rosine thinks of herself as all those things (special, strong, pretty) so I think she meant she would make Jill look more like her than the other "fairies" do.

When I was looking through this volume I noticed something I thought was kind of odd on that first page of the chapter titled Pursuers where the villagers are shown in the graveyard burying the bodies of the dead children in a mass grave. They aren't just shoveling in dirt off the ground, but are using some powdery looking stuff out of barrels. I was wondering what it was and it seemed like I remembered seeing a movie where some white powdery stuff was thrown into a grave over the bodies. I did some looking and my best guess is that it might be lime. Apparently lime was put over bodies to take care of the smell and to help curb infection in the case of an epidemic.

I remembered the movie. It's Amadeus. I found the scene on youtube. If you go to 3:05 on the clip it shows the part where the undertaker guy shovels the white powder into the grave. I don't think I liked the movie very much, but that part must have made an impression on me since I still remembered it! LOL
JMP said:
When I was looking through this volume I noticed something I thought was kind of odd on that first page of the chapter titled Pursuers where the villagers are shown in the graveyard burying the bodies of the dead children in a mass grave. They aren't just shoveling in dirt off the ground, but are using some powdery looking stuff out of barrels. I was wondering what it was and it seemed like I remembered seeing a movie where some white powdery stuff was thrown into a grave over the bodies. I did some looking and my best guess is that it might be lime. Apparently lime was put over bodies to take care of the smell and to help curb infection in the case of an epidemic.

Yes, it is indeed quicklime, which was used historically to reduce the smell of cadavers. It's especially necessary in cases like these, with a mass grave placed near the village.
Aazealh said:
Yes, it is indeed quicklime, which was used historically to reduce the smell of cadavers. It's especially necessary in cases like these, with a mass grave placed near the village.

OK, cool. Thanks! :serpico:
Grail said:
By the way, I'm glad that I'm not the only person who spent time thinking about what Jill would look like as a pseudo-apostle. Question #1: would she keep the pigtails? :???:

Actually, while reading that part for the podcast, my first and only thought of her design was that she'd keep her hair parted down the middle :serpico:

But I do imagine she'd have looked similar to Rochine.
Really great episode, too bad there was no guest.
Especially great to hear about Berserk on Amazon's bestseller list, I just checked and it's still at No. 5. The film must be going over well on Netflix, I still need to watch it.
Crocodile said:
The film must be going over well on Netflix, I still need to watch it.

You really, REALLY don't
Make sure to have a dissected dolphin snack spread for the viewing party, or whole chickens if you want to go the bar food route.

I don't know why that stuff sticks in my mind.
Yeah, I listened to your reviews of the films on the Skullkast, they were hilarious :ganishka:
But I've seen people on the Berserk subreddit defend them so maybe there's something to them, also they're getting people interested in the manga so they must be doing something right.
I'll keep my expectations low :puck: