What are you listening to? (general music thread)


All praise Grail
I know there are some other music threads where people just list all their favorite heavy metal bands but I want to actually discuss the music. I love music and I'm sure some of you do too. I remember CnC saying a while back he was listening to the new arcade fire album Neon Bible which is amazing. I started listening to the arcade fire wayyy before they exploded into mainstream radio play and it's nice to see them grow in popularity. But I must tell you that if you haven't heard their old cd Funeral you just haven't heard the arcade fire at their best. Before anybody I knew personally was aware of arcade fire I was already listening to funeral and it was one of the greatest cd's ever. I highly reccomend it, at least listen to the last song called in the back seat . So has anyone else been blessed enough to have heard funeral? And what else are you listening too? I love being turned on to new music. I just ordered the reissue of another one of my favorite albums of all time the microphone's glow part 2. http://www.krecs.com/Shop/product_info.php?products_id=3350 beautiful album.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

I've been meaning to check out the rest of Arcade Fire's stuff, I'll get around to it sometime. :beast:

At the moment I'm in a bit of a buying random songs from either iTunes or Amazon.com.
Recent purhcases:
Saul Williams - List of Demands
Gnarls Barkley - Run
Flyleaf - Cassie
Paramore - crushcrushcrush
Black Tide - Shockwave

The last three are a direct result of playing too much Rock Band :guts:
I also buy random songs from movie soundtracks.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

Yeah, I heard Funeral a while back, too. I haven't listened to Neon Bible as much as I possibly should, but I think I enjoyed Funeral a bit more.
Currently I'm listening to a steady cocktail of Les Savy Fav (Let's Stay Friends), MGMT (Oracular Spectacular), Bob Dylan (Blood on the Tracks), Niel Young (Harvest), Gnarls Barkley (The Odd Couple), Andrew Bird (Weather Systems), Françoise Hardy (Tous les garçons), She & Him (Volume 1), Vampire Weekend, and Jens Lekman (Oh, You're So Silent Jens).

Andrew Bird is my litmus test for friends. I just don't know if I can be friends with someone who doesn't like his music.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

I much prefer Funeral to Neon Bible. And right now Im ... well what AM I listening to in my car? It's a CD I made a few months ago of Nin Ghosts, Mew, Muse and ... Coldplay.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

Walter said:
I much prefer Funeral to Neon Bible. And right now Im ... well what AM I listening to in my car? It's a CD I made a few months ago of Nin Ghosts, Mew, Muse and ... Coldplay.

ah, I'm listening to Muse, too. Forgot to mention that.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

The Perineum Falcon said:
Yeah, I heard Funeral a while back, too. I haven't listened to Neon Bible as much as I possibly should, but I think I enjoyed Funeral a bit more.
Currently I'm listening to a steady cocktail of Les Savy Fav (Let's Stay Friends), MGMT (Oracular Spectacular), Bob Dylan (Blood on the Tracks), Niel Young (Harvest), Gnarls Barkley (The Odd Couple), Andrew Bird (Weather Systems), Françoise Hardy (Tous les garçons), She & Him (Volume 1), Vampire Weekend, and Jens Lekman (Oh, You're So Silent Jens).

Andrew Bird is my litmus test for friends. I just don't know if I can be friends with someone who doesn't like his music.

Blood on the tracks is great. Tangled up in blue is one of the best songs. Recently I've been listening to blonde on blonde the current Dylan album in my constant cycle of him. Harvest is my fav. Neil Young album too. Since you made your opinion clear on Andrew Bird I'm going to check him out now since I never got into him but I always figured i would someday. And I'm so sick of paramore, flyleaf and gnarls Barkley. Gnarls is a cool guy but I don't see why people think he's so good. I feel like I'm missing something.

O yea I forgot I'm going to see R.E.M and Modest Mouse next month. I can't wait. Modes mouse is my all time favorite band, mostly because of their first couple of albums - This is a Long Drive and Moon and Antarctica
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

Oburi said:
Blood on the tracks is great. Tangled up in blue is one of the best songs. Recently I've been listening to blonde on blonde the current Dylan album in my constant cycle of him.
There's no telling how many times I've listened to Blonde on Blonde! I absolutely love it!
I can't get over how great Blood on the Tracks is either.
Harvest is my fav. Neil Young album too.
I've just recently felt that I needed to listen to Young. It just feels like a crime that I haven't before.
Since you made your opinion clear on Andrew Bird I'm going to check him out now since I never got into him but I always figured i would someday.
Honestly, Andrew Bird is one of my favorite musicians working today and possibly ever. He's brilliant and his live shows are something you shouldn't miss!
Such wonderful beautiful music he makes.
The first album I'd heard of his was The Mysterious Production of Eggs. You can actually listen to the entire album for free here. Just the album opener is enough to give me chills.

Gnarls is a cool guy but I don't see why people think he's so good. I feel like I'm missing something.
Two guys, actually. Their new one isn't nearly as good as their first St. Elsewhere. It was just good pop music unlike anything else that is being made in the mainstream rap/hip hop/r&b genre.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

The Perineum Falcon said:
Such wonderful beautiful music he makes.
The first album I'd heard of his was The Mysterious Production of Eggs. You can actually listen to the entire album for free here. Just the album opener is enough to give me chills.

Thanks for the link. It's very good but I don't think it quite does it for me. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but while I like the lyrics I can't say I dig the melody (which I usually listen to more in a song).

But that aside I really dig this method of previewing an album. Recently I've been buying music that I'll hear from youtube or other places that play the entire song. I've been burned from the 20-30 second preview too many times.
Re: What are you listening too? and general music thread

CnC said:
Thanks for the link. It's very good but I don't think it quite does it for me. I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but while I like the lyrics I can't say I dig the melody (which I usually listen to more in a song).
Listen to it more, it's a grower. Soon you'll be able to hum or whistle along. :guts:

He's also done a cover version of a Dylan song (which, I generally dislike covers of dylan), Oh, Sister, which is absolutely beautiful. You can find it on the Space.
Well for me, I don't really know all the bands you mentioned except Arcade Fire that I know a little bit since they're from my hometown.

These days I'm really into Pelican, an instrumental band from the U.S. It's an awesome band with long songs sometimes going a little more metallic with lots of melodies and sometimes more acoustic. Here's a link for their myspace page with 4 songs on it I think.

jackson_hurley said:
Well for me, I don't really know all the bands you mentioned except Arcade Fire that I know a little bit since they're from my hometown.

These days I'm really into Pelican, an instrumental band from the U.S. It's an awesome band with long songs sometimes going a little more metallic with lots of melodies and sometimes more acoustic. Here's a link for their myspace page with 4 songs on it I think.


pelican is made of win their album The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw is soooo good truly a great post rock band i got to see them live awhile back they put on a great show.

and i always whore this band out on the music forum i frequent but for good reason if anyones at all familiar with the folk metal genre then you should probably know of this band but for those that aren't well oh well the bands Skyclad such great band.

Yeah The Fire In Our Throats... is really really good! My favorite song on that one is the third one. Such great riffs in it. My fav so far in three albums I owned is their new one City of Echoes. Check it out if you didn't hear it yet.
I have no doubt most of you have already heard this band's stuff, but this has been playing in my car for about 3 days straight now:


Band has 2 albums so far, and their most recent one, with the song above, is their best in my opinion.
Jeff Buckley's Grace: A great artist with a phenomenal voice, he died tragically just as his career was starting. A little low-key in comparison to my regular fare but It's great when I'm in the right mood.

Tanzwut's Ihr Woltet Spass: Excellent German techno/industrial with strong folk and classical influences, featuring the same members of Corvus Corax.

Hedningarna's 1989-2003 compilation: Norse Folk-techo. Described thussly;
"Imagine eating black bread tainted with ergot and hallucinating with a bunch of peasants from a Breughel painting while K.C. and the Sunshine Band jam with a squad of Viking berserkers playing bagpipes. All other rave music is hereby declared dilettante fecal matter." - Charles M. Young, Musician


Jeff Buckley's Dream Brother and Tribute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xWSG7wax8k&feature=related

Tanzwut's Nein Nein, I Love the punch-line to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKr-V-atRZ0
I've been rediscovering a band I never heard of when it was still together called Curve (if you can call two people a band.) Never made it big, but their song Hell Above Water made it into the Iron Man trailer. The singer has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.

Other than that I've been bumbling around listening to Japanese New Metal stuff I doubt anyone here would be caught dead listening to.
Walter said:
I have no doubt most of you have already heard this band's stuff, but this has been playing in my car for about 3 days straight now:


Band has 2 albums so far, and their most recent one, with the song above, is their best in my opinion.
Yeah, that song's great. And it's really the only one I've heard from that album so far. My friends seem to really dig them, I just haven't had the chance to listen to the album completely yet.
Les Savy Fav has a song that reminds me of this with a little Bloc Party mixed in. Maybe it's through the similarity of titles..... it's called What Would Wolves Do.

I also recommend listening to Patty Lee on that same page. It's pretty fucking awesome.

Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat
The Toxic Avenger
The Klaxons
...a few of my latest favorites...

Spastic Ink - Ink Complete, Ink Compatible
Ihsahn - The Adversary, angL
Moonspell - Night Eternal
Opeth - Watershed
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
Bloodbath - Unblessing the purity
This band called A Skylit Drive just came out with their debut album and they are very good. If you don't like screamo type rock then forget but they are decen't. Me and my friends knew about them and even met them before they got big (He stepped on my friends hand during a show and apologized). I'm not big into that type of music but some bands are just really kick ass like Underoath and It Dies Today. Can't wait for their new albums. The new Weezer album is great too. I havn't gave it a full listen by myself yet but from what I've heard I already love. Sounds more similar too their older stuff. Or like their unreleased b-sides, which they have hours and hours of music and it is much better than their actual albums.
I just discovered "DANGER" and I dont even normally like electronic music, but I do dig this.

Still can't get used to the page, but the more I listen to it the more I like it. I'll definitely be checking out his work.

I wish I could recommend something back, but I have trouble keeping up with music. Most of what I listen to is still from the 80s... but, lately I've stumbled across Justice and Trentemoller, which have both been rather good. You can check em out by searching here: http://hypem.com/

Just remembered that you said you don't normally like electronic music- whoops! Hopefully you'll still dig them anyway.
OK, so MAYBE I know a little bit more of electronic music than I let on. :void: I know of Justice, but this Danger guy kicks their ass. Justice is too "ravey" for me personally, and some of it isnt even listenable, despite having catchy hooks.

To expand the thread, here's Battles' 2007 hit "Atlas." Everyone seems to love these guys, but I can't really get into anything else on the album. It's very repetitive, as you'll soon see. Still, the beats here are pretty undeniably awesome, and I just figured Id pass on the love, even though they dont get an official Wally endorsement (so valuable!).

Walter said:
OK, so MAYBE I know a little bit more of electronic music than I let on. :void: I know of Justice, but this Danger guy kicks their ass. Justice is too "ravey" for me personally, and some of it isnt even listenable, despite having catchy hooks.

I can understand that, the problem that I have with electronic music is that it seems the artists are TOO focused on making catchy hooks, and then forget that the rest of the song needs to be awesome as well. And then theres the other end of the spectrum that wants to be different, so they ignore hooks and then make shitty music with an "experimental" label slapped on it. Its very frustrating trying to find a solid overall electronic group.