What was your Favorite Episode Release?

Looked through the archived episode discussions on here for a little while and man, I got hit with some nostalgia. I caught up to the story when episode 359 was the last release. That was about two months before episode 360 was released. From that point onward, episode releases were always big occasions for me. I'd close my door and set aside some time to read the new episode with zero distractions, and then tune in to the discussion threads on here and read everything. Those are definitely some of my favorite memories of being a Berserk fan outside of reading the series itself.

So, is there any release that stands out to anyone as being particularly exciting, or just very memorable for a certain reason? I'd have to say my favorite was episode 362. A truly monumental episode: insane reveals, and the discussion following it was wild. I was in my senior year of high school at the time; I remember peeking at the episode during class and dying to get home so that I could read it.

Leave your thoughts below if you'd like.:daiba:
Hmm, I think the easiest one to guess would be 303, which ended with the surprise appearance of Skull Knight on top of Ganishka, slashing at Femto. We’ve recounted it before, but that two page spread of SK showing up was leaked very early. About a full week ahead of the episode’s release. So its very appearance was a shock. Then there was the content of the page itself. I even called Griff to let him know he needed to check this shit out.
Hmm, I think the easiest one to guess would be 303, which ended with the surprise appearance of Skull Knight on top of Ganishka, slashing at Femto. We’ve recounted it before, but that two page spread of SK showing up was leaked very early. About a full week ahead of the episode’s release. So its very appearance was a shock. Then there was the content of the page itself. I even called Griff to let him know he needed to check this shit out.
Geez, that's crazy. That spread went on to become one of the most iconic panels in the series. Leaks always made the wait so much harder. I can only imagine how epic those episodes were. In the 362 discussion thread someone actually compared 362 to episode 304, it must have been a huge deal.
Hmmm, my honest answer would be none in particular. I always loved waiting for and discovering new episodes and there was never a time I was disappointed. Conversely I don't know that I have a true favorite, or at least none comes to mind. It doesn't help that major events are generally spread over numerous episodes, forming one big sequence.

For example, episode 303 certainly was one of the biggest moments for the community like Walter said, but the reveal of Ganishka's final form was also absolutely crazy to me, and so was the advent of Fantasia which is spread over episodes 304, 305 and 306. Another example: I started following the series episodically around Enoch, so that whole sequence also sticks in my mind, from the fight in the village to the Qliphoth and Slan, and of course Flora's mansion with Guts fighting Grunbeld in the Berserk's armor. But how do you choose a single episode from all of that? It's one of those cases where the more I think about it the longer the list gets.

My answer is the same as what I said here.

My answer is the same as what I said here.
Those are good picks, great episodes. But I was referring more specifically to the experience of reading a new episode as it was released. :sweatdrop:
As Walter, 303 was a very huge one for me. My level of hype was at its max in that time. Though like Aaz said, it's hard to pick one specifically. I started episodically around the fight with Guts and Serpico in the pillar chamber in Vritannis.

I remember that I was very impatient to see how the group would get on the ship. The tention in this segment of the story was so ridiculously good to me.

Twas a great time.