Writing Miura

Drakull said:
Walter, Can I quote this letter and translate it into French for the french Berserk community ? Of course with quote "from SK.Net" :)
Sure, as long as you mention the questions were assembled by the community here, I say the more fans that read this the better.
brinco said:
Do you think they checked the site?

There's no way to know. We regularly have visitors from Japan, but we couldn't easily identify them even if we wanted to.
Gone for a few days and this is what I miss. This is really great. Again, a thank you to everyone that was involved. I'd celebrate with some spirits but coffee will have to do for now.
Ramen4ever said:
Gone for a few days and this is what I miss. This is really great. Again, a thank you to everyone that was involved. I'd celebrate with some spirits but coffee will have to do for now.

I thought you were really gone.
It's so rare to hear news about Berserk from the mouth of the man himself... this really is something. Thank you everyone who worked on getting this letter out. 60-70% complete... man, you never get people to answer questions like this. That had to be the best answer of the whole letter.

I'm also glad a lot of people have mentioned sending a follow-through thank you letter. Time was taken to respond to us and from the looks of things, everyone is definately grateful!
Great news! Grovel's daughter has graciously agreed to provide her cross stitching services for another bookmark, this time as a gift to Miura in our follow-up thank-you letter.

Please thank him and his daughter by PM, but dont flood the thread with them. What I WOULD like from you guys though is your choice on 6-7 emoticons to fill the bookmark up. Here's my choice as an example:

:guts:  :griffnotevil:  :badbone:  :void:  :zodd:   :idea:
Walter said:
Please thank him and his daughter by PM, but dont flood the thread with them. What I WOULD like from you guys though is your choice on 6-7 emoticons to fill the bookmark up.

I say: :guts: :griffnotevil: :badbone: :void: :zodd: :puck: :schnoz:

I'm going with the original for now (I'd love to see Azantoo though).
What about two bookmarks, one for good guys and one for bad guys? =)
Griffith said:
What about two bookmarks, one for good guys and one for bad guys? =)
Ooooooh I like the idea. But I don't want to make our request a burden for Grovel's daughter.

:guts: :griffnotevil:
:casca: :ganishka:
:serpico: :rakshas:
:schierke: :daiba:
:azan: :zodd:
:puck: :beast:
:badbone: :void:

The dream team bookmark.
Griffith said:
What about two bookmarks, one for good guys and one for bad guys? =)

What sort of time factor are we looking at? She may be happy to do two (can't ask her tonight as she is at her friends house having a sleepover), but obviously two will take at least twice as long to make. The other factor to bear in mind is that by the time she had finished my bookmark, her interest had started to fade a little so Void is not quite as well represented as he should have been! I would like this one to be as good as possible so it may be best to stick with just the one bookmark.
Grovel said:
What sort of time factor are we looking at? She may be happy to do two (can't ask her tonight as she is at her friends house having a sleepover), but obviously two will take at least twice as long to make. The other factor to bear in mind is that by the time she had finished my bookmark, her interest had started to fade a little so Void is not quite as well represented as he should have been! I would like this one to be as good as possible so it may be best to stick with just the one bookmark.
I completely understand. I'm just thankful she's willing to take on this project at all, and I'm very grateful to her.

Here's my final choice:

If anyone outright rejects this selection, please say so.

I'd like to include Schnoz as well, but I'm not sure he'd look very good on a bookmark, since most of him is out-of-frame.
Walter I like your list. The casca emoticon IMO is not that good. It's too bad someone like shierke can't be in there to represent the women but I think the list is good as it is there are a lot of good picks to choose from.

Judeau would kind of be a funny one to have in there but IMO the list is good as is.
Jaze1618 said:
Judeau would kind of be a funny one to have in there but IMO the list is good as is.

That emoticon is only funny because of what it represents to us: all the people lamenting his death through the years this site has existed. Outside of that context it makes no sense at all.
Sorry, this has to get done soon, so I'm putting my foot down. The Casca emoticon is comparatively crude next to the others. Schierke will represent the females. This is the final selection.

Walter said:
Sorry, this has to get done soon, so I'm putting my foot down. The Casca emoticon is comparatively crude next to the others. Schierke will represent the females. This is the final selection.

I'll start 'cracking the whip' and start my daughter on it today!  :guts:
My jaw did drop when I saw this... This is considered a miracle, he replied!!!

Congratulation to every fan of berserk, all thanks to the members of SK.net that made it happen...

So we all know, Berserk might just end roughly after volume 50... That is an answer I never imagined would be answered!
I'm not sure if I congratulated everyone associated with this letter. If I didn't, my apologies. It's really an amazing feat.
What is so nuts is that Miura took time to answer these questions at one of the most pivotal times in Berserk history.
That's got to make you all feel good.

Congratulations! Your dedication to all things Berserk enriches this site and it's members.
First and foremost,

Major props and infinite thanks to Walter, Puella, and Aaz for sending a letter out a letter to :miura: and another infinite thanks to :miura: for replying.


I don't mean to open this can of worms but with miuras comment of Berserk being 60% to 70% complete imply that he does have an ending planned out or is he still trying to make his mind up? The reason I'm asking is because I've always been under the impression that he has had the ending planned out many years in advance, otherwise why else would an author(:miura:) have so much foreshadowing of events to come(aside from leaving more storyline options available)? But also given his comments of that he wasn't sure if we would see the idea of evil again makes me wonder if he truly has an ending in mind.
bardoftheberserk said:
I don't mean to open this can of worms but with miuras comment of Berserk being 60% to 70% complete imply that he does have an ending planned out or is he still trying to make his mind up? The reason I'm asking is because I've always been under the impression that he has had the ending planned out many years in advance, otherwise why else would an author(:miura:) have so much foreshadowing of events to come(aside from leaving more storyline options available)? But also given his comments of that he wasn't sure if we would see the idea of evil again makes me wonder if he truly has an ending in mind.

You shouldn't think of it that way. There's no doubt that Miura has a general plan for how the story will progress and end. But he can't plan every little detail in advance. Those are finalized as the story progresses, during his breaks. A good example is the Golden Age arc. He meant to do a flashback, but it ended up lasting longer than what he had originally intended. It's the same for everything. Maybe he didn't think it'd take Guts this long to reach Elfhelm originally, or maybe he had thought things would go differently along the way at first (see this illustration for example, Azan tagging along with the group and all).

So there you have it. Maybe the group's stay in Elfhelm will last longer than Miura expected. Maybe something else will. Maybe he'll decide to include certain flashbacks and to flesh them out, or maybe not. The general direction of the story is set, but some of the technicalities will only be decided years from now.