Young Animal announces a continuation of Berserk by Studio Gaga, supervised by Kouji Mori

Just wanted to say that I think having a continuation is a good thing overall, my argument is simply that without it the brand would be left off to slowly die. Active development means active interest, we could also get more content outside of the manga in the future, if people in charge want so. Worst case scenario is that if it's insultingly bad, then we can pretend it doesn't exist.

When it comes to the name, it's kept so that it retains its popularity, everything else would be less than what they want, so I understand the decision in that regard too.

I'm cautiously optimistic.
Man what insane news just to stumble on while I am working. Saw the news and got super emotional. If they are going to continue it this at least seems to be a good route. I wish they would subtitle the volumes though to differentiate it.
I really doubt they'll give it a subtitle, but at least it seems like they'll be changing the credit to "Original work by Kentaro Miura, Manga by Studio GaGa and Supervised by Kouji Mori". Hopefully they'll also include that information on the volume covers going forth.

By the way, I've read the translated message from Kouji Mori, and it seems like he'll be helping only with the parts he knows from Miura. And at the end of the day his title in Berserk now is "Supervisor" not "Writer", so that makes me think that Studio GaGa will be fully writing an original ending for the manga, though some (if not most plot points) of it will be from Kouji Mori, who heard it from Miura.
I really hope that's not the case though mostly because it's going to be a pain figuring out what plot points Miura had in mind and what Studio GaGa wrote. I might be interpreting his message wrong though.
This is something amazing to witness. I am filled with optimism. I have no other option but to struggle to see it trough. They sad themselves it will not be what Miura envisioned, at least not verbatim. However honors runs deep in their words and I sense they want to do good. Without being to naïve, I'd say they deserve the right to have the chance to show what they can do. I thought was some kind of gathering of Berserk fans or something... Instead I only see people who gave up and chose to move on. Why not wait a bit, struggle more and see what happens.
at least it seems like they'll be changing the credit to "Original work by Kentaro Miura, Manga by Studio GaGa and Supervised by Kouji Mori". Hopefully they'll also include that information on the volume covers going forth.

Well that's a given, even legally I don't think anything else would be possible.

By the way, I've read the translated message from Kouji Mori, and it seems like he'll be helping only with the parts he knows from Miura. And at the end of the day his title in Berserk now is "Supervisor" not "Writer", so that makes me think that Studio GaGa will be fully writing an original ending for the manga, though some (if not most plot points) of it will be from Kouji Mori, who heard it from Miura.
I really hope that's not the case though mostly because it's going to be a pain figuring out what plot points Miura had in mind and what Studio GaGa wrote. I might be interpreting his message wrong though.

No, I think he'll be overseeing everything the assistants do. Like I said a year ago, a project like this needs a "proper" mangaka at the helm. In that regard, Mori is truly the one who makes it possible. His statement is unclear so we'll have to wait to see what he means, but I don't think some parts will just be left for the assistants to make up. It would defeat the purpose.

I thought was some kind of gathering of Berserk fans or something... Instead I only see people who gave up and chose to move on.

Gave up and moved on? The fuck you talking about? Where have you been for a year, Mr. Big Fan? Sit the fuck down.
What I am taking away from this is, sadly miura is not here. No one can match his art, his writing, his thoughts but atleast IF he did share the general storyline of berserk up until the end of the series then atleast we will be allowed to see what it was he had intended for the completion of the series and for that I would be grateful.
Berserk means a lot to me, so I got pretty emotional reading this. I had made total peace with the fact that Berserk would never continue.

Studio Gaga wouldn't make a decision like this lightly, so they'll definitely be putting their all into this. The least we can do is to encourage them and offer our support. Wishing them the best, and I'm glad Miura's story will get the conclusion this legendary series deserves. His best friend supervising the project is a great sign.
We've speculated for a while that the image of Guts swinging the Dragon Slayer used in the Berserk exhibition's promotional material was actually intended to be the first page of 365, and here it is again in this announcement along side a preview of some brand new art, so perhaps there will be a bit of Miura's work going into this next episode.
We've speculated for a while that the image of Guts swinging the Dragon Slayer used in the Berserk exhibition's promotional material was actually intended to be the first page of 365, and here it is again in this announcement along side a preview of some brand new art, so perhaps there will be a bit of Miura's work going into this next episode.
I'm thinking it could be one of his last pieces of official art in the manga. There can't be too much more of his work they'll use before they move on, right?
Studio Gaga wouldn't make a decision like this lightly, so they'll definitely be putting their all into this. The least we can do is to encourage them and offer our support.

If you want to offer your support, make sure to buy Young Animal when it comes out, and then volume 42 when it's released.

I'm thinking it could be one of his last pieces of official art in the manga. There can't be too much more of his work they'll use before they move on, right?

As far as finished artwork goes, it's probably the last that will be used, yes. They'll work from some of his sketches in the future, but that's about it.
I'm all for this. I guess I was the only one on this site who wasn't sad, but pissed, that Miura died before finishing Berserk. That doesn't take away from the tragedy of an unexpected death nor is that what I'm saying. I was pissed that Berserk became yet another obsession of mine that didn't see the completion it deserved. File that along with Firefly, Carnivale, Deadwood, Game of Thrones, The Critic, etc etc...

For me, the simple solution would be to include a writeup at the beginning of each volume going forward, explaining that this is in the "spirit of" and based off legitimate source material that carries the core story in the correct direction etc. Bing bang boom done. At that point if you're angry over something, you know it's carried out as best as possible. I think the Tolkien fans have finally got over the changes Peter Jackson and crew did over the films vs books...
To be short my feelings are mixed. I see good and bad news.
The good news is that as I hoped for, Kentaro Miura DID discuss and share the rest of the development of the story till the end. And also, he did some sketches and pre-work for future characters or development.

The "bad" news is that the series will continue.. To me, (and I feel less alone here as I see many share this view) Berserk is nothing without Miura's mind and visions, his genius. It's not only about craft and his art, it's way more than that. The art of storyboarding, the mise en scene and such to make powerful moments even more impactful and memorable.. Without speaking of all the universe's arcane only he could master.. (and I don't think he shared the most cryptic ideas he had with his friend) These are just some examples.
So I was rather hoping more for some additional book(s) with sketches, notes and development of the story Miura did not have the time to tell us through his craftsmanship.
So I am quite skeptical to say the least about this continuation, even though I am a bit reassured with the fact that his best friend AND Mangaka, who was told many of the development to come, supervises the direction of the story and will be their guide in that matter.
While I'm skeptical, and concerned about anyone else taking the reigns on the art or story of Berserk, this is probably the best possible version. Mori was close to Miura and is an accomplished Mangaka himself, and Studio Gaga must know his artistic principles better than most. While there certainly is financial and fan demand for this type of continuation, I'm cautiously optimistic that they have it in the hands of a team who cares about the artistic integrity of the work they are now the caretakers of.

I hope they take the time to include the amazing detail in both the art and the story. I hope they don't make dumb contradictions to what's been set up in the story or leave massive loose ends. And I hope the conclusion isn't rushed or outside the themes Miura set up.

It won't be Miura's ending, but it may be as close to it as we get. And it will give the series a sense of closure for future generations to enjoy.
How Walter described his feelings was incredibly relatable.

What we desire and what we know is right can be different things. I can't lie and say I'm not excited - but I'm always scared of the quality being jeopardized without Miura being present.

All things considered, I think we could have been cursed with a worse outcome.
This will not be good, and that's ok because everyone knows it's not Miura, but there's absolutely no reason to be optimistic about this project.
In a similar genre, a recent example of that was the Game of Thrones tv show. As some of you know, it was developed by fans of the books, who worked with the original writer to get all the ins and outs of the story beyond the completed books. And as soon as they entered uncharted territory and had to write from scratch what they knew (and they had an almost perfectly accurate roadmap to how the story would end), the show shit the bed in a catastrophic way.
Even with years of experience working in that world, translating the books to tv in what was considered a critical success, they still managed to miss the landing, be ridiculed and completely erased of cultural memory and significance. It didn't matter that the visual palette was consistent, it didn't matter that the story beats were hit, if the original writer didn't write anything, if the words weren't there to even be adapted to something different, forget about it.
But soon people will realize that and hopefully won't be too disappointed.
I haven't read the five pages of discussion, so apologies if I'm simply restating what may have been said already.

I think they should have left Berserk alone. It was beautiful and perfect they way it was left, in all its unfinished glory. The fact it was unfinished only reminding readers that this is a unique work from an irreplaceable man. So this announcement is making me emotional and not entirely in a positive way.

I am happy someone close to Miura is overseeing the "continuation", so I expect the series to be treated with the utmost respect, even if it doesn't turn out perfect, as it obviously won't be and by the man's admission too. I'm also happy to learn that the main story points are at least what Miura had intended and not what they will make up along the way.

As always, I'm glad to be a part of the SK community, so I look forward to seeing what comes next with all of you. I'm curious how the discussions will take place from henceforth. What will be considered "canon" going forward?

Anyway, I hope the publication will put a hard, clear line on where Miura's work ends and the after parts begin, for future readers at least. Because there will be future readers for this masterpiece, and whatever the results, may Miura's legacy live on.

Cheers, and stay safe out there!
I ... feel a weird mix of anxiety, emptiness and tiny sliver of hope about this? Well, no. Hope isn't the right word. Maybe longing for the idea there will be something that maybe looks a bit like what I yearned for?

I have just recently come to terms with the idea that Berserk is over. And yet I know I won't be able to resist (honestly, I don't even see any point in doing so) of reading whatever they come up with. But right now, I'm not sure if I can consider it "true" enough. Maybe I can, in some sense.

I think I will be cautiously optimistic since they do seem to take the as much of a "right" approach at this as humanly possible... and the same time pessimistically resigned to the fact I won't really end up being satisfied here. I, too, really wish they would have done a clearer separation on the nomenclature, though.
A lot of emotions when I read the news today. First sadness just thinking about his passing and that we wont see his vision anymore but ultimately I am happy we get to see the end of the story.

I dont think its fair to compare this situation to Game of Thrones that was the worst case scenario and it is well known that the showrunners/writers wanted to exit GoT early due to potential big Disney Star Wars deal. HBO wanted more seasons which would have allowed the story to not be so rushed.

I would rather compare/hope the situation would be closer to Dave Feloni and George Lucas. Master and apprentice and friends. Dave respect and understand the vision Lucas had for Star Wars and I think the Mandalorian and other projects he has written/helmed is a good example of continuing stories within that universe by the right people.
I was moved nearly to crying. Incredibly cathartic to know someone competent knows how the story plays out, and there are artists that were already involved in drawing it.
but there's absolutely no reason to be optimistic about this project.
In a similar genre, a recent example of that was the Game of Thrones tv show. As some of you know, it was developed by fans of the books, who worked with the original writer to get all the ins and outs of the story beyond the completed books.

There are big reasons, one being that a mangaka knows the actual plot points, other that there's already a team experience with the drawing.
"it was developed by fans of the books" I am pretty sure, most if not all actualy good stories are written by individuals rather than groups. Groups need consensus in order to take decisions and a group's median creativity / intelligence is lower than an individual's such as Miura. My point being, the story won't be finished by a group, but by an individual whose job is exactly that, making stories.
Berserk is my favorite story of all time. I came to terms that any Berserk without Miura is just not the true experience, like Aazealh said. Miura let the story flow through him as he progressed and unexpected things appeared in his story even to him.

But 2nd hand information is still precious to me.. and the 1 thing i wanted to see most was a hug between Guts and Casca.. i hope Miura said to Mori: "and then theyre going to embrace and Guts will put the Dragon slayer down"

I just want to see Guts be happy for like the 2nd time in his whole life
This announcement stirs up a number of emotions. Yes, this won't be Miura's berserk. That will always and forever be a tragedy. How could it not be? That being said, I am genuinely glad to see Mori's involvement (given his relationship with Miura) and would like to believe the team/staff will treat this masterpiece with the reverence it deserves.

As a fan of Berserk and of Miura, I will give this more than a fair chance. If the story is treated with real love, I'm in.
I've been having a hard time not feeling cynical about this. Did Hakusensha / YA feel pressured to do this because of an outcry of folks who wanted more Berserk no matter what? Did they realize there was still money to be made? I feel like even if those two questions are answered with a "yes," this project is in the hands of the best possible people given the circumstances. I think that Miura would be happy to see his team continue to be supported by Berserk, as well. I have no doubt that Mori is a sincere dude who will try his best to honor his dear friend's memory.

I just wish they called this something different. I feel uncomfortable with them picking up with volume 42 of "Berserk." Shit, call it Berserk Part 2.

It's not "Berserk" without Miura's personal touch and final thumbs up before submitting manuscripts.