Current Episodes

Worth the wait, a damn good episode. There's even a glimpse of the amazing farmer Musashi just for you Griffith; now I'm wondering about the episode title, does it possibly mean we're gonna have a time skip? There's a whole page showing an island from above, probably because Matahachi's talking about it... so I take it he's finally gonna tell the townspeople about the duel?

See Eluvei as I told you one part of my prediction was true. That he was going to be treated by someone. Too bad his situation was mixed in with his dream about being with Otsu. I am assuming the man of the house told him to work for his treatment. Yeah, I think they show the Island because Matahachi was talking about it. Now we just have to wait for the translation.
Musashi's face on page 4, excellent! :ganishka:

Also, score one for Grail and her clairvoyant oekakis.

Is Musashi now a victim of inappropriate touching, or perhaps was the woman charged with keeping him warm? =)

Seriously though, interesting turn, I'm always surprised at Musashi's Otsu dreams, or really him thinking, even subconsciously, of anything sexual in nature at all. I wonder what connection he'll find with this man, his family, and his carvings. I wouldn't mind seeing him spend a little time with and getting attached to these people, perhaps it could lead to some positive use of his sword. And yes, always happy to see more of the legendary farmer Musashi!

I wouldn't pay too much mind to the island, Matahatchi, and by extension Inoue, has teased his audience with it a couple of times already, it doesn't mean "the duel" is necessarily any closer, and it could also be a transition back to Kojiro's side of the story.
Th3Branded0ne said:
See Eluvei as I told you one part of my prediction was true.

Heh, yeah, you were right after all.

グリフィス said:
Also, score one for Grail and her clairvoyant oekakis.

Oh my! You understand Musashi so well, Grail... :judo:

グリフィス said:
Seriously though, interesting turn, I'm always surprised at Musashi's Otsu dreams, or really him thinking, even subconsciously, of anything sexual in nature at all. I wonder what connection he'll find with this man, his family, and his carvings.

Yeah, it's great when this is explored.
It's interesting that he dreams of her as a result of running away from the guys that were going to propose him a future that involves being with her.

グリフィス said:
I wouldn't pay too much mind to the island, Matahatchi, and by extension Inoue, has teased his audience with it a couple of times already, it doesn't mean "the duel" is necessarily any closer, and it could also be a transition back to Kojiro's side of the story.

You're right, it could be just a transition to Kojiro. The title remains a mystery though!
Eluvei said:
You're right, it could be just a transition to Kojiro. The title remains a mystery though!

Well, the title isn't too mysterious
, "7 Years" until he fights Kojiro, so I'm assuming we're going to be filling in that gap rather quickly now. I just hope this episode isn't the extent of the summary.

I think I've said it before, but, personally, I'd like to see something like the episode that begins volume 12 (#108 Summit) giving us a brief highlight reel of Musashi's adventures from now until he faces Kojiro. He could even do a few episodes like that (and may have already begun).

Who knows though, depending on what Matahachi is saying at the end there, it could jump to the duel in the next episode, or even back and forth thereafter; it'll be like Lost. =)
It better not be like Lost at all Eluvei :azan:
Poor Musashi being tempted by his mind. He's a man after all. I agree with Griffith to see how the relationship with this people that took care of him will play out to be.
She was indeed the victim of a groping Musashi. :ganishka:

So, he doesn't give them his famous name, but just Takezo, and there's possiblyy foreshadowing of greater potential problems there. Anyway, Matahachi/Inoue continues to promise the grand finale is near, then immediately changes the subject back to pre-duel stories. =)
Yeah, I'm confused. Is Inoue going into more detail on Farmer Musashi's Simple Life, or is Matahachi gonna start telling the big story?
Well, next one is next week on Weekly Morning #15. Sweet.
OH MAN. Well, I just caught up after a long break from Vagabond (stupid education!) and look at all that I've missed!

But at the very least, I'm glad that I made it just in time for some
:troll: I found this pretty interesting, though. In all of the dreams Musashi has of Otsu (save for one, which though the volume/page escapes me...), he's the passive recipient of affection. As a reader, it's something I've taken mostly for granted, since I always thought of it as a metaphor for Musashi's reluctance to detract from his training,
but now that ole Mushi's gone all farmy, I wonder if he'll have time to reevaluate their "relationship."
That's my hope, anyway.

But it seems like the decisive battle is coming sooner than I would have anticipated! It was enlightening to read up on all your guys' comments, I'll try and put in my two cents after I've had a little more time to think about them. :guts: In the meantime, looking forward to the next chapter with GUSTO.
Eluvei said:
Yeah, I'm confused. Is Inoue going into more detail on Farmer Musashi's Simple Life, or is Matahachi gonna start telling the big story?

Hard to say, maybe he'll do both. :badbone:

Grail said:
OH MAN. Well, I just caught up after a long break from Vagabond (stupid education!) and look at all that I've missed!

But at the very least, I'm glad that I made it just in time for some
:troll: I found this pretty interesting, though. In all of the dreams Musashi has of Otsu (save for one, which though the volume/page escapes me...), he's the passive recipient of affection. As a reader, it's something I've taken mostly for granted, since I always thought of it as a metaphor for Musashi's reluctance to detract from his training,
but now that ole Mushi's gone all farmy, I wonder if he'll have time to reevaluate their "relationship."
That's my hope, anyway.

Interesting point, I hadn't thought much of it, but now that you mention it, I'm not sure what there is to reevaluate other than how he acts on his feelings. Despite their mutual affection for each other, Otsu has been the "aggressor," or more appropriately designated, the pursuer. Unfortunately, neither seems to have to the gumption to do what both literally fantasize about, and just grab the other and not let go. Sadly, judging from the Last Manga exhibit, doesn't seem like it'll happen, or at least it won't stick.

Grail said:
But it seems like the decisive battle is coming sooner than I would have anticipated! It was enlightening to read up on all your guys' comments, I'll try and put in my two cents after I've had a little more time to think about them. :guts: In the meantime, looking forward to the next chapter with GUSTO.

Looking forward to hearing more from you about it.




Google translate said:
I called you up and down every day or even much larger temperature difference between this, such as sick as you are not torn down. After this time raised the manuscript, and a little sick. 2010.03.09 Takehiko Inoue

Looks like Inoue is a little sick, and that we're continuing with Musashi and his new friends.
I hope Inoue gets better soon if he's really sick with anything. As for the sketches, are those drawings in one of the panels? I also hope to see some more Takuan in this episode. As I told Eluvei while we chatted, I think this will have some Musashi and a mix of Matahachi as the last episode. But how really knows?
Here's the official translation of the above quote:

The up and down, day by day changes in temperature have been unbelievable.
I hope that everybody is staying healthy.
I got a little sick after finishing the manuscript for this issue.

No sign of the episode though. :iva:
Thanks for the translation, so he did get sick. Anyway, here's a new episode, or not...




Google Translate said:
Return and the condition Dounimo, Vagabond minute rest we have released this week. Those who are looking forward, I'm sorry. The other is recovering now, and draw the minutes released next week. I apologize for worry. 2010.03.17 Takehiko Inoue

Sounds like a bummer.

New drafts and blurb for 293.



Google translate said:
I do not like the name. But this time a little fun. The first place is because of various work that we do without thought of your face, but it should be a most enjoyable time from this stage is the most creative from non-native produce.

2010.03.24 Takehiko Inoue

Sounds much more positive. Also, those drafts are interesting, I see a lot of things in them, many of which are probably not there. I see figures resembling both Musashi and Kojiro, Musashi holding two swords, a frustrated Kojiro, a large platform/practice area, and perhaps even a body of water, like a river, perhaps even a boat? If it turns our there's even just one of these things in the actual episode, I'll be happy. =)
I see the river too, and a guy holding two swords. I don't see the boat, but someone fishing in more than one panel.

Funny how we love the drafts when there's no new episode in weeks for us, even funnier when Inoue himself says he doesn't like these drafts (I'm pretty sure that's what he means by "name", it's how they call these rough sketches). :troll:
Eluvei said:
I see the river too, and a guy holding two swords. I don't see the boat, but someone fishing in more than one panel.
Yeah, the boat was more inference from everything else, like is Musashi on a boat heading to the duel with Kojiro!? :magni:
Or... probably just fishing, like you pointed out. :ganishka:

Eluvei said:
Funny how we love the drafts when there's no new episode in weeks for us, even funnier when Inoue himself says he doesn't like these drafts (I'm pretty sure that's what he means by "name", it's how they call these rough sketches). :troll:
Yeah, it's like water, the less you have, the more valuable every drop becomes. :SK:
Just so we don't lose it, 293's update's official translation:

I don't like drafts. But right now they're a little fun. It's work, but if you overlook the myriad of things you run into with it, it's a very creative time where things can come to life from nothing, so I would expect it to be more fun.

And new drafts from 294 (your signature is very useful, Griff):



Google translate said:
Half of the staff I work hay fever. This season was quite painful so, the ability to lower the 75 percent concentration becomes so much performance.
This is me and I get cold, but the newly Hana.

Things have been hard over there, it seems.

293 and 294 spoilers:
So Musashi's gone already. Looks like we'll jump into the fight sooner than most of us expected.
Thanks Eluvei, I've gotten slack on updating the thread (and yeah, I'd like to think it's the most functional signature ever =). Even the episodes have finally surfaced!
And good they were, I can't wait to see what Musashi and his adopted family learned about each other, particularly Musashi and the man of the house. Looks like all kinds of new and different emotions or desires are explored for Musashi, and I don't know if this will make him a more or less focused fighter, but I'd hate to be the guy at the end of 294 if he's indeed there to challenge Musashi.
グリフィス said:
Even the episodes have finally surfaced!
Totally worth the wait IMO, these together seem to work better. :carcus:

グリフィス said:
Looks like all kinds of new and different emotions or desires are explored for Musashi, and I don't know if this will make him a more or less focused fighter
I was left wondering the same thing. Looks like he's grown quite a bit, watching the child being born and living with the family. Even cried when he left! And he never stopped training, that was nice to see, and shows how he didn't think about changing his life even though half of it was being spent with normal people.

グリフィス said:
but I'd hate to be the guy at the end of 294 if he's indeed there to challenge Musashi.

You know, the first thing that crossed my mind is that he's one of Kojiro's men, there to bring him the fight proposal or say something in his name.
Eluvei said:
Totally worth the wait IMO, these together seem to work better. :carcus:

Agreed, it's just unfortunate 292 is still a mystery.

Eluvei said:
I was left wondering the same thing. Looks like he's grown quite a bit, watching the child being born and living with the family. Even cried when he left! And he never stopped training, that was nice to see, and shows how he didn't think about changing his life even though half of it was being spent with normal people.

What struck me is that he perhaps fully grasped what Takuan was talking about concerning making a home and family, and the power behind it, since he, perhaps for the first time in his conscious life, was able to experience it firsthand.

Eluvei said:
You know, the first thing that crossed my mind is that he's one of Kojiro's men, there to bring him the fight proposal or say something in his name.

That brings me back to 291's title, 7 years, which implies the duel is chronologically still 7 years away, as is consistent with Musashi history and lore.
The wait sure was hard, but good rewards came of it. It's nice to see Musashi doing extra stuff he hadn't done before. I wonder if he said something while holding the baby, that he would never be able to be a parent the way he was brought up. I"m thinkin 292 shows or tells more of what he has been doing here, or the man of the house explained to him what to expect for him to do while he stayed there. I'm going to wildly guess and I think he's crying thinking he can't have what they have for the only reason of who he is and how people will come to challenge him. On that panel where his father is shown, I'm pretty sure the man must have met him and that's when Musashi told him who he was. I"m still thinking that way at the end of 294 is still one of the ones that was looking for him before. Hopefully 292 surfaces soon to really know what happened there.
Th3Branded0ne said:
The wait sure was hard, but good rewards came of it. It's nice to see Musashi doing extra stuff he hadn't done before. I wonder if he said something while holding the baby, that he would never be able to be a parent the way he was brought up. I"m thinkin 292 shows or tells more of what he has been doing here, or the man of the house explained to him what to expect for him to do while he stayed there. I'm going to wildly guess and I think he's crying thinking he can't have what they have for the only reason of who he is and how people will come to challenge him.

Yeah, I think he's basically seeing the other side of life, and power inherent to it as opposed to his own life.

Th3Branded0ne said:
On that panel where his father is shown, I'm pretty sure the man must have met him and that's when Musashi told him who he was.

Interesting theory, I had just assumed it was just in support of what Musashi was telling him, either about his father, or his life and the harsh spirit of his father behind him. I wonder if the reason he left, and was seemingly so upset about (he seemed both sad and a little bitter), was because they asked him to leave because housing him could be dangerous to them.

Th3Branded0ne said:
I"m still thinking that way at the end of 294 is still one of the ones that was looking for him before. Hopefully 292 surfaces soon to really know what happened there.

Well, he's not dressed like them, but they could have always changed or be another rep, but personally I'm going with it being just another random ronin or challenger. An instant reminder of why he possibly had to leave and why he can't live the life he might like to with Otsu?




Feel that the use of notebook paid off last year continues.
Abstract, but it might say, one can separate the views or 律Shi, or encouraged, or commandments, such a laugh to be effective.
Okay, so everyone Do you have a notebook. I know that. Keep more.
There is already April!

Takehiko Inoue

Inoue wants to know if you have a notebook, know that it's April, and if you've seen Kojiro kicking butt lately?
295's out.
You got it right Griff, some Kojiro stylish action for us. I'm surely not the only one who noticed, this episode had some seriously beautiful backgrounds. The dock (more like a beach really) with those boats is simply wonderful.

296 next week. Sweet, it's been a long time since we had a break.
I have to agree on the very well drawn backgrounds. You know this part where Kojiro is involved with the ball reminded me of some Harlem Globe Trotters action but with harder consequences for the ones trying to get the ball handler.

UPDATE: 293 has been translated.
Some talk about marriage, the middle path and a bit more. I'll let you guys read it first before I post my thoughts
Was it me or the translation felt a little awkward this episode? It was decent, but it seemed like the sentences didn't "connect", especially when Musashi's talking to the old man with the Buddha statue in his hand, and even at the beginning when he mentions his leg. At least the scan is much better than that raw one, or he cleaned it up professionally.

Anyway, it's whole new experience now that we really understand what's going on. Pretty cool when he decides to "become" Musashi again.




33 minutes minutes in this volume (5 / 27 release) is tightening.
I had to have already been sick once 休載 the series now shifts to the minute after one week, even the writing of the real schedule and batch overlap they could not move already fixed a lot of trouble now We are. Overlap volume can tinker deadline 33 minutes more.

Takehiko Inoue