Well, that would of course be Guts and Casca. But thats stupid, because its so obvious. Instead i rather go for my two second favorite characters, SK and Luca. She is one of the characters i would love to see again, when they get back to Midland (maybe in 3-4 years, lol). I'm usually reading a manga where women don't have any important roles, most are sadly just some background accessoires, so it was really refreshing to see such a strong independent woman. It was just great somehow, i liked the whole idea, an arc centered around the church and their evil doings, and who is the strongest female character, a prostitute. In your face, Mozgus 
Edit: On second thought i think i switch her for Schierke. Before i came to sk.net i often heard people saying how they don't like her at all or how the whole component of having kids in Guts Team would ruin their precious view of Berserk. And me, i loved her from the first moment, the little girl with the vast knowledge of the mystical world but no experience with the harsh reality of human civilization. Some of my favorite scenes from the manga are with her, namely at the beach, when she talks to Guts, trying to explain Floras death all rational, just trying to convince herself that its allright and then finally giving in to her grief. Try reading it with the Spirited Away Soundtrack, its so nice: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xup1xb_the-house-at-swamp-bottom_music
And the whole part when they come to Vritanis, the cultural shock and her reaction, when she first sees a big city, and how she handles the thing with the spirits of the hanged Kushan and the conversation with Sonia, how she is almost convinced, and then of course how Guts protects her in the tavern.
Some day i want a daughter with a pointy hat, haha

Edit: On second thought i think i switch her for Schierke. Before i came to sk.net i often heard people saying how they don't like her at all or how the whole component of having kids in Guts Team would ruin their precious view of Berserk. And me, i loved her from the first moment, the little girl with the vast knowledge of the mystical world but no experience with the harsh reality of human civilization. Some of my favorite scenes from the manga are with her, namely at the beach, when she talks to Guts, trying to explain Floras death all rational, just trying to convince herself that its allright and then finally giving in to her grief. Try reading it with the Spirited Away Soundtrack, its so nice: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xup1xb_the-house-at-swamp-bottom_music
And the whole part when they come to Vritanis, the cultural shock and her reaction, when she first sees a big city, and how she handles the thing with the spirits of the hanged Kushan and the conversation with Sonia, how she is almost convinced, and then of course how Guts protects her in the tavern.
Some day i want a daughter with a pointy hat, haha